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Coastal observations dataset collection from Geological Survey of Finland (GTK)

The dataset collection consists of one or more dataset tables sourced from the website of the Geological Survey of Finland (Geologian tutkimuskeskus) in Finland.


  • Coastal Observations from the Geological Survey of Finland: Shoreline Altitude DataTSV

    This table is sourced from the website of Geologian tutkimuskeskus, which originates from Finland (country ISO code 'fi'). It contains data related to shoreline observations. The table includes various columns such as '_extract_date' (date of data extraction), '_row_number' (row number), 'gml_id' (unique identifier in GML format), 'objectid' (object identifier), 'id_gtk' (GTK identifier), 'id_original' (original identifier), 'data_type' (type of data), 'site_name' (name of the site), 'locality' (location), 'northing' (northing coordinate), 'easting' (easting coordinate), 'northing_kkj3' (KKJ3 coordinate system northing), 'easting_kkj3' (KKJ3 coordinate system easting), 'northing_original' (original northing coordinate), 'easting_original' (original easting coordinate), 'descr_coord_man'...

  • Shore Observations Version HistoryTSV

    This table represents the version history of rows from the 'Geological Survey of Finland' website containing shoreline observations. The table contains information about the start and end dates of each row version, as well as other relevant attributes. The data in this table can be utilized in various data analytics scenarios. For example, it can be used to analyze changes in shoreline characteristics over time, identify trends in landform types, study the reliability of shoreline altitude measurements, or perform spatial analysis based on the coordinates provided. The data originates from Finland (FI), as it is sourced from the 'Geological Survey of Finland' website.

Column Descriptions

Coastal Observations from the Geological Survey of Finland: Shoreline Altitude Data

Column Type Comment
_extract_date date
_row_number long
gml_id string
objectid int
id_gtk int
id_original int
data_type string
site_name string
locality string
northing int
easting int
northing_kkj3 int
easting_kkj3 int
northing_original int
easting_original int
descr_coord_man string
descr_coord_text string
landform_type string
shoreline_altitude_mean int
shoreline_altitude_minimum int
shoreline_altitude_maximum int
shore_altitude_original int
descr_alt_man string
stage_index_original string
highest_shore boolean
stage_index_interpreted string
study_year int
author string
reference string
reliability_classification string
notes_fin string
shoreline_altitude_dm int
dem_used_validation string
point_used_reconstruction boolean
geom_geojson string
geom_geotext string
geom_type string
geom_centroid string
geom_center_x double
geom_center_y double
geom binary

Shore Observations Version History

Column Type Comment
_start_date date The start date of the validity period for the row version.
_end_date date The end date of the validity period for the row version.
_row_number long The row number of the version.
gml_id string The identifier in GML format.
objectid int The unique identifier of the object.
id_gtk int The GTK identifier.
id_original int The original identifier of the object.
data_type string The type of data.
site_name string The name of the site.
locality string The locality of the site.
northing int The northing coordinate.
easting int The easting coordinate.
northing_kkj3 int The northing coordinate in KKJ3 projection.
easting_kkj3 int The easting coordinate in KKJ3 projection.
northing_original int The northing coordinate of the original object.
easting_original int The easting coordinate of the original object.
descr_coord_man string The manually described coordinate.
descr_coord_text string The text description of the coordinate.
landform_type string The type of landform.
shoreline_altitude_mean int The mean shoreline altitude.
shoreline_altitude_minimum int The minimum shoreline altitude.
shoreline_altitude_maximum int The maximum shoreline altitude.
shore_altitude_original int The original altitude of the shoreline.
descr_alt_man string The manually described altitude.
stage_index_original string The original stage index.
highest_shore boolean The highest shore level.
stage_index_interpreted string The interpreted stage index.
study_year int The year of the study.
author string The author of the study.
reference string The reference to the study.
reliability_classification string The reliability classification.
notes_fin string The Finnish notes.
shoreline_altitude_dm int The shoreline altitude in decimeters.
dem_used_validation string The DEM used for validation.
point_used_reconstruction boolean The points used for reconstruction.
geom_geojson string The geometry in GeoJSON format.
geom_geotext string The geometry in Geotext format.
geom_type string The type of geometry.
geom_centroid string The centroid of the geometry.
geom_center_x double The x-coordinate of the center of the geometry.
geom_center_y double The y-coordinate of the center of the geometry.
geom binary The geometry.

Additional Info

Last Updated April 22, 2024
Created April 22, 2024