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National Elevation Model: Scanning Dates and Coordinates in SWEREF 99 TM Format

This dataset collection is comprised of information sourced from the website of Lantmäteriet (The Land Survey of Sweden). It consists of several tables, each containing related data organized in rows and columns. The data within these tables are delivered in either Shape format or MapInfo format, with four files per layer for each format. These files include Geometry file, Attribute file, Index file and Projection file in the Shape format, and Main file/Table definitions, Attribute file, Geometry file, and Index file for graphical features in the MapInfo format. The data primarily consists of parameters in metadata files for laser scanning at the file level in the National Elevation Model. This includes information such as the coordinate indication for the lower left corner of a square and the length of the square's side, the date the square was scanned, the software and version used for classifying the laser points, the extent of classification, the date the last classification was conducted, and the classes that may be included. This dataset collection is particularly valuable for those interested in geographical data related to Sweden. This dataset is licensed under CC0 (Creative Commons Zero,


  • History of Version Changes for Scan Date Records in National Elevation Model of SwedenTSV

    The 'skanningsdatum__history' table is a historical record of geographic data, which has been sourced from the Swedish mapping, cadastral and land registration authority, Lantmäteriet. Bearing a close relationship to the raw data, this table is in essence a version history record of the base table rows. Each row in this table is given a unique identifier, which is a combination of the row number and the date when the row was extracted from the source. This allows for tracking changes in the data over time. If a row has a null end date, it indicates that it is the most recent version. The table includes geographic information, such as coordinates and geometry, which has been transformed from the original shapefile format. The geographic features could be points, lines or polygons,...

  • Scanning Date Details in National Elevation ModelTSV

    The 'skanningsdatum' table is a crucial part of a dataset collection that pertains to geographic information. The table provides an array of data that are essential for geographic analysis. The information it contains includes the date when the data was extracted and the row number, which together uniquely identify each row of data. It also contains detailed geographic information that has been converted from the shapefile format, a common format for storing geographic location and attribute information. This includes data that can be represented by points, lines, or polygons, and is stored in both GeoJSON and GeoText formats for maximum versatility. The table also includes information on the geometric center of the geographic feature, stored as both X and Y coordinates. The table is...

Column Descriptions

Scanning Date Details in National Elevation Model

Column Type Comment
_extract_date date The date when the data on a particular row was extracted from the data source.
_row_number long The row number in the data extracted from the source on the specific extract date. This, in combination with the '_extract_date' column, uniquely identifies each row.
DATUM string Contains dates related to the data in the format YYMMDD.
geom_geojson string Contains geometric data in GeoJSON format. This data likely represents the geographical shape of the area in question.
geom_geotext string Contains geometric data in a text-based format. This data likely represents the geographical shape of the area in question.
geom_type string Specifies the type of the geometric data. For example, ST_POLYGON indicates that the data represents a polygon.
geom_centroid string Contains the centroid (geometric center) of the geographical shape represented by the geometry data.
geom_center_x double The x-coordinate of the geometric center of the area represented by the geometric data.
geom_center_y double The y-coordinate of the geometric center of the area represented by the geometric data.

History of Version Changes for Scan Date Records in National Elevation Model of Sweden

Column Type Comment
_start_date date This column contains the date when the row was extracted from the data source, indicating the start of the version history for that particular row.
_end_date date This column contains the date when a new version of the row was extracted from the data source, marking the end of the version history for a particular row. If the value of this column is null, it suggests that the row is the most recent version.
_row_number long This column contains the number of the row in the raw data extracted from the data source. In combination with the _start_date, it uniquely identifies each row in this version history table.
DATUM string This column contains date values related to the data in the row, likely indicating when a particular event or change occurred in the data.
geom_geojson string This column contains the geometric data of the row in GeoJSON format, a popular open standard format designed for representing simple geographical features, along with their non-spatial attributes.
geom_geotext string This column contains the geometric data of the row in text format, providing a human-readable representation of the geometric data.
geom_type string This column identifies the type of the geometric data present in the row, such as point, line, polygon etc.
geom_centroid string This column contains the centroid of the geometric data, which is the central point of the geometric shape. It is represented as a point.
geom_center_x double This column contains the x-coordinate of the center of the geometric shape. This point is not necessarily the centroid, but represents the center along the x-axis.
geom_center_y double This column contains the y-coordinate of the center of the geometric shape. This point is not necessarily the centroid, but represents the center along the y-axis.

Additional Info

Last Updated September 13, 2024
Created September 4, 2024