Employed hrst-personnel by occupation and level of education in 2000, 2004, 2...
Employed hrst-personnel by occupation and level of education in 2000, 2004, 2005, 2007 and 2008 (TOL 2002) -
010 -- Country of birth of foreign-born spouses and cohabiting partners of me...
010 -- Country of birth of foreign-born spouses and cohabiting partners of men born in Finland 2002 - 2017 -
005 -- Kuntasektorin tuntipalkat ammateittain vuonna 2012
005 -- Kuntasektorin tuntipalkat ammateittain vuonna 2012 -
905 -- Peruskoulun erityisoppilaat maakunnittain, kunnittain, opetuskielittäi...
905 -- Peruskoulun erityisoppilaat maakunnittain, kunnittain, opetuskielittäin ja vuosiluokittain vuonna 2009 -
026 -- Population in urban settlements and sparsely populated areas by age, s...
026 -- Population in urban settlements and sparsely populated areas by age, sex and municipality, 31 Dec 2012 -
122 d -- Greenhouse gas emissions by province, 2013-2017
122 d -- Greenhouse gas emissions by province, 2013-2017 -
Financial statements, municipal groups 2017
Financial statements, municipal groups 2017 -
003 -- Live births by month in 1900 to 2018
003 -- Live births by month in 1900 to 2018 -
At-risk of poverty rate of unemployed persons
At-risk of poverty rate of unemployed persons -
904 -- Avoimet työpaikat suuralueen (2012) mukaan 2003-2012
904 -- Avoimet työpaikat suuralueen (2012) mukaan 2003-2012 -
004 -- Yksityisen sektorin kuukausipalkkaisten ansiot koulutusasteen, ikäryhm...
004 -- Yksityisen sektorin kuukausipalkkaisten ansiot koulutusasteen, ikäryhmän ja sukupuolen mukaan vuonna 2013 -
Preliminary financial statements, joint municipal authorities 2018
Preliminary financial statements, joint municipal authorities 2018 -
Persons employed in the non-financial business economy by size class of empl...
Persons employed in the non-financial business economy by size class of employment -
Real growth rate of regional gross value added (GVA) at basic prices by NUTS ...
Real growth rate of regional gross value added (GVA) at basic prices by NUTS 2 regions -
004 -- Pupils having received part-time special education in school years 200...
004 -- Pupils having received part-time special education in school years 2005/2006 to 2016/2017 by area -
Volume of freight transport relative to GDP
Volume of freight transport relative to GDP -
11 vs -- Consumer Confidence by region, 2019 M 05
11 vs -- Consumer Confidence by region, 2019 M 05 -
Purchase price indices, total means of agricultural production
Purchase price indices, total means of agricultural production -
Compensation of employees - annual data, million units of national currency
Compensation of employees - annual data, million units of national currency -
3.2. Candidates by municipality in Municipal elections 2012, Uusimaa constitu...
3.2. Candidates by municipality in Municipal elections 2012, Uusimaa constituency -
Keskiväkilukuestimaatit: 2005-2014
Keskiväkilukuestimaatit: 2005-2014 -
11 x 5 -- Rent index (2015=100) and average rents per square meter, 2015-2018
11 x 5 -- Rent index (2015=100) and average rents per square meter, 2015-2018 -
Total financial sector liabilities, non-consolidated - annual data
Total financial sector liabilities, non-consolidated - annual data -
Alueelliset indikaattorisarjat 1987-2013
Alueelliset indikaattorisarjat 1987-2013 -
Maatalouden investoinnit maakunnittain 2011
Maatalouden investoinnit maakunnittain 2011 -
Waste generated by households by year and waste category
Waste generated by households by year and waste category -
4.1. Vaalikartta-aineisto äänestysalueittain kunnallisvaaleissa 2012, pääkaup...
4.1. Vaalikartta-aineisto äänestysalueittain kunnallisvaaleissa 2012, pääkaupunkiseutu -
11 ry -- Marital status by age (1-year) and sex, 1990-2018
11 ry -- Marital status by age (1-year) and sex, 1990-2018 -
913 -- Kotitalouksien varat ja velat viitehenkilön ikäryhmän mukaan 2004, ? k...
913 -- Kotitalouksien varat ja velat viitehenkilön ikäryhmän mukaan 2004, ? kotitaloutta kohti -
027 -- Urban settlements by population and population density, 31 Dec 2015
027 -- Urban settlements by population and population density, 31 Dec 2015