Virksomheter 1 km 2016
Virksomheter 1 km 2016 -
MT 7.3.1 Population by functioning disability, educational attainment, age an...
MT 7.3.1 Population by functioning disability, educational attainment, age and sex -
LSK 01-III 23. Grouping of farms by number of dairy cows
LSK 01-III 23. Grouping of farms by number of dairy cows -
Time Use (132 categories) by sex in 1999-2000 and 2009-2010
Time Use (132 categories) by sex in 1999-2000 and 2009-2010 -
LSK 01-III 28. Number of pigs by districts
LSK 01-III 28. Number of pigs by districts -
Frequency of heavy episodic drinking by sex, age and degree of urbanization
Frequency of heavy episodic drinking by sex, age and degree of urbanization -
TRG 540. Traffic at the airport -Riga-
TRG 540. Traffic at the airport -Riga- -
Export of fresh fish by mode of transport 1988-2017
Export of fresh fish by mode of transport 1988-2017 -
Population density by area 1.1.2014
Population density by area 1.1.2014 -
Occupancy rate of rooms and beds in hotels 2000-2018
Occupancy rate of rooms and beds in hotels 2000-2018 -
Population density by area 1.1.2015
Population density by area 1.1.2015 -
Annual changes of Consumer Price Index
Annual changes of Consumer Price Index -
External trade in services, quarterly 2009-2018
External trade in services, quarterly 2009-2018 -
Marriages by type of marriage ceremony 1951-2011
Marriages by type of marriage ceremony 1951-2011 -
Persons with disability receiving service in December by type of residence, a...
Persons with disability receiving service in December by type of residence, age and service area 2011-2016 -
Persons with disability receiving service in December by type of residence, a...
Persons with disability receiving service in December by type of residence, age and service area 2011-2016 -
Price indices of marine products by month 1990-2006
Price indices of marine products by month 1990-2006 -
Tettsteder 2015
Tettsteder 2015 -
Population morbidity with drug addiction by area, 1995-2017
Population morbidity with drug addiction by area, 1995-2017 -
NIG 020. At-risk-of-poverty threshold (illustrative values)
NIG 020. At-risk-of-poverty threshold (illustrative values) -
Maankäyttö: Asemakaava, MaaMetsatalousalue
Maankäyttö: Asemakaava, MaaMetsatalousalue -
Members of the Althingi elected in general elections 10 May 2003 - South cons...
Members of the Althingi elected in general elections 10 May 2003 - South constituency -
Population density by area 1.1.2013
Population density by area 1.1.2013 -
AT 060 m. Principal exports
AT 060 m. Principal exports -
LSK 01-II 05. Sown area by agricultural crops and districts
LSK 01-II 05. Sown area by agricultural crops and districts -
HM 01100 Causes of death (7 main groups) by sex (1983-2016)
HM 01100 Causes of death (7 main groups) by sex (1983-2016) -
Kirjastoauton pysäkit
Kirjastoauton pysäkit -
LAG 071. Planted area of commercial apple tree orchards
LAG 071. Planted area of commercial apple tree orchards -
SDG 142. Municipal social assistance
SDG 142. Municipal social assistance -
Inbound tourism expenditure in Iceland by consumption products and classes of...
Inbound tourism expenditure in Iceland by consumption products and classes of visitors, 2009-2017