Porttaali -
Kanta:Rakennelma -
SKG 170. Fires: number and consequences
SKG 170. Fires: number and consequences -
Completion rate and dropout from upper secondary education by origin 1995-2016
Completion rate and dropout from upper secondary education by origin 1995-2016 -
MT 4.2.2 Dwellings by type, number of rooms and occupants and place of usual ...
MT 4.2.2 Dwellings by type, number of rooms and occupants and place of usual residence -
Kanta:Pensasaita -
Uimahallit -
Water supply systems in territorial aspect, 2008-2017
Water supply systems in territorial aspect, 2008-2017 -
Crude divorce rate
Crude divorce rate -
Befolkning 1 km 2017
Befolkning 1 km 2017 -
Secondary Distribution of Income Account 2000-2016
Secondary Distribution of Income Account 2000-2016 -
Nurmijarvi suuralueet
Nurmijarvi suuralueet -
LSK 01-I 26. Use of land by districts
LSK 01-I 26. Use of land by districts -
Maaraala alue arvioitu sijainti
Maaraala alue arvioitu sijainti -
LSK 01-IV 10. Provision with animal abodes owned by farms
LSK 01-IV 10. Provision with animal abodes owned by farms -
Rumpu -
Akaava:Istutusalue -
Bottniskaviken översiktligt område
Bottniskaviken översiktligt område -
LSK 01-III 08. Structure of cattle herd
LSK 01-III 08. Structure of cattle herd -
Akaava:MuuLiikennealue -
Akaava:Istutusalue -
Kanta:Lehtipuu -
Fiskepladser -
Kanta:RaideliikenneRakenne -
Life expectancy of 25-year-olds with upper secondary education (up to 2010)
Life expectancy of 25-year-olds with upper secondary education (up to 2010) -
Kanta:Havupuurivi -
Jordbruksbedrifter 2014
Jordbruksbedrifter 2014 -
IP 02071 Old consumer price index by 5 commodity groups (1988 Q 1-2001 Q 2) -...
IP 02071 Old consumer price index by 5 commodity groups (1988 Q 1-2001 Q 2) - discontinued -
Employed population by age groups, duration of the working week, working prog...
Employed population by age groups, duration of the working week, working program, sex and area, 2000-2017 -
SA-Confederation of Icelandic Employers 2004-2008
SA-Confederation of Icelandic Employers 2004-2008