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Dataset collection 'avoindataarvoymparistot' from the website of Helsingin kaupunkiympariston toimiala in Finland

This dataset collection, sourced from the website of Helsingin kaupunkiympäristön toimiala in Finland, includes one or more dataset tables. The tables provide comprehensive data on various aspects related to Avoin Data Arvoymparistot. Avoin Data Arvoymparistot is a collection of open data related to urban environment in Helsinki, Finland. The datasets cover a wide range of topics such as urban planning, infrastructure, environment, and sustainability. They are valuable resources for researchers, analysts, and policymakers interested in understanding and improving the urban environment in Helsinki. The dataset collection offers access to reliable and up-to-date information that can be used for various purposes including research, analysis, and decision-making.


  • Environmental Values - Polygon HistoryTSV

    This table contains the version history of the rows from the 'Helsingin kaupunkiympariston toimiala' data source in Finland. It represents the historical information of various attributes related to 'avoindataarvoymparistotarvoymparistotpolygonhistory' base table. The table has additional columns '_start_date' and '_end_date' to indicate the extraction dates of the row versions. The data in this table can be utilized for data analytics to analyze the changes and evolution of the attributes over time and to identify patterns and trends in the 'avoindataarvoymparistot__arvoymparistotpolygon' data.

  • Urban Environment Value Areas in HelsinkiTSV

    This table contains data from the 'Helsinki Urban Environment Sector' website which originates from Finland. It provides information about various environmental attributes and characteristics of different objects in the urban area. The table includes columns such as '_extract_date', '_row_number', 'id', 'kohteen_ni', 'kohdetyypp', 'kaupungino', 'osa_alue', 'yleisten_a', 'ajantasa_a', 'kaavamerki', 'ylkaava_20', 'hallintovi', 'yleiskuvau', 'suunnittel', 'kohteen_ke', 'arvoluokka', 'arvon_peru', 'historiall', 'arkkitehto', 'kaupunkira', 'kaupunkiku', 'kaupunkir0', 'kasvilajis', 'harvinaisu', 'alkuperais', 'nahtavyysa', 'muut_arvot', 'sailyneisy', 'tilarakenn', 'rakenteet', 'pinnoittee', 'kasvillisu', 'kalusteet', 'valaistus', 'vaalittavi', 'kunto', 'arvoja_hei', 'suositukse',...

Column Descriptions

Urban Environment Value Areas in Helsinki

Column Type Comment
_extract_date date The date on which the data was extracted.
_row_number long The row number of the data entry.
id int The unique identifier of the entry.
kohteen_ni string The name of the object.
kohdetyypp string The type of the object.
kaupungino string The city name where the object is located.
osa_alue string The area or district where the object is located.
yleisten_a int The number of public areas near the object.
ajantasa_a string The date when the information was last updated.
kaavamerki string The planning symbol of the object.
ylkaava_20 string The general plan of the city where the object is located.
hallintovi string The administrative division of the city where the object is located.
yleiskuvau string The general description of the object.
suunnittel string The architect or designer of the object.
kohteen_ke string The age of the object.
arvoluokka string The value class of the object.
arvon_peru string The reason for the object's value classification.
historiall string The historical value of the object.
arkkitehto string The architectural style of the object.
kaupunkira string The urban structure of the city where the object is located.
kaupunkiku string The urbanization level of the city.
kaupunkir0 string The urban structure level of the city.
kasvilajis string The plant species present in the area of the object.
harvinaisu string The rarity level of the plant species.
alkuperais string The original condition of the object.
nahtavyysa string The visibility of the object.
muut_arvot string Other values associated with the object.
sailyneisy string The preservation state of the object.
tilarakenn string The possible building types in the area of the object.
rakenteet string The structures present in the area of the object.
pinnoittee string The surface coatings of the object.
kasvillisu string The vegetation in the area of the object.
kalusteet string The furnishings present in the object.
valaistus string The lighting features of the object.
vaalittavi string The features that need to be preserved or taken care of for the object.
kunto string The condition of the object.
arvoja_hei string The values and recommendations associated with the object.
suositukse string The recommendations for the object.
tiedon_tas string The level of information of the object.
lahteet string The sources of information for the object.
inventoinn string The name of the person who conducted the inventory.
inventoija string The date when the data was last updated.
paivitetty string The name of the person who last updated the data.
maxx int The maximum x-coordinate value of the object.
minx int The minimum x-coordinate value of the object.
maxy float The maximum y-coordinate value of the object.
miny float The minimum y-coordinate value of the object.
bbmaxx int The maximum x-coordinate value of the bounding box for the object.
bbminx int The minimum x-coordinate value of the bounding box for the object.
bbmaxy float The maximum y-coordinate value of the bounding box for the object.
bbminy float The minimum y-coordinate value of the bounding box for the object.
liittamisv int The name of the attachment file for the object.
id_oracle int The unique identifier of the object in the Oracle database.
muokattu int The date when the data was last modified.
muokkaaja string The person who last modified the data.
datanomist string The owner of the data.
paivitett0 int The date when the information was last updated.
geom_geojson string The geometry of the object in GeoJSON format.
geom_geotext string The geometry of the object in geotext format.
geom_type string The type of geometry of the object.
geom_centroid string The centroid of the object's geometry.
geom_center_x double The x-coordinate value of the center of the object's geometry.
geom_center_y double The y-coordinate value of the center of the object's geometry.
geom binary The geometry of the object.

