HM 01110 Causes of death in 107 groups, by sex (2007-2016)
HM 01110 Causes of death in 107 groups, by sex (2007-2016) -
MM 01050 The Faroese National Archives by services (1994-2017)
MM 01050 The Faroese National Archives by services (1994-2017) -
Destination of inbound trips by regions 2007-2008
Destination of inbound trips by regions 2007-2008 -
Bygningsmassen 1 km 2012
Bygningsmassen 1 km 2012 -
P zoner kbh
P zoner kbh -
Kanta:Hallintoalue -
LSS 07. Farms by manager status and statistical region
LSS 07. Farms by manager status and statistical region -
Construction organizations, by forms of ownership, 2000-2017
Construction organizations, by forms of ownership, 2000-2017 -
Employed labour force 2007-2015 (NI 2008) by industry and year
Employed labour force 2007-2015 (NI 2008) by industry and year -
Tilastoruudukko 1 km x 1 km
Tilastoruudukko 1 km x 1 km -
Kaupunginosajako -
Supply of electricity 1980-2016 by year, statistics and origin
Supply of electricity 1980-2016 by year, statistics and origin -
Musslor-nationella-miljoovervakningsstationer - Miljöövervakningsstationer fö...
Musslor-nationella-miljoovervakningsstationer - Miljöövervakningsstationer för sötvatten, kust och hav samt badplatser -
Museums in territorial aspect, 2011-2017
Museums in territorial aspect, 2011-2017 -
Public expenditure on health care 1998-2017
Public expenditure on health care 1998-2017 -
11 rb -- Population and change in population size by sex, 1750-2018
11 rb -- Population and change in population size by sex, 1750-2018 -
Children killed in road traffic accidents 2000-2017
Children killed in road traffic accidents 2000-2017 -
LK 03040 Income tax, by authority and type (1990-2016)
LK 03040 Income tax, by authority and type (1990-2016) -
Income statement and balance sheet for dairyfarms in regions 2008-2016
Income statement and balance sheet for dairyfarms in regions 2008-2016 -
Historiske billeder fra Nytorv 1860-1937
Historiske billeder fra Nytorv 1860-1937 -
Human resources in science and technology (HRST)
Human resources in science and technology (HRST) -
Income statement and balance sheet for sheepfarms in regions 2008-2016
Income statement and balance sheet for sheepfarms in regions 2008-2016 -
Crimes committed by minors by type of crimes, 2000-2017
Crimes committed by minors by type of crimes, 2000-2017 -
Bygningsmassen 250 m 2016
Bygningsmassen 250 m 2016 -
Potentialelinjer 2017
Potentialelinjer 2017 -
Average duration of life by ages, sex and areas, 1980-2017
Average duration of life by ages, sex and areas, 1980-2017 -
Beboerzone adresse
Beboerzone adresse -
Bygningsmassen 5 km 2016
Bygningsmassen 5 km 2016 -
Jarvenpaa tilastoalueet
Jarvenpaa tilastoalueet -
LSK 01-III 29. Structure of pig herd by districts
LSK 01-III 29. Structure of pig herd by districts