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Swedish High Value Data Collection: Companies, Geospatial, Meteorological, Statistics, and Earth Observation & Environment

The dataset collection in focus comprises an assortment of tables, each carrying a distinct set of data. These tables are meticulously sourced from the website of Lantmäteriet (The Swedish Mapping, Cadastral and Land Registration Authority) in Sweden. The dataset provides a wide range of valuable data, including but not limited to, information about companies, geospatial data, meteorological data, statistical data, and earth observation & environmental data. The tables present the data in an organized manner, with the information arranged systematically in columns and rows. This makes it convenient to analyze and draw insights from the dataset. Overall, it's a comprehensive dataset collection that offers a diverse and substantial range of information.


  • Detailed Geospatial Data: Aggregated and Detailed Levels, High Value Categories, and Access ConditionsTSV

    The 'geospatial' table is a rich collection of data sourced from the website of Lantmäteriet (The National Land Survey) in Sweden. This table is designed to provide a thorough understanding of a wide range of geospatial data factors. It encompasses unique identifiers for each row, based on the date of data extraction and the row number in the extracted data. The table includes detailed and aggregated data types, dataset titles, categories, responsible authority names, and brief descriptions or important comments. It also outlines if the dataset is coordinated on the EU level or only national, if it is open for access and re-use, and whether it is available free of charge for both access and re-use. Other details provided include if the data is provided via API, if it is machine...

  • Detailed Meteorological Data: Aggregated and Detailed Levels with Descriptions, Conditions, and AvailabilityTSV

    The 'Meteorological' table is a comprehensive collection of data extracted from the website of Lantmäteriet (The Swedish Mapping, Cadastral and Land Registration Authority) in Sweden. This table is a part of a larger dataset collection and is organized in a structured format with rows and columns for easy interpretation and analysis. The table contains a wealth of meteorological data, with each row representing a unique entry, identified by a combination of the extract date and row number. This ensures that each row is unique and traceable back to its original source. The data covers a wide range of meteorological factors at both detailed and aggregated levels. It also includes information about the dataset title, the responsible authority, and brief descriptions or important comments...

  • Detailed Statistics and Aggregated Data from High Value Data Sets in SwedenTSV

    The 'Statistics' table is a comprehensive collection of data that is part of the dataset collection sourced from the website of Lantmäteriet (Swedish Mapping, Cadastral, and Land Registration Authority), based in Sweden. This table provides a wide array of information, which includes detailed and aggregated types of data, dataset titles, categories, responsible authority names, brief descriptions, comments, and more. It also provides information on whether the dataset is coordinated at the EU level or only at the national level and if it is already open for access and reuse. There are specific conditions mentioned regarding the availability of the data, such as whether it’s provided free of charge, via API, in a machine-readable format, or as a bulk download. There are also columns...

  • Earth Observation and Environmental Data Collection in SwedenTSV

    The 'earthobsenvironment' table is a comprehensive collection of environmental data sourced from 'Lantmäteriet' (The National Land Survey), a website based in Sweden. This well-structured table is part of a larger dataset collection. It comprises numerous columns that house specific types of information, making it a rich resource for data analysis. Two key columns in the table are '_extract_date' and '_row_number'. The '_extract_date' column records when the data was extracted from the source, while the '_row_number' column indicates the row's position in the extracted data. The combination of these two columns provides a unique identifier for each row in the table. The table features a wide array of data points, from dataset titles and details, to information about the responsible...

  • Historical Version Records of Geospatial Data TablesTSV

    The 'Geospatial History' table is a rich resource that maintains version history of its base table rows. This allows for tracking of changes in data over time, essential for understanding trends and patterns. The table is hosted in the dataset collection from a reputable source, the 'Lantmäteriet' (the Swedish Mapping, Cadastral and Land Registration Authority), located in Sweden. The table comprises various columns, each capturing specific details about the data. For instance, it contains a unique identification for each row, formed by a combination of the start date and row number. The start date marks the date of data extraction from the source, while the end date signifies when a newer version of the row was extracted. A null value in the end date indicates the most current version...

