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Agricultural Area Cultivated with the Same Crop by Production Sector

This dataset collection contains information about the agricultural areas cultivated with the same crops categorized by the production sector. The data is sourced from the website of Luke, the Natural Resources Institute Finland. Luke provides comprehensive information on agriculture in Finland, including statistics and research data. The tables in this dataset collection provide detailed insights into the cultivated agricultural areas across different production sectors in Finland.


  • Agricultural Area Cultivated with the Same Crop by Production SectorTSV

    This table contains information about agricultural areas cultivated with the same crop by production sector. The data is sourced from Luke, which is the Natural Resources Institute Finland. The data originates from Finland (ISO country code: FI). The table includes columns such as '_extract_date', '_row_number', 'code', and 'label'. This data can be utilized in various data analytics scenarios, such as analyzing trends in agricultural cultivation over time, comparing agricultural practices across different production sectors, and identifying patterns and associations between crop cultivation and other factors like weather conditions or market demand.

  • Agricultural Area Cultivated with the Same Crop by Production SectorTSV

    This table contains data on agricultural areas cultivated with the same crop by production sector. The data is sourced from the web site of Luke, which originates from Finland (ISO country code: FI). The table includes columns such as '_extract_date', '_row_number', 'code', and 'label'. The data in this table can be utilized in various data analytics scenarios, such as analyzing trends in crop cultivation across different production sectors, identifying the most common crops cultivated by specific production sectors, or studying the changes in crop cultivation over time for a particular sector.

  • Agricultural Area Cultivated with the Same Crop by Production Sector FactTSV

    This table contains data on the agricultural areas cultivated with the same crop by production sector. The data is sourced from 'Luke', which is a website originating from Finland (ISO country code 'FI'). The table includes information on the extraction date ('_extract_date'), the row number ('_row_number'), the year ('year'), the production sector ('production_sector'), additional information ('info'), and the agricultural area cultivated with the same crop ('agricultural_area_cultivated_with_the_same_crop'). The table provides valuable data for data analytics, such as analyzing trends in agricultural practices across different production sectors, identifying changes in agricultural area cultivation over time, and investigating the relationship between production sectors and...

  • Agricultural Area Cultivated with the Same Crop by Production Sector over the YearsTSV

    This table contains information about the agricultural areas cultivated with the same crop by production sector, categorized by year. The data is sourced from the website of 'Luke', which originates from Finland (ISO country code: FI). The table consists of various columns that provide meaningful insights for data analytics.

  • Version History of Agricultural Area Cultivated with The Same Crop by Production SectorTSV

    This table provides the version history of the rows from the base table 'agricultural_area_cultivated_with_the_same_crop_by_production_sector__dim_production_sector'. The rows in this table represent the historical records of agricultural areas cultivated with the same crop by production sector. The table includes several columns such as '_start_date' indicating the date when the row was extracted, '_end_date' indicating the date when a new version of the row was extracted, '_row_number' providing the unique identifier for each row, 'code' representing the code associated with the production sector, and 'label' representing the label associated with the production sector. By analyzing this table, various data analytics tasks can be performed. For example, it can be used to track changes...

  • Version History of Agricultural Area Cultivated with the Same Crop by Production Sector and Year in Finland (Luke)TSV

    This table contains the version history of rows from the base table 'agricultural_area_cultivated_with_the_same_crop_by_production_sector__dim_year'. It includes additional columns '_start_date' and '_end_date'. The '_start_date' column indicates the date when a row was extracted from the data source, while the '_end_date' column contains the date when a new version of the row was extracted. If the '_end_date' column has a null value, it signifies that the row is the most recent version. The data in this table is sourced from the website of 'Luke', which originates from the country with the ISO country code 'fi', which stands for Finland. This table can be utilized in data analytics to track the historical changes made to agricultural areas cultivated with the same crop by production...

