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Population Forecast by Age and Sex in Helsinki Region (2013-2050)

This dataset collection contains one or more tables sourced from the website of the City of Helsinki (Helsingin kaupunginkanslia) in Finland. It provides population forecasts by age group for the Helsinki region from 2013 to 2050. The dataset collection is named 'helsingin_seudun_vaestoennuste_ika_sp_2013_2050_csv'.


  • Population Forecast by Age and Gender for Helsinki Region (2013-2050) - Version HistoryTSV

    This table contains the version history of the rows in the 'Helsingin seudun väestöennuste ikä-Sp 2013-2050' database table. The table provides information about the population forecast for the Helsinki metropolitan region by age group, gender, and year. Each row in the table represents a specific version of the data and includes the start date and end date of the version. If the end date is null, it indicates that the row is the most recent version. The table includes various columns such as 'alueregion' (region), 'sukupuoligender' (gender), 'vuosiyear' (year), 'yhteensatotal' (total), and 'c_0' to 'c_99' (age group counts). The data in this table can be utilized for various data analytics purposes such as population trend analysis, demographic projections, age-specific population...

  • Population Forecast by Age and Gender in Helsinki Region (2013-2050)TSV

    This table contains population forecast data for the Helsinki region. It provides information on the population by age, gender, and year. The data is sourced from the website of Helsingin kaupunginkanslia, which is the City of Helsinki's administrative body. The data is from the country Finland (ISO country code 'fi'). The table includes columns such as '_extract_date' to indicate the extraction date of the data, '_row_number' to represent the row number, 'alueregion' for the region within Helsinki, 'sukupuoligender' to identify the gender, 'vuosiyear' for the year, 'yhteensatotal' for the total population count, and 'c_0' to 'c_99' for the population count in various age groups. This data can be used for various data analytics purposes, including demographic analysis, population...

Column Descriptions

Population Forecast by Age and Gender in Helsinki Region (2013-2050)

Column Type Comment
_extract_date date The date when the data was extracted
_row_number long The row number of the data entry
alueregion string The region associated with the data entry
sukupuoligender string The gender associated with the data entry
vuosiyear int The year of the data entry
yhteensatotal int The total value for the data entry
c_0 int The value of column c_0
c_1 int The value of column c_1
c_2 int The value of column c_2
c_3 int The value of column c_3
c_4 int The value of column c_4
c_5 int The value of column c_5
c_6 int The value of column c_6
c_7 int The value of column c_7
c_8 int The value of column c_8
c_9 int The value of column c_9
c_10 int The value of column c_10
c_11 int The value of column c_11
c_12 int The value of column c_12
c_13 int The value of column c_13
c_14 int The value of column c_14
c_15 int The value of column c_15
c_16 int The value of column c_16
c_17 int The value of column c_17
c_18 int The value of column c_18
c_19 int The value of column c_19
c_20 int The value of column c_20
c_21 int The value of column c_21
c_22 int The value of column c_22
c_23 int The value of column c_23
c_24 int The value of column c_24
c_25 int The value of column c_25
c_26 int The value of column c_26
c_27 int The value of column c_27
c_28 int The value of column c_28
c_29 int The value of column c_29
c_30 int The value of column c_30
c_31 int The value of column c_31
c_32 int The value of column c_32
c_33 int The value of column c_33
c_34 int The value of column c_34
c_35 int The value of column c_35
c_36 int The value of column c_36
c_37 int The value of column c_37
c_38 int The value of column c_38
c_39 int The value of column c_39
c_40 int The value of column c_40
c_41 int The value of column c_41
c_42 int The value of column c_42
c_43 int The value of column c_43
c_44 int The value of column c_44
c_45 int The value of column c_45
c_46 int The value of column c_46
c_47 int The value of column c_47
c_48 int The value of column c_48
c_49 int The value of column c_49
c_50 int The value of column c_50
c_51 int The value of column c_51
c_52 int The value of column c_52
c_53 int The value of column c_53
c_54 int The value of column c_54
c_55 int The value of column c_55
c_56 int The value of column c_56
c_57 int The value of column c_57
c_58 int The value of column c_58
c_59 int The value of column c_59
c_60 int The value of column c_60
c_61 int The value of column c_61
c_62 int The value of column c_62
c_63 int The value of column c_63
c_64 int The value of column c_64
c_65 int The value of column c_65
c_66 int The value of column c_66
c_67 int The value of column c_67
c_68 int The value of column c_68
c_69 int The value of column c_69
c_70 int The value of column c_70
c_71 int The value of column c_71
c_72 int The value of column c_72
c_73 int The value of column c_73
c_74 int The value of column c_74
c_75 int The value of column c_75
c_76 int The value of column c_76
c_77 int The value of column c_77
c_78 int The value of column c_78
c_79 int The value of column c_79
c_80 int The value of column c_80
c_81 int The value of column c_81
c_82 int The value of column c_82
c_83 int The value of column c_83
c_84 int The value of column c_84
c_85 int The value of column c_85
c_86 int The value of column c_86
c_87 int The value of column c_87
c_88 int The value of column c_88
c_89 int The value of column c_89
c_90 int The value of column c_90
c_91 int The value of column c_91
c_92 int The value of column c_92
c_93 int The value of column c_93
c_94 int The value of column c_94
c_95 int The value of column c_95
c_96 int The value of column c_96
c_97 int The value of column c_97
c_98 int The value of column c_98
c_99 int The value of column c_99

