UV 03020 Upper Secondary School and Higher Preparatory Courses, exams by line...
UV 03020 Upper Secondary School and Higher Preparatory Courses, exams by line, school and sex (2000-2009) -
VV 01041 Average price and landings in tonnes by selected species (1995 Q 1-2...
VV 01041 Average price and landings in tonnes by selected species (1995 Q 1-2018 Q 3) -
Päällystystoimenpide - Päällystystoimenpide (Tierekisterin tietolaji 331)
Päällystystoimenpide - Päällystystoimenpide (Tierekisterin tietolaji 331) -
MT 1.5.8 Population by country of citizenship, age, sex and place of usual re...
MT 1.5.8 Population by country of citizenship, age, sex and place of usual residence -
Kaavahakemisto alue maanalainenkaava voimassa
Kaavahakemisto alue maanalainenkaava voimassa -
SYKE, Luonnonsuojelualueet, 1:20 000, 1:50 000, 2012
SYKE, Luonnonsuojelualueet, 1:20 000, 1:50 000, 2012 -
Mother-and-baby homes, care days in services sold by the municipality, during...
Mother-and-baby homes, care days in services sold by the municipality, during year (up to 2014) -
Kiinteisto tunnus
Kiinteisto tunnus -
Personnel by sex, full-time/part-time status and education 1999-2012
Personnel by sex, full-time/part-time status and education 1999-2012 -
Päällysteleveys -
Folketal fordelt på sogn
Folketal fordelt på sogn -
Institutions for substance abusers, clients aged 18-64 in care during year
Institutions for substance abusers, clients aged 18-64 in care during year -
Indices of construction-assembly works, in territorial aspect and periods, 20...
Indices of construction-assembly works, in territorial aspect and periods, 2005-2016 -
Women morbidity of various diseases, 1995-2017
Women morbidity of various diseases, 1995-2017 -
Deflator-indices of Gross Domestic Product expenditure elements, 1995-2016
Deflator-indices of Gross Domestic Product expenditure elements, 1995-2016 -
Soutuvenerannat -
Share of total population considering their dwelling as too dark - EU-SILC su...
Share of total population considering their dwelling as too dark - EU-SILC survey -
TrafikVeje SkiltetHastighed
TrafikVeje SkiltetHastighed -
Migration 2003-2016 by type of migration, country, age group and year
Migration 2003-2016 by type of migration, country, age group and year -
Kuntien tilinpäätökset 2006-2014
Kuntien tilinpäätökset 2006-2014 -
Kiinteistot -
SYKE, Asuinalueet, 250 m x 250 m, 2015
SYKE, Asuinalueet, 250 m x 250 m, 2015 -
Kulturmiljoe -
Marriages by number of marriages and age groups, 1998-2017
Marriages by number of marriages and age groups, 1998-2017 -
Jämsä-Jämsänkoski pyöräilyreitit
Jämsä-Jämsänkoski pyöräilyreitit -
VV 01070 Foreign catch in Faroese waters, tonnes live weight by species and c...
VV 01070 Foreign catch in Faroese waters, tonnes live weight by species and countries (1999-2017) -
Kajnumre kbh
Kajnumre kbh -
Generation of hazardous waste by economic activity
Generation of hazardous waste by economic activity -
Nimet kaupunginosat suomi
Nimet kaupunginosat suomi -