  • Version History of Agricultural Area Cultivated with the Same Crop by Production Sector FactTSV

    This table stores the version history of agricultural areas cultivated with the same crop by production sector. It represents the data sourced from 'Luke' website, which originates from Finland. The table contains information such as the start and end dates of each version, the year, production sector, additional information, and the agricultural area cultivated with the same crop. The table allows for tracking changes in the cultivated agricultural areas over time. By analyzing this data, one can gain insights into the trends and patterns of agricultural production in different production sectors over the years. The data can be utilized for various data analytics applications, such as studying the contribution of different production sectors to overall agricultural area cultivation,...

  • Version History of Agricultural Area Cultivated with the Same Crop by Production Sector in Finland - Data Source: LukeTSV

    This table contains the version history of agricultural areas cultivated with the same crop by production sector. It is sourced from the website of Luke, which originates from Finland. The table provides information about the start and end dates of each row, along with a row number, a code, and a label. The '_start_date' column indicates the date when the row was extracted from the data source, while the '_end_date' column denotes the date when a new version of the row was extracted. If the value of the '_end_date' column is null, it means that the row represents the most recent version available. The data in this table can be utilized in various data analytics scenarios, such as analyzing trends in agricultural areas cultivated with a specific crop by production sector over time,...

Column Descriptions

Agricultural Area Cultivated with the Same Crop by Production Sector

Column Type Comment
_extract_date date The date on which the data was extracted.
_row_number long The number assigned to each row in the table.
code string The code associated with a particular record.
label string The label or name assigned to a particular record.

Version History of Agricultural Area Cultivated with the Same Crop by Production Sector in Finland - Data Source: Luke

Column Type Comment
_start_date date The start date of the validity period for the row version in the table.
_end_date date The end date of the validity period for the row version in the table.
_row_number long A unique number assigned to each row version in the table.
code string The code associated with the row version in the table.
label string The label or description of the row version in the table.

Agricultural Area Cultivated with the Same Crop by Production Sector

Column Type Comment
_extract_date date The date when the data was extracted.
_row_number long The row number of the data item.
code int The code associated with the item.
label string The label or name of the item.

Version History of Agricultural Area Cultivated with The Same Crop by Production Sector

Column Type Comment
_start_date date The start date of the validity period for the row version.
_end_date date The end date of the validity period for the row version.
_row_number long A sequential number assigned to each row version.
code int A unique identifier for the row version.
label string A descriptive label for the row version.

Agricultural Area Cultivated with the Same Crop by Production Sector Fact

Column Type Comment
_extract_date date The date when the data was extracted
_row_number long The number of the row in the table
year string The year when the data was recorded
production_sector int The sector of production
info string Additional information about the record
agricultural_area_cultivated_with_the_same_crop int The area of agricultural land cultivated with the same crop

Version History of Agricultural Area Cultivated with the Same Crop by Production Sector Fact

Column Type Comment
_start_date date The start date of the validity period for the row version.
_end_date date The end date of the validity period for the row version.
_row_number long The row number of the version history.
year string The year related to the row version.
production_sector int The production sector associated with the row version.
info string Additional information about the row version.
agricultural_area_cultivated_with_the_same_crop int The area of agricultural land that is cultivated with the same crop for the row version.

Agricultural Area Cultivated with the Same Crop by Production Sector over the Years

Column Type Comment
_extract_date date The date when the data was extracted from the source system.
_row_number long The unique identifier for each row in the table.
code string The code related to a specific item in the system.
label string The label or name associated with a specific item in the system.

Version History of Agricultural Area Cultivated with the Same Crop by Production Sector and Year in Finland (Luke)

Column Type Comment
_start_date date The timestamp indicating the start date of the validity period for the row version.
_end_date date The timestamp indicating the end date of the validity period for the row version.
_row_number long A sequential number assigned to each row version in the table.
code string The code associated with the row version.
label string The label or description of the row version.

Additional Info

Last Updated May 6, 2024
Created May 6, 2024