901 -- Trend Indicator of Output
901 -- Trend Indicator of Output -
SBSIS 10 A --- Number of enterprises moving business functions from abroad to...
SBSIS 10 A --- Number of enterprises moving business functions from abroad to Finland in 2017 -
173 -- 7.4 Satakunta constituency, Candidates by municipality and voting dist...
173 -- 7.4 Satakunta constituency, Candidates by municipality and voting district in Parliamentary elections 2019 -
004 -- 2 b. Tulonsaajien verotus valtionveron alaisten tulojen mukaan, 2008, ...
004 -- 2 b. Tulonsaajien verotus valtionveron alaisten tulojen mukaan, 2008, valtion verottamat. -
007 -- Kaukolämmön hinta kuluttajatyypeittäin
007 -- Kaukolämmön hinta kuluttajatyypeittäin -
003 -- Kokoaikaisten palkansaajien lukumäärät ja kokonaisansiot kuukaudessa k...
003 -- Kokoaikaisten palkansaajien lukumäärät ja kokonaisansiot kuukaudessa koulutusasteen, iän ja työnantajasektorin mukaan vuonna 2009 -
Active population, aged 15-64 - annual averages
Active population, aged 15-64 - annual averages -
Municipal elections 2008, number of elected councillors
Municipal elections 2008, number of elected councillors -
11 qd -- Enterprises by industry and turnover, 2013-2017
11 qd -- Enterprises by industry and turnover, 2013-2017 -
3.1. Candidates by municipality in Municipal elections 2017, Helsinki constit...
3.1. Candidates by municipality in Municipal elections 2017, Helsinki constituency -
005 -- Progress of studies of entrants to polytechnic education in 2013 by th...
005 -- Progress of studies of entrants to polytechnic education in 2013 by the end of 2017 (youth education) -
002 -- Kokoaikaisten palkansaajien lukumäärät ja kokonaisansiot kuukaudessa k...
002 -- Kokoaikaisten palkansaajien lukumäärät ja kokonaisansiot kuukaudessa koulutusasteen, iän ja työnantajasektorin mukaan vuonna 2016 -
Extra-euro area (EA 19) trade, by main partners, total product
Extra-euro area (EA 19) trade, by main partners, total product -
003 -- Profit and loss accounts of life insurance companies
003 -- Profit and loss accounts of life insurance companies -
011 -- Distribution of households by income decile groups and sosioeconomic s...
011 -- Distribution of households by income decile groups and sosioeconomic status of household head 1987 - 2017 -
186 -- 8.2 The smallest number of votes and comparison figure by which a cand...
186 -- 8.2 The smallest number of votes and comparison figure by which a candidate was elected by party and constituency in Parliamentary elections 2019 -
007 -- 3 b. Tulonsaajien lukumäärä, tulot, vähennykset ja verot makunnittain ...
007 -- 3 b. Tulonsaajien lukumäärä, tulot, vähennykset ja verot makunnittain 2006 -
Value added in foreign controlled enterprises as a share of total value added
Value added in foreign controlled enterprises as a share of total value added -
024 -- Väestöntiheys alueittain 1.1.2004
024 -- Väestöntiheys alueittain 1.1.2004 -
Fertility rates by age 2004-2016
Fertility rates by age 2004-2016 -
008 -- 4. Tulonsaajien luku, veronalaiset tulot ja verot iän ja sukupuolen mu...
008 -- 4. Tulonsaajien luku, veronalaiset tulot ja verot iän ja sukupuolen mukaan 2008 -
017 -- Employed persons by occupational group (Classification of Occupations ...
017 -- Employed persons by occupational group (Classification of Occupations 2010, levels 1 to 3), area, sex and year 2010-2016 -
906 -- Avoimet työpaikat lääneittäin 2003-2011
906 -- Avoimet työpaikat lääneittäin 2003-2011 -
901 -- Supply table at basic prices 2008-2011 (TOL 2008/CPA 2008)
901 -- Supply table at basic prices 2008-2011 (TOL 2008/CPA 2008) -
010 -- Household income: structure by stage of life cycle 1989-2017
010 -- Household income: structure by stage of life cycle 1989-2017 -
Turnover in industry - consumer durables
Turnover in industry - consumer durables -
Current account balance - annual data
Current account balance - annual data -
Population on 1 January by NUTS 2 region
Population on 1 January by NUTS 2 region -
General government output
General government output -
Business loans by sector and industry of borrower (TOL 2002) by quarter in 20...
Business loans by sector and industry of borrower (TOL 2002) by quarter in 2001-2008