MT 11.3.1 Population by current activity status, status of employment, age, s...
MT 11.3.1 Population by current activity status, status of employment, age, sex and disposable income 2011 -
Espoon asuntokuntien tulot asuntokunnan elinvaiheen ja alueen mukaan 2014-
Espoon asuntokuntien tulot asuntokunnan elinvaiheen ja alueen mukaan 2014- -
Tællinger, kryds
Tællinger, kryds -
Consolidated banking leverage, domestic and foreign entities (asset-to-equity...
Consolidated banking leverage, domestic and foreign entities (asset-to-equity multiple) -
Espoon 15 vuotta täyttäneet sukupuolen, iän ja koulutusasteen mukaan 1.1.
Espoon 15 vuotta täyttäneet sukupuolen, iän ja koulutusasteen mukaan 1.1. -
SYKE, Liikenneriskiluokitus, 1:20 000, 2012
SYKE, Liikenneriskiluokitus, 1:20 000, 2012 -
Input-output table at basic prices 2000-2007 (TOL 2002/CPA 2002) EKT 1995
Input-output table at basic prices 2000-2007 (TOL 2002/CPA 2002) EKT 1995 -
Graduations in postsecondary vocational institutions, by general fields, fiel...
Graduations in postsecondary vocational institutions, by general fields, fields of training and type of funding, 2016-2017 -
Seutukartta nimisto merialue ruotsi
No description available for layer avoindata:Seutukartta_nimisto_merialue_ruotsi (Seutukartta_nimisto_merialue_ruotsi) -
Housing with 24-hour assistance for people with intellectual disabilities, ca...
Housing with 24-hour assistance for people with intellectual disabilities, care days for clients aged 0-17 -
Päiväkodit -
Housing with part-time assistance for people with intellectual disabilities, ...
Housing with part-time assistance for people with intellectual disabilities, clients aged 0-17, on 31 Dec -
Seutukartta nimisto merialue suomi
No description available for layer avoindata:Seutukartta_nimisto_merialue_suomi (Seutukartta_nimisto_merialue_suomi) -
Divorces by duration of marriage and age group of spouses, by area, 1980-1989
Divorces by duration of marriage and age group of spouses, by area, 1980-1989 -
SYKE, YKR, harva ja tiheä taajama-alue, 250 m x 250 m, 2013
SYKE, YKR, harva ja tiheä taajama-alue, 250 m x 250 m, 2013 -
Vantaan 15 vuotta täyttänyt väestö valtionveronalaisten tulojen (euroa) mukaa...
Vantaan 15 vuotta täyttänyt väestö valtionveronalaisten tulojen (euroa) mukaan 31.12. -
Greenhouse gas emissions from Kyoto Protocol LULUCF activities in the first c...
Greenhouse gas emissions from Kyoto Protocol LULUCF activities in the first commitment period in Finland -
Service housing with 24-hour assistance for older people, long-term clients a...
Service housing with 24-hour assistance for older people, long-term clients aged 85 and over, on 31 Dec. -
SYKE, YKR, harva ja tiheä taajama-alue, 250 m x 250 m, 2014
SYKE, YKR, harva ja tiheä taajama-alue, 250 m x 250 m, 2014 -
MT 11.3.3 Population by status of employment, size of the locality, age, sex ...
MT 11.3.3 Population by status of employment, size of the locality, age, sex and disposable income 2011 -
MML, Hallintorajat, teemakartoille, ei merialueita, 2017
MML, Hallintorajat, teemakartoille, ei merialueita, 2017 -
Kentät -
Housing with 24-hour assistance for people with intellectual disabilities, cl...
Housing with 24-hour assistance for people with intellectual disabilities, clients aged 75-79, on 31 Dec -
Pysäköintivirheet Helsingissä
Pysäköintivirheet Helsingissä -
Housing with 24-hour assistance for people with intellectual disabilities, cl...
Housing with 24-hour assistance for people with intellectual disabilities, clients aged 80-84, on 31 Dec -
Supplies and total consumption of electricity, GWh
Supplies and total consumption of electricity, GWh -
Kuntien sosiaalipalvelujen toiminta 2014
Kuntien sosiaalipalvelujen toiminta 2014 -
Liikennevalo-ohjatut liittymät
Liikennevalo-ohjatut liittymät -
Housing with 24-hour assistance for people with intellectual disabilities, cl...
Housing with 24-hour assistance for people with intellectual disabilities, clients aged 65-74, on 31 Dec -
Housing with 24-hour assistance for people with intellectual disabilities, cl...
Housing with 24-hour assistance for people with intellectual disabilities, clients aged 18-64, on 31 Dec