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Geological Survey of Finland - Regional Moraine Geochemistry Data Collection

The dataset collection consists of one or more dataset tables sourced from the website of 'Geological Survey of Finland' in Finland.


  • Regional Glacial Till Geochemistry - Moreenigeokemia ALMR 511PTSV

    This table contains data on geographical information related to soil chemistry analysis. The data is sourced from the website of Geologian tutkimuskeskus, a geological research center in Finland. It includes various properties and measurements such as extract date, row number, GML ID, object ID, year, observation number, coordinates (northing and easting), map sheet data, material, soil horizon, sampler, fraction, analysis date, and various chemical elements (aluminum, barium, calcium, cobalt, chromium, copper, iron, potassium, etc.). The table also includes information on combined samples and various geometry properties such as geojson, geotext, type, centroid, center coordinates, and the geometry itself. The data in this table can be utilized for various data analytics tasks such as...

  • Version History of Moreenegeokemia Almr 511p Data (Geological Survey of Finland - Finland)TSV

    This table contains the version history of the 'Geological Survey of Finland' web service table named 'Regional Till Geochemistry ALMR 511P'. It is sourced from the country with ISO country code 'FI'. The table includes detailed information about different chemical elements and their concentrations in soil samples collected from various locations. Each row in the table represents a specific version of a soil sample, identified by its start and end dates. The table provides columns such as 'Year', 'Observation Number', 'Northing', 'Easting', 'Map Sheets', 'Material', 'Soil Horizon', 'Sampler', 'Fraction', 'Analysis Date', and various chemical element concentrations. The geographic location of each sample is also available in different formats. This information can be utilized in data...

Column Descriptions

Regional Glacial Till Geochemistry - Moreenigeokemia ALMR 511P

Column Type Comment
_extract_date date
_row_number long
gml_id string
objectid int
year int
observation_no int
northing int
easting int
northing_kkj3 int
easting_kkj3 int
map_sheet_100000 int
map_sheet_20000 int
material string
soil_horizon string
sampler string
fraction string
analysis_date timestamp
al_ppm_511p int
ba_ppm_511p int
ba_511p_t string
ca_ppm_511p int
ca_511p_t string
co_ppm_511p int
co_511p_t string
cr_ppm_511p int
cr_511p_t string
cu_ppm_511p int
cu_511p_t string
fe_ppm_511p int
k_ppm_511p int
la_ppm_511p int
la_511p_t string
li_ppm_511p int
mg_ppm_511p int
mn_ppm_511p int
ni_ppm_511p int
p_ppm_511p int
p_511p_t string
sc_ppm_511p int
sr_ppm_511p int
th_ppm_511p int
th_511p_t string
ti_ppm_511p int
v_ppm_511p int
y_ppm_511p int
zn_ppm_511p int
zn_511p_t string
zr_ppm_511p int
zr_511p_t string
al_511p_t string
fe_511p_t string
k_511p_t string
li_511p_t string
mg_511p_t string
mn_511p_t string
ni_511p_t string
sc_511p_t string
sr_511p_t string
ti_511p_t string
v_511p_t string
y_511p_t string
combined_sample boolean
geom_geojson string
geom_geotext string
geom_type string
geom_centroid string
geom_center_x double
geom_center_y double
geom binary

Version History of Moreenegeokemia Almr 511p Data (Geological Survey of Finland - Finland)

