SBG 010. Entrepreneurship indicators of enterprises
SBG 010. Entrepreneurship indicators of enterprises -
Kbh kysttyper
Kbh kysttyper -
Vesikohde -
TJ Jokela
TJ Jokela -
Kerava pienalueet
Kerava pienalueet -
Private service sector, quarterly series
Private service sector, quarterly series -
ValuableHabitats -
HICP - transport
HICP - transport -
Oppilaaksiottoalueet 2014-15, ala-aste, ruotsi
Oppilaaksiottoalueet 2014-15, ala-aste, ruotsi -
IP 02060 Weighting basis of CPI, percentage by commodity groups and period
IP 02060 Weighting basis of CPI, percentage by commodity groups and period -
Graduations at the post-secondary non-tertiary level by field of study, diplo...
Graduations at the post-secondary non-tertiary level by field of study, diploma and sex 1995-2016 -
ConditionOfFacility -
Kanta:Rakenne -
Kanta:Taytemaa-alue -
Theatre for children 1985-2014
Theatre for children 1985-2014 -
Kanta:Kasviryhma -
Rakennelma -
Enterprises using ERP software 2010-2017
Enterprises using ERP software 2010-2017 -
Urval: Tema Transport och kommunikationer (sjöfart och sjöfart UTR)
Urval: Tema Transport och kommunikationer (sjöfart och sjöfart UTR) -
Registered enterprises and organisations (ISAT 95) 1994-2007
Registered enterprises and organisations (ISAT 95) 1994-2007 -
LSK 01-III 21. Grouping of farms by number of cattle
LSK 01-III 21. Grouping of farms by number of cattle -
Erityisrakennne -
Energy dependence
Energy dependence -
IP 02081 Old consumer price index by 18 commodity groups (1983 Q 3-2001 Q 2) ...
IP 02081 Old consumer price index by 18 commodity groups (1983 Q 3-2001 Q 2) - discontinued -
IP 02081 Old consumer price index by 18 commodity groups (1983 Q 3-2001 Q 2) ...
IP 02081 Old consumer price index by 18 commodity groups (1983 Q 3-2001 Q 2) - discontinued -
UV 05020 Grants to students (2000-2016/17)
UV 05020 Grants to students (2000-2016/17) -
Samba Wellbores in PetSys
Samba Wellbores in PetSys -
LSK 01-IV 04. Residential houses by reconstruction period
LSK 01-IV 04. Residential houses by reconstruction period -
Mkos:Osoite -
Esteettomyys reitti
Esteettomyys reitti