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Oversigt over velfærdsteknologiprojekter

Oversigt over velfærdsteknologiprojekter


Column Descriptions

Projekter, Velfaerdsteknologisklandkort Xlsx

Column Type Comment
kommune string Data source did not contain a description for Kommune. Column kommune has 13 rows, out of which 3 are empty, making the null percent 23.08. Minimum string is and maximum string is Vejle Kommune.
projektnavn string Data source did not contain a description for Projektnavn. Column projektnavn has 13 rows, out of which 6 are empty, making the null percent 46.15. Minimum string is and maximum string is Vasketoilet.
teknologi string Data source did not contain a description for Teknologi. Column teknologi has 13 rows, out of which 6 are empty, making the null percent 46.15. Minimum string is and maximum string is Personlig hygiejne.
indsatsomrader string Data source did not contain a description for Indsatsomrader. Column indsatsomrader has 13 rows, out of which 6 are empty, making the null percent 46.15. Minimum string is and maximum string is Personlig hygiejne.
navn_og_model string Data source did not contain a description for Navn_og_model. Column navn_og_model has 13 rows, out of which 6 are empty, making the null percent 46.15. Minimum string is and maximum string is Vasketoiletter.
evt__samarbejdskommunerklynger string Data source did not contain a description for Evt__samarbejdskommunerklynger. Column evt__samarbejdskommunerklynger has 13 rows, out of which 7 are empty, making the null percent 53.85. Minimum string is and maximum string is .
eksterne_samarbejdspartnere string Data source did not contain a description for Eksterne_samarbejdspartnere. Column eksterne_samarbejdspartnere has 13 rows, out of which 7 are empty, making the null percent 53.85. Minimum string is and maximum string is .
implementeringsstatus string Data source did not contain a description for Implementeringsstatus. Column implementeringsstatus has 13 rows, out of which 7 are empty, making the null percent 53.85. Minimum string is and maximum string is Implementeringsprojekt.
beskrivelse string Data source did not contain a description for Beskrivelse. Column beskrivelse has 13 rows, out of which 9 are empty, making the null percent 69.23. First 25 characters of minimum string: ... and first 25 characters of maximum string: Der indkøbes vasketoilett...
malgruppe string Data source did not contain a description for Malgruppe. Column malgruppe has 13 rows, out of which 9 are empty, making the null percent 69.23. The single string value is: .
startdato string Data source did not contain a description for Startdato. Column startdato has 13 rows, out of which 9 are empty, making the null percent 69.23. Minimum string is and maximum string is 01-01-2013 00:00.
slutdato string Data source did not contain a description for Slutdato. Column slutdato has 13 rows, out of which 9 are empty, making the null percent 69.23. Minimum string is and maximum string is 31-12-2016 00:00.
volumen__antal_borgere string Data source did not contain a description for Volumen__antal_borgere. Column volumen__antal_borgere has 13 rows, out of which 9 are empty, making the null percent 69.23. The single string value is: .
volumen__antal_medarbejdere string Data source did not contain a description for Volumen__antal_medarbejdere. Column volumen__antal_medarbejdere has 13 rows, out of which 9 are empty, making the null percent 69.23. The single string value is: .
volumen__antal_devices string Data source did not contain a description for Volumen__antal_devices. Column volumen__antal_devices has 13 rows, out of which 9 are empty, making the null percent 69.23. The single string value is: .
link_til_projekthjemmeside string Data source did not contain a description for Link_til_projekthjemmeside. Column link_til_projekthjemmeside has 13 rows, out of which 9 are empty, making the null percent 69.23. First 25 characters of minimum string: ... and first 25 characters of maximum string: http://www.innovation.vej...
orig_extractdate string The date when the data was originally fetched from the source.

Additional Info

Last Updated April 12, 2019
Created February 7, 2019