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Geological Survey of Finland - Rock Parameters, Well Test Data, Pb Isotope Data Collection

This dataset collection consists of one or more dataset tables sourced from the website of the Geological Survey of Finland located in Finland.


  • Geochemical Isotope Data for Pb-Pb in Rock Samples - Geologian tutkimuskeskus (Geological Survey of Finland), FinlandTSV

    This table contains isotope data for lead (Pb) from the 'Geological Survey of Finland' (Geologian tutkimuskeskus). The data is sourced from the country Finland (ISO country code 'fi'). The table consists of various columns including extract date, row number, gml id, object id, sample id, map sheet, northing, easting, YKJ north original, YKJ east original, location, rock type, mineral material, Pb206 Pb204 isotope ratio, two sigma error estimate for Pb206 Pb204, Pb207 Pb204 isotope ratio, two sigma error estimate for Pb207 Pb204, Pb208 Pb204 isotope ratio, two sigma error estimate for Pb208 Pb204, group column, domain, reference, comments, sample field code, geometry in GeoJSON format, geometry in Geotext format, geometry type, geometry centroid, geometry center x, and geometry center y....

  • Version History of Geological Survey Data for Pb Isotope Composition in Fossilized Rock Samples in FinlandTSV

    This table contains the version history of the rows in the 'Geologian tutkimuskeskus' database table for 'rajapinnat_gtk_kalliopera_wfspb_pb_isotooppiaineisto__pb_pb_isotooppiaineisto'. The rows in this table are extracted from the data source website, which originates from Finland (ISO country code 'fi'). The table includes additional columns '_start_date' and '_end_date' to indicate the extraction dates of each row version. The data in this table can be utilized in various data analytics scenarios such as analyzing the changes in rock type or mineral material over time, studying the distribution of samples on map sheets, examining the isotopic composition of lead (pb206_pb204, pb207_pb204, pb208_pb204), and analyzing the spatial aspects of the samples using geometric data...

Column Descriptions

Geochemical Isotope Data for Pb-Pb in Rock Samples - Geologian tutkimuskeskus (Geological Survey of Finland), Finland

Column Type Comment
_extract_date date The date when the data was extracted.
_row_number long The row number of the record.
gml_id string The unique identifier for the feature in GML format.
objectid int The unique identifier for the record.
sample_id string The unique identifier for the sample.
map_sheet int The map sheet code where the feature is located.
northing int The northing coordinate of the feature location.
easting int The easting coordinate of the feature location.
ykj_north_original int The original YKJ north coordinate of the feature.
ykj_east_original int The original YKJ east coordinate of the feature.
location string The description of the feature location.
rock_type string The type of rock.
mineral_material string The type of mineral material.
pb206_pb204 int The ratio of Pb206 to Pb204 isotopes.
error_estimate_two_sigma int The error estimate for the Pb206/Pb204 ratio.
pb207_pb204 int The ratio of Pb207 to Pb204 isotopes.
error_estimate_two_sigma2 int The error estimate for the Pb207/Pb204 ratio.
pb208_pb204 int The ratio of Pb208 to Pb204 isotopes.
error_estimate_two_sigma3 int The error estimate for the Pb208/Pb204 ratio.
group_col string The group column of the feature.
domain string The domain of the feature.
reference string The reference value for the feature.
comments string Any additional comments or notes.
sample_field_code string The field code for the sample.
geom_geojson string The geometry of the feature in GeoJSON format.
geom_geotext string The geometry of the feature in GeoText format.
geom_type string The type of geometry.
geom_centroid string The centroid of the feature geometry.
geom_center_x double The X-coordinate of the centroid.
geom_center_y double The Y-coordinate of the centroid.
geom binary The geometry of the feature.

Version History of Geological Survey Data for Pb Isotope Composition in Fossilized Rock Samples in Finland

Column Type Comment
_start_date date The start date of the validity period of the row version.
_end_date date The end date of the validity period of the row version.
_row_number long The row number of the version in the table.
gml_id string The GML identifier for the row version.
objectid int The identifier for the row version.
sample_id string The identifier for the sample.
map_sheet int The map sheet associated with the row version.
northing int The northing value of the row version.
easting int The easting value of the row version.
ykj_north_original int The original YKJ north value of the row version.
ykj_east_original int The original YKJ east value of the row version.
location string The location of the row version.
rock_type string The type of rock in the row version.
mineral_material string The mineral material in the row version.
pb206_pb204 int The Pb206/Pb204 ratio in the row version.
error_estimate_two_sigma int The error estimate (two sigma) in the row version.
pb207_pb204 int The Pb207/Pb204 ratio in the row version.
error_estimate_two_sigma2 int The second error estimate (two sigma) in the row version.
pb208_pb204 int The Pb208/Pb204 ratio in the row version.
error_estimate_two_sigma3 int The third error estimate (two sigma) in the row version.
group_col string The group column in the row version.
domain string The domain of the row version.
reference string The reference associated with the row version.
comments string Any comments related to the row version.
sample_field_code string The field code of the sample in the row version.
geom_geojson string The geometry in GeoJSON format for the row version.
geom_geotext string The geometry in Geotext format for the row version.
geom_type string The type of geometry in the row version.
geom_centroid string The centroid of the geometry in the row version.
geom_center_x double The center X coordinate of the geometry in the row version.
geom_center_y double The center Y coordinate of the geometry in the row version.
geom binary The geometry in the row version.

Additional Info

Last Updated April 22, 2024
Created April 22, 2024