Column Type Comment
_start_date date The start date of the validity period of the row version.
_end_date date The end date of the validity period of the row version.
_row_number long The row number assigned to each row.
gml_id string The GML identifier of the row.
objectid int The identifier of the row.
year int The year associated with the row version.
observation_no int The observation number associated with the row version.
northing int The northing value associated with the row version.
easting int The easting value associated with the row version.
northing_kkj3 int The northing value in the KKJ3 coordinate system associated with the row version.
easting_kkj3 int The easting value in the KKJ3 coordinate system associated with the row version.
map_sheet_100000 int The map sheet in the 1:100000 scale associated with the row version.
map_sheet_20000 int The map sheet in the 1:20000 scale associated with the row version.
material string The material associated with the row version.
soil_horizon string The soil horizon associated with the row version.
sampler string The sampler associated with the row version.
fraction string The fraction associated with the row version.
analysis_date timestamp The date of analysis associated with the row version.
al_ppm_511p int The aluminum (Al) concentration in parts per million (ppm) for 511p associated with the row version.
ba_ppm_511p int The barium (Ba) concentration in parts per million (ppm) for 511p associated with the row version.
ba_511p_t string The total barium (Ba) concentration for 511p associated with the row version.
ca_ppm_511p int The calcium (Ca) concentration in parts per million (ppm) for 511p associated with the row version.
ca_511p_t string The total calcium (Ca) concentration for 511p associated with the row version.
co_ppm_511p int The cobalt (Co) concentration in parts per million (ppm) for 511p associated with the row version.
co_511p_t string The total cobalt (Co) concentration for 511p associated with the row version.
cr_ppm_511p int The chromium (Cr) concentration in parts per million (ppm) for 511p associated with the row version.
cr_511p_t string The total chromium (Cr) concentration for 511p associated with the row version.
cu_ppm_511p int The copper (Cu) concentration in parts per million (ppm) for 511p associated with the row version.
cu_511p_t string The total copper (Cu) concentration for 511p associated with the row version.
fe_ppm_511p int The iron (Fe) concentration in parts per million (ppm) for 511p associated with the row version.
k_ppm_511p int The potassium (K) concentration in parts per million (ppm) for 511p associated with the row version.
la_ppm_511p int The lanthanum (La) concentration in parts per million (ppm) for 511p associated with the row version.
la_511p_t string The total lanthanum (La) concentration for 511p associated with the row version.
li_ppm_511p int The lithium (Li) concentration in parts per million (ppm) for 511p associated with the row version.
mg_ppm_511p int The magnesium (Mg) concentration in parts per million (ppm) for 511p associated with the row version.
mn_ppm_511p int The manganese (Mn) concentration in parts per million (ppm) for 511p associated with the row version.
ni_ppm_511p int The nickel (Ni) concentration in parts per million (ppm) for 511p associated with the row version.
p_ppm_511p int The phosphorus (P) concentration in parts per million (ppm) for 511p associated with the row version.
p_511p_t string The total phosphorus (P) concentration for 511p associated with the row version.
sc_ppm_511p int The scandium (Sc) concentration in parts per million (ppm) for 511p associated with the row version.
sr_ppm_511p int The strontium (Sr) concentration in parts per million (ppm) for 511p associated with the row version.
th_ppm_511p int The thorium (Th) concentration in parts per million (ppm) for 511p associated with the row version.
th_511p_t string The total thorium (Th) concentration for 511p associated with the row version.
ti_ppm_511p int The titanium (Ti) concentration in parts per million (ppm) for 511p associated with the row version.
v_ppm_511p int The vanadium (V) concentration in parts per million (ppm) for 511p associated with the row version.
y_ppm_511p int The yttrium (Y) concentration in parts per million (ppm) for 511p associated with the row version.
zn_ppm_511p int The zinc (Zn) concentration in parts per million (ppm) for 511p associated with the row version.
zn_511p_t string The total zinc (Zn) concentration for 511p associated with the row version.
zr_ppm_511p int The zirconium (Zr) concentration in parts per million (ppm) for 511p associated with the row version.
zr_511p_t string The total zirconium (Zr) concentration for 511p associated with the row version.
al_511p_t string The total aluminum (Al) concentration for 511p associated with the row version.
fe_511p_t string The total iron (Fe) concentration for 511p associated with the row version.
k_511p_t string The total potassium (K) concentration for 511p associated with the row version.
li_511p_t string The total lithium (Li) concentration for 511p associated with the row version.
mg_511p_t string The total magnesium (Mg) concentration for 511p associated with the row version.
mn_511p_t string The total manganese (Mn) concentration for 511p associated with the row version.
ni_511p_t string The total nickel (Ni) concentration for 511p associated with the row version.
sc_511p_t string The total scandium (Sc) concentration for 511p associated with the row version.
sr_511p_t string The total strontium (Sr) concentration for 511p associated with the row version.
ti_511p_t string The total titanium (Ti) concentration for 511p associated with the row version.
v_511p_t string The total vanadium (V) concentration for 511p associated with the row version.
y_511p_t string The total yttrium (Y) concentration for 511p associated with the row version.
combined_sample boolean Indicates whether the sample is a combined sample.
geom_geojson string The geometry of the row version in GeoJSON format.
geom_geotext string The geometry of the row version in Geotext format.
geom_type string The type of geometry associated with the row version.
geom_centroid string The centroid of the geometry associated with the row version.
geom_center_x double The x-coordinate of the center point of the geometry associated with the row version.
geom_center_y double The y-coordinate of the center point of the geometry associated with the row version.
geom binary The geometry associated with the row version.

Additional Info

Last Updated April 22, 2024
Created April 22, 2024