Environmental Values - Polygon History

Column Type Comment
_start_date date The start date indicating the validity period of the row version.
_end_date date The end date indicating the validity period of the row version.
_row_number long The row number of the version in the version history table.
id int The unique identifier of the row.
kohteen_ni string The name of the target.
kohdetyypp string The type of the target.
kaupungino string The city name.
osa_alue string The sub-area name.
yleisten_a int The public area.
ajantasa_a string The up-to-date area.
kaavamerki string The zoning symbol.
ylkaava_20 string The high-level zoning plan (20).
hallintovi string The administrative district.
yleiskuvau string The general description of the target.
suunnittel string The planning information.
kohteen_ke string The target's condition.
arvoluokka string The value class.
arvon_peru string The value reason.
historiall string Flag indicating if the target is historical.
arkkitehto string The architectural value.
kaupunkira string The urban value.
kaupunkiku string The urban landscape.
kaupunkir0 string The urban view direction.
kasvilajis string The species of vegetation.
harvinaisu string The rarity of the target.
alkuperais string The originality of the target.
nahtavyysa string The visibility of the target.
muut_arvot string Other values regarding the target.
sailyneisy string The preservation of the target.
tilarakenn string The space structure.
rakenteet string The structures.
pinnoittee string The surface materials.
kasvillisu string The vegetation.
kalusteet string The fixtures.
valaistus string The lighting.
vaalittavi string Flag indicating if the target needs to be cared for.
kunto string The condition of the target.
arvoja_hei string Values combined with assessments.
suositukse string The recommendation for the target.
tiedon_tas string The level of information.
lahteet string The sources of information.
inventoinn string The inventory information.
inventoija string The name of the inventory taker.
paivitetty string The date when the version was updated.
maxx int The maximum x-coordinate.
minx int The minimum x-coordinate.
maxy float The maximum y-coordinate.
miny float The minimum y-coordinate.
bbmaxx int The maximum bounding box x-coordinate.
bbminx int The minimum bounding box x-coordinate.
bbmaxy float The maximum bounding box y-coordinate.
bbminy float The minimum bounding box y-coordinate.
liittamisv int The connection value.
id_oracle int The Oracle identifier of the row.
muokattu int Flag indicating if the row was modified.
muokkaaja string The name of the modifier.
datanomist string The data owner.
paivitett0 int The updated date.
geom_geojson string The geometry in GeoJSON format.
geom_geotext string The geometry in Geotext format.
geom_type string The type of geometry.
geom_centroid string The centroid of the geometry.
geom_center_x double The x-coordinate of the center of the geometry.
geom_center_y double The y-coordinate of the center of the geometry.
geom binary The geometry of the target.

Additional Info

Last Updated April 23, 2024
Created April 23, 2024