At risk-of-poverty rate for the population living in (quasi-)jobless households
At risk-of-poverty rate for the population living in (quasi-)jobless households -
4.7. Election map data by voting district in the Municipal elections 2012, Ku...
4.7. Election map data by voting district in the Municipal elections 2012, Kuopio. -
002 -- Comprehensive school pupils having received special support by area in...
002 -- Comprehensive school pupils having received special support by area in 2005 to 2017 -
Final energy consumption by agriculture/forestry per hectare of utilised agri...
Final energy consumption by agriculture/forestry per hectare of utilised agricultural area -
024 -- Väestöntiheys alueittain 1.1.2006
024 -- Väestöntiheys alueittain 1.1.2006 -
4.9. Candidates by voting district in Municipal elections 2012, North Savo co...
4.9. Candidates by voting district in Municipal elections 2012, North Savo constituency -
001 -- Index of producer prices of agricultural products 2010=100
001 -- Index of producer prices of agricultural products 2010=100 -
013 -- Household-dwelling units with housing loan by age and major region 200...
013 -- Household-dwelling units with housing loan by age and major region 2002-2016, in 2016 money -
Household saving rate
Household saving rate -
012 -- 8. Tulonsaajien luku, veronalaiset tulot, velat ja verot kunnittain 20...
012 -- 8. Tulonsaajien luku, veronalaiset tulot, velat ja verot kunnittain 2006, 1000 euroa. -
117 i -- Volume of goods and transport performance of domestic road transport...
117 i -- Volume of goods and transport performance of domestic road transport by type of goods (NST 2007), 2011-2018 -
002 -- Balance sheets of investment firms, by quarter starting from 2014
002 -- Balance sheets of investment firms, by quarter starting from 2014 -
Pension funds: total investments
Pension funds: total investments -
Väestönmuutos ja elinajanodote 2010-2014
Väestönmuutos ja elinajanodote 2010-2014 -
004 -- Peruskoulun oppilaat maakunnittain, kunnittain, ylläpitäjittäin ja vuo...
004 -- Peruskoulun oppilaat maakunnittain, kunnittain, ylläpitäjittäin ja vuosiluokittain vuonna 2014 -
3.1 Helsinki constituency, elected candidates share of voting rights by munic...
3.1 Helsinki constituency, elected candidates share of voting rights by municipality in Parliamentary elections 2019 -
911 -- Supply table at basic prices 2000-2007 (TOL 2002/CPA 2002) EKT 1995
911 -- Supply table at basic prices 2000-2007 (TOL 2002/CPA 2002) EKT 1995 -
Landscape fragmentation
Landscape fragmentation -
003 -- 2 a. Tulonsaajien verotus valtionveron alaisten tulojen mukaan, 2007.
003 -- 2 a. Tulonsaajien verotus valtionveron alaisten tulojen mukaan, 2007. -
007 -- Migration between regions by level of education, age group and sex in ...
007 -- Migration between regions by level of education, age group and sex in 2005 to 2016 -
Out-of-pocket expenditure on healthcare
Out-of-pocket expenditure on healthcare -
Kuntayhtymien liikelaitosten taseet 2013
Kuntayhtymien liikelaitosten taseet 2013 -
001 -- Ympäristöverot toimialoittain 2008-2016
001 -- Ympäristöverot toimialoittain 2008-2016 -
Organic crop area (fully converted area)
Organic crop area (fully converted area) -
Gross disposable income
Gross disposable income -
11 pu -- Employees aged 15-74 by type of employment relationship and sex, 199...
11 pu -- Employees aged 15-74 by type of employment relationship and sex, 1997-2018 -
Maakunnittainen luottokanta luotonantajan ja -saajan toimialan mukaan vuodest...
Maakunnittainen luottokanta luotonantajan ja -saajan toimialan mukaan vuodesta 2000 alkaen -
3.12 Oulu constituency, elected candidates share of voting rights by municipa...
3.12 Oulu constituency, elected candidates share of voting rights by municipality in Parliamentary elections 2019 -
Individuals using the internet for sending/receiving e-mails
Individuals using the internet for sending/receiving e-mails -
Maatalouden tuotantorakenne suuralueittain 2009
Maatalouden tuotantorakenne suuralueittain 2009