Maaraala alue epavarma sijainti
Maaraala alue epavarma sijainti -
MT 6.6.11 Population by location of place of work, country of birth, age and sex
MT 6.6.11 Population by location of place of work, country of birth, age and sex -
Dwellings 1998-2013 by municipality, year of completion, year and equipment
Dwellings 1998-2013 by municipality, year of completion, year and equipment -
Compulsory treatment in psychiatric inpatient care for those aged 0-17
Compulsory treatment in psychiatric inpatient care for those aged 0-17 -
Overnight shelters, resident days in services sold by the municipality, durin...
Overnight shelters, resident days in services sold by the municipality, during year -
MML, Hallintorajat, normaali, 2015
MML, Hallintorajat, normaali, 2015 -
TB 04020 Generation of income account at current prices by sector (1998-2013)
TB 04020 Generation of income account at current prices by sector (1998-2013) -
Viherhoitoluokka - Viherhoitoluokka (Tierekisterin tietolaji 322)
Viherhoitoluokka - Viherhoitoluokka (Tierekisterin tietolaji 322) -
Members of the Althingi elected in general elections 25 April 2009 - Reykjaví...
Members of the Althingi elected in general elections 25 April 2009 - Reykjavík South constituency -
P pladser kk ejd
P pladser kk ejd -
Maaraala alue arvioitu sijainti
Maaraala alue arvioitu sijainti -
Family payment-to-income ratio by net wealth deciles 2015-2018
Family payment-to-income ratio by net wealth deciles 2015-2018 -
Domestic tourism expenditure in Iceland by consumption products, 2009-2017
Domestic tourism expenditure in Iceland by consumption products, 2009-2017 -
Producer price indices, animals and animal products
Producer price indices, animals and animal products -
Level of citizens' confidence in EU institutions
Level of citizens' confidence in EU institutions -
Detoxification centres, clients in services funded by the municipality, durin...
Detoxification centres, clients in services funded by the municipality, during year -
Operating accounts by section, all available enterprises 2006 and 2007
Operating accounts by section, all available enterprises 2006 and 2007 -
Use table for imports at basic prices 2010-2014 (TOL 2008/CPA 2008) ESA 2010
Use table for imports at basic prices 2010-2014 (TOL 2008/CPA 2008) ESA 2010 -
IP 02070 Old consumer price index by 5 commodity groups and quarter (1988-200...
IP 02070 Old consumer price index by 5 commodity groups and quarter (1988-2001) - discontinued -
Päällysteen korjaus - Päällysteen korjaus (Tierekisterin tietolaji 174)
Päällysteen korjaus - Päällysteen korjaus (Tierekisterin tietolaji 174) -
The victims of work accidents by economic activities, 1997-2015
The victims of work accidents by economic activities, 1997-2015 -
Monthly gross average earning by forms of ownership, in territorial aspect, 2...
Monthly gross average earning by forms of ownership, in territorial aspect, 2011-2017 -
Children in pre-primary institutions with special needs 1998-2017
Children in pre-primary institutions with special needs 1998-2017 -
Plads aktivitet
Plads aktivitet -
Wfs ostLiikenne
Wfs ostLiikenne -
Residential homes for older people, long-term clients, on 31 Dec
Residential homes for older people, long-term clients, on 31 Dec -
Visiteret tid i hjemmeplejen fordelt på dagstype (eksklusiv ordninger)
Visiteret tid i hjemmeplejen fordelt på dagstype (eksklusiv ordninger) -
Pejlinger, miljoekontrol
Pejlinger, miljoekontrol -
SYKE, Asemakaavoitetut alueet, 1:20 000, 31.12.2011
SYKE, Asemakaavoitetut alueet, 1:20 000, 31.12.2011 -
Monthly average earnings by economic activities, by quarters, 2015-2017
Monthly average earnings by economic activities, by quarters, 2015-2017