Population Forecast by Age and Gender for Helsinki Region (2013-2050) - Version History

Column Type Comment
_start_date date The date when the row version becomes valid.
_end_date date The date when the row version expires.
_row_number long A unique identifier for each row version.
alueregion string The region of the record.
sukupuoligender string The gender associated with the record.
vuosiyear int The year of the record.
yhteensatotal int The total value.
c_0 int Column 0.
c_1 int Column 1.
c_2 int Column 2.
c_3 int Column 3.
c_4 int Column 4.
c_5 int Column 5.
c_6 int Column 6.
c_7 int Column 7.
c_8 int Column 8.
c_9 int Column 9.
c_10 int Column 10.
c_11 int Column 11.
c_12 int Column 12.
c_13 int Column 13.
c_14 int Column 14.
c_15 int Column 15.
c_16 int Column 16.
c_17 int Column 17.
c_18 int Column 18.
c_19 int Column 19.
c_20 int Column 20.
c_21 int Column 21.
c_22 int Column 22.
c_23 int Column 23.
c_24 int Column 24.
c_25 int Column 25.
c_26 int Column 26.
c_27 int Column 27.
c_28 int Column 28.
c_29 int Column 29.
c_30 int Column 30.
c_31 int Column 31.
c_32 int Column 32.
c_33 int Column 33.
c_34 int Column 34.
c_35 int Column 35.
c_36 int Column 36.
c_37 int Column 37.
c_38 int Column 38.
c_39 int Column 39.
c_40 int Column 40.
c_41 int Column 41.
c_42 int Column 42.
c_43 int Column 43.
c_44 int Column 44.
c_45 int Column 45.
c_46 int Column 46.
c_47 int Column 47.
c_48 int Column 48.
c_49 int Column 49.
c_50 int Column 50.
c_51 int Column 51.
c_52 int Column 52.
c_53 int Column 53.
c_54 int Column 54.
c_55 int Column 55.
c_56 int Column 56.
c_57 int Column 57.
c_58 int Column 58.
c_59 int Column 59.
c_60 int Column 60.
c_61 int Column 61.
c_62 int Column 62.
c_63 int Column 63.
c_64 int Column 64.
c_65 int Column 65.
c_66 int Column 66.
c_67 int Column 67.
c_68 int Column 68.
c_69 int Column 69.
c_70 int Column 70.
c_71 int Column 71.
c_72 int Column 72.
c_73 int Column 73.
c_74 int Column 74.
c_75 int Column 75.
c_76 int Column 76.
c_77 int Column 77.
c_78 int Column 78.
c_79 int Column 79.
c_80 int Column 80.
c_81 int Column 81.
c_82 int Column 82.
c_83 int Column 83.
c_84 int Column 84.
c_85 int Column 85.
c_86 int Column 86.
c_87 int Column 87.
c_88 int Column 88.
c_89 int Column 89.
c_90 int Column 90.
c_91 int Column 91.
c_92 int Column 92.
c_93 int Column 93.
c_94 int Column 94.
c_95 int Column 95.
c_96 int Column 96.
c_97 int Column 97.
c_98 int Column 98.
c_99 int Column 99.

Additional Info

Last Updated April 23, 2024
Created April 23, 2024