Helsingin väestö äidinkielen mukaan 1.1.
Helsingin väestö äidinkielen mukaan 1.1. -
Jordbruksbedrifter 1 km 2014
Jordbruksbedrifter 1 km 2014 -
DIG 020. Annual labour costs and their structure (thsd euro)
DIG 020. Annual labour costs and their structure (thsd euro) -
Children coverage with prophylactic vaccination, 1995-2017
Children coverage with prophylactic vaccination, 1995-2017 -
Aldersfordeling fordelt på skoledistrikter
Aldersfordeling fordelt på skoledistrikter -
Tiet -
Countryborders -
Public libraries, in territorial aspect, 2008-2017
Public libraries, in territorial aspect, 2008-2017 -
MT 3.4.3 Female population by number of children born alive and rural/urban p...
MT 3.4.3 Female population by number of children born alive and rural/urban places -
Maankäyttö: Kantakartta, Muu maa-alue
Maankäyttö: Kantakartta, Muu maa-alue -
People involved in accidents 2009-2016 by type of vehicle
People involved in accidents 2009-2016 by type of vehicle -
Asemakaavaindeksi -
Asemakaavaindeksi -
Antal kommunale besøg i hjemmeplejen fordelt på ydelsestype
Antal kommunale besøg i hjemmeplejen fordelt på ydelsestype -
Public libraries 2009-2017 by year, municipality and activity
Public libraries 2009-2017 by year, municipality and activity -
Death due to accidents by NUTS 2 regions
Death due to accidents by NUTS 2 regions -
Hyvinkaa pienalueet
Hyvinkaa pienalueet -
Kuntien tunnusluvut 2010
Kuntien tunnusluvut 2010 -
Value of Imports from Abroad, in 1 000 euro 2004-2010 (NI 2008) by industry a...
Value of Imports from Abroad, in 1 000 euro 2004-2010 (NI 2008) by industry and year -
Rullalautailualue -
Seutukartta nimisto merialue ruotsi
Seutukartta nimisto merialue ruotsi -
Geologiske modeller
Geologiske modeller -
Kuilut -
Overcrowding rate by age group - EU-SILC survey
Overcrowding rate by age group - EU-SILC survey -
Completiondeclaration stand 11 50
Completiondeclaration stand 11 50 -
Fertility and reproduction rate by area, 1978-2017
Fertility and reproduction rate by area, 1978-2017 -
Quarterly wage index by sector from 2005
Quarterly wage index by sector from 2005 -
Helsingin väestön ammatissa toimivuus 1870-1930
Helsingin väestön ammatissa toimivuus 1870-1930 -
Population 1999-2017 by municipality, citizenship and year
Population 1999-2017 by municipality, citizenship and year