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Child Health Clinic Visits in Primary Health Care per 1000 Persons Aged 0-7 - Sotkanet - Finland

This dataset collection contains information about child health clinic visits in primary health care per 1000 persons aged 0-7 in Finland. The dataset belongs to the 'Sotkanet' website, which provides various data related to social and health indicators in Finland. The table named 'Child Health Clinic Visits in Primary Health Care per 1000 Persons Aged 0-7 - Sotkanet - Finland' is included in this dataset collection and is sourced from the Sotkanet website.


  • Child Health Clinic Visits In Primary Health Care Per 1000 Persons Aged 0 7TSV

    The indicator gives the number of child-health-clinic visits for those aged 0 - 7 per thousand persons of the same age. Child-health-clinic visits include visits to physicians and other practitioners at child health clinics in health centres. The population data refer to year-end data. In addition to clients'/patients' consultation visits, outpatient visits in primary health care here also include visits by physicians and other practitioners to clients/patients. Population proportions are calculated at THL based on the Population Statistics of Statistics Finland.

  • Child Health Clinic Visits in Primary Health Care per 1000 Persons Aged 0-7 - Sotkanet - FinlandTSV

    The indicator gives the number of child-health-clinic visits for those aged 0 - 7 per thousand persons of the same age. Child-health-clinic visits include visits to physicians and other practitioners at child health clinics in health centres. The population data refer to year-end data. In addition to clients'/patients' consultation visits, outpatient visits in primary health care here also include visits by physicians and other practitioners to clients/patients. Population proportions are calculated at THL based on the Population Statistics of Statistics Finland.

  • Version History of Child Health Clinic Visits in Primary Health Care per 1000 Persons Aged 0-7 in FinlandTSV

    This table represents the version history of the child health clinic visits in primary health care per 1000 persons aged 0-7. The data is sourced from the 'Sotkanet' website, which is from Finland. It contains information regarding the year, region, gender, value per 1000, and absolute value of the visits. The table includes columns such as '_start_date' and '_end_date' to indicate when each version of the row was extracted from the data source. By analyzing this table, one can gain insights into the trends and patterns of child health clinic visits in primary health care across different regions and genders in Finland.

Column Descriptions

Child Health Clinic Visits In Primary Health Care Per 1000 Persons Aged 0 7

Column Type Comment
year int Observation year. Column year has 10947 rows, out of which 0 are empty, making the null percent 0.00. The column is fully populated. Minimum value is 1994 and maximum value is 2016.
region int Sotkanet region code (Municipality, sub-region, region, area for the regional state administrative agency, major region, Mainland Finland/Åland, hospital district, university hospital special responsibility area, whole country). Column region has 10947 rows, out of which 0 are empty, making the null percent 0.00. The column is fully populated. Minimum value is 2 and maximum value is 955.
gender string gender total. Column gender has 10947 rows, out of which 0 are empty, making the null percent 0.00. The column is fully populated. The single string value is: total.
value_per1000 int Per 1 000 inhabitants. Column value_per1000 has 10947 rows, out of which 0 are empty, making the null percent 0.00. The column is fully populated. Minimum value is 0 and maximum value is 8251.
absolute_value int Absolute value. Column absolute_value has 10947 rows, out of which 0 are empty, making the null percent 0.00. The column is fully populated. Minimum value is 0 and maximum value is 1602713.
orig_extractdate string The date when the data was originally fetched from the source.

Child Health Clinic Visits in Primary Health Care per 1000 Persons Aged 0-7 - Sotkanet - Finland

Column Type Comment
_extract_date date The date when the data on the row of the table was extracted from the data source
_row_number long The row number in the data extracted from the source on the extract date specified by the column '_extract_date'
year int The year associated with the data entry
region int The geographical region the data pertains to
gender string The gender associated with the data entry
value_per1000 int The value associated with the data entry per 1000 individuals
absolute_value int The absolute value of the data entry

Version History of Child Health Clinic Visits in Primary Health Care per 1000 Persons Aged 0-7 in Finland

Column Type Comment
_start_date date The date when the row was extracted from the data source.
_end_date date The date when a new version of the row was extracted from the data source. If the value is null, it means that the row is the most recent version of the row.
_row_number long The number of the row in the raw data extracted from the data source.
year int The year of the data.
region int The region associated with the data.
gender string The gender associated with the data.
value_per1000 int The value per 1000.
absolute_value int The absolute value of the data.

Additional Info

Last Updated May 22, 2024
Created March 7, 2019