Individuals who ordered goods or services over the internet for private use i...
Individuals who ordered goods or services over the internet for private use in the last year by NUTS 2 regions -
Students in postsecondary vocational institutions, by general fields, fields ...
Students in postsecondary vocational institutions, by general fields, fields of training and type funding, 2016/17-2017/18 -
Køn og alder
Køn og alder -
MT 5.6.1 Population by recent course activity, educational attainment, curren...
MT 5.6.1 Population by recent course activity, educational attainment, current activity and employment status, age and sex -
Pensioners per 10 000 persons aged 57 years and over, in territorial aspect, ...
Pensioners per 10 000 persons aged 57 years and over, in territorial aspect, 2012-2017 -
Psychiatric inpatient care, care days per 1000 inhabitants
Psychiatric inpatient care, care days per 1000 inhabitants -
TK, Väestö kunnittain, 2015
TK, Väestö kunnittain, 2015 -
Consumption expenditures of population by quintiles and areas, 2006-2017
Consumption expenditures of population by quintiles and areas, 2006-2017 -
IZG 200. General schools by statistical region and cities under state jurisdi...
IZG 200. General schools by statistical region and cities under state jurisdiction at the beginning of the school year -
Työpaikat Vantaalla (alueella työssäkäyvät) toimialan (TOL 2008, 2-3-nro) muk...
Työpaikat Vantaalla (alueella työssäkäyvät) toimialan (TOL 2008, 2-3-nro) mukaan 31.12. -
Arvokas hyönteisalue
Arvokas hyönteisalue -
Alkaneet asunnot mal 2016
Alkaneet asunnot mal 2016 -
Suuralueet 2018 (1:4 500 000) - Municipality-based statistical units
Suuralueet 2018 (1:4 500 000) - Municipality-based statistical units -
Suuralueet 2018 (1:4 500 000) - Municipality-based statistical units
Suuralueet 2018 (1:4 500 000) - Municipality-based statistical units -
Suuralueet 2018 (1:1 000 000) - Municipality-based statistical units
Suuralueet 2018 (1:1 000 000) - Municipality-based statistical units -
MT 7.3.4 Population by functioning disability, current activity status, weekl...
MT 7.3.4 Population by functioning disability, current activity status, weekly hours of work, occupation, age and sex -
Områden med nummer
Områden med nummer -
Ruoppausalue - Ruoppausalue (vesiväyläaineisto)
Ruoppausalue - Muddringsområde (farledsdata) -
Population morbidity by classes of diseases per 100 000 inhabitants, in terri...
Population morbidity by classes of diseases per 100 000 inhabitants, in territorial aspect, 2008-2017 -
Financial derivatives and employee stock options, by sectors - annual data, m...
Financial derivatives and employee stock options, by sectors - annual data, million units of national currency -
004 -- 2 b. Tulonsaajien verotus valtionveron alaisten tulojen mukaan, 2006, ...
004 -- 2 b. Tulonsaajien verotus valtionveron alaisten tulojen mukaan, 2006, valtion verottamat -
Recipients of rehabilitation allowance aged 16-19 per 1000 persons of same age
Recipients of rehabilitation allowance aged 16-19 per 1000 persons of same age -
Parkeringstaelling i zoner
Parkeringstaelling i zoner -
Vp 2 2016 kemiske trends grundvand
Vp 2 2016 kemiske trends grundvand -
Vandløb aarhus kommune
Vandløb aarhus kommune -
Household final consumption expenditures by durability - percentage change Q/Q-4
Household final consumption expenditures by durability - percentage change Q/Q-4 -
Sillat -
Gross domestic product and -national income at current prices 1975-2016
Gross domestic product and -national income at current prices 1975-2016 -
App:Tettsted -
Tællinger, kryds
Tællinger, kryds