Version History of Base Table Rows in a Dataset Collection from a Swedish Source

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The table in question is a historical log of data entries, sourced from the Lantmäteriet website in Sweden. It forms part of a larger dataset collection and serves as a detailed record of changes made to its base table. Each row in the table represents a unique version of a row from the base table, identifiable by a unique combination of start date and row number. The start date indicates when the row was originally extracted from the data source, while an accompanying end date indicates when a new version of that row was extracted. If an end date is not present, it signifies that the row is the most recent version. The table also contains geographical data, originally in the shapefile format, representing geographic features and locations. This geographic data has been transformed from the shapefile format into a final geographic format for ease of use.

There are various ways this data could be utilized in data analytics. For instance, the version history could be used to track changes in geographical features over time, providing valuable insights into environmental changes or urban development. Alternatively, the data could be used to analyze trends or patterns in the data source's update frequency, which could inform future data collection strategies. Finally, the geographic data could be used in spatial analysis, such as studying the distribution of features across different areas or identifying relationships between geographical features and other variables in the dataset.

Field Descriptions

Name Data type Description
_start_datedateThis column contains the date when the row was extracted from the data source. It is part of a combination with '_row_number' that uniquely identifies each row in this version history table.
_end_datedateThis column contains the date when a new version of the row was extracted from the data source. If the value is null, it means that the row is the most recent version.
_row_numberlongThis column contains the number of the row in the raw data extracted from the data source. It is part of a combination with '_start_date' that uniquely identifies each row in this version history table.
OBJECTIDlongThis column contains technical identifiers for the objects in the table.
IDstringThis column contains the unique identifiers for the data entries in the table.
CODE_12stringThis column contains specific codes associated with the data entries in the table.
Area_HadoubleThis column contains the area data (in hectares) associated with the entries in the table.
RemarkstringThis column contains any remarks or additional information about the entries in the table.
Shape_LengdoubleThis column contains the length data of the shape associated with the entries in the table.
Shape_AreadoubleThis column contains the area data of the shape associated with the entries in the table.
geom_geojsonstringThis column contains the geometry of the entries in the table in GeoJSON format.
geom_geotextstringThis column contains the geometry of the entries in the table in plain text format.
geom_typestringThis column contains the type of the geometry associated with the entries in the table.
geom_centroidstringThis column contains the centroid of the geometry associated with the entries in the table.
geom_center_xdoubleThis column contains the x-coordinate of the center of the geometry associated with the entries in the table.
geom_center_ydoubleThis column contains the y-coordinate of the center of the geometry associated with the entries in the table.

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Additional Information

Last updated August 27, 2024
Created August 27, 2024
License No License Provided
Geographic coverage
Geographic granularity
Temporal coverage from
Temporal coverage to
Temporal coverage to
Extract date2024-08-26
Package idf15536ea-160d-4aa7-9b89-e00e713992e9
Revision id437d5826-d3fa-42b8-bf2b-cdedd2c8cd07