  • History of Company Data: Version History Recordings from SwedenTSV

    The 'companies__history' table is a comprehensive record of company data, sourced from the Lantmäteriet (The Swedish Mapping, Cadastral and Land Registration Authority) website in Sweden. It is a history table that contains the version history of its base table rows, making it possible to observe changes over time. Each entry in the table is uniquely identified by a combination of its start date and row number. The table includes a wide range of columns, capturing detailed and aggregated data types, dataset titles, categories, responsible authority names, and information about whether the dataset is coordinated on the EU level or national level. It also contains details about the accessibility and usability of the data, such as whether it is open for access and re-use, available free...

  • Swedish High Value Data Proposal: Detailed Company InformationTSV

    The 'companies' table is a multi-faceted and extensive repository of data. It is derived from the dataset collection of a proposal on high-value data from Sweden. The table is sourced from the website of 'Lantmäteriet' (The Land Survey of Sweden), a trusted and renowned entity in Sweden. The table contains a wealth of information, broken down into numerous columns that capture various aspects of data. Two special columns, the extract date and the row number, provide unique identifiers for each row, allowing for precise tracking and referencing of data. The extract date specifies when the data was extracted from the source, while the row number indicates the position of the data within the extracted information. This table offers a comprehensive insight into the companies in Sweden,...

  • Version History of Earth Observation and Environment Data - SwedenTSV

    The 'earthobsenvironment__history' table is a historical data repository, storing version history of records from its base table. It is part of a larger dataset, specifically sourced from the 'Lantmäteriet' (The Land Survey) website in Sweden. The table is designed with unique identifiers for each row, which are a combination of the extraction date and the row number from the original data source. The table includes information about detailed and aggregated data types, dataset titles both in a detailed and aggregated form, responsible authority names, and a brief description along with important comments. It also documents whether the dataset is coordinated at the EU level or is national, and whether it is already open for access and re-use. It incorporates default conditions related to...

  • Version History of Meteorological Data - Detailed and Aggregated LevelsTSV

    The 'Meteorological History' table is a rich collection of historical weather data, sourced from the 'Lantmäteriet' website in Sweden. This table serves as a historical repository, tracking the changes and updates made to individual entries over time. It is equipped with unique identifiers for each row, comprising a combination of the date of data extraction and the row number from the raw data source, ensuring accurate version management over time. This is facilitated by two additional columns that record the start and end dates of each data entry, with a null end date indicating that the current row version is the most recent. The information within this table is detailed and extensive, covering various aspects of meteorological data at both detailed and aggregated levels. It also...

  • Version History Table for High Value Data Statistics from Swedish Dataset CollectionTSV

    The 'statistics__history' table is a comprehensive version history of its base table rows, sourced from the Swedish website, Lantmäteriet. This table is part of the 'bilaga_1_sweden_proposal_on_high_value_data_20200430_xlsx' dataset collection. The table is organized in a manner that each row represents a unique version of a given data entry from the base table. Each row in the table is uniquely identified by a combination of the extraction date and the row number from the raw data. The extraction date, indicating when the row was pulled from the data source, is stored in the '_start_date' column. The '_end_date' column, on the other hand, stores the date when a new version of the row was extracted, marking the end of the validity of the current version. If this '_end_date' is null, it...

Column Descriptions

Earth Observation and Environmental Data Collection in Sweden

Column Type Comment
_extract_date date This column records the date when the data on a particular row was extracted from the data source.
_row_number long This column records the row number in the data extracted from the source on the extract date specified by the column '_extract_date'. This column, in combination with '_extract_date', uniquely identifies each row.
dataslag_detaljerad_niva string This column contains detailed level data type.
dataslag_detaljerad_niva__float float This column contains the numeric equivalent of the detailed level data type.
dataslag_aggregerad_niva string This column contains aggregated level data type.
dataset_title_aggregated string This column contains the title of the aggregated dataset.
dataset_title_aggregated__float float This column contains the numeric equivalent of the aggregated dataset title.
dataslag_detaljerad_niva_1 string This column contains detailed level data type 1.
dataslag_detaljerad_niva_1__float float This column contains the numeric equivalent of the detailed level data type 1.
dataset_title_detailed string This column contains the title of the detailed dataset.
dataset_title_detailed__float float This column contains the numeric equivalent of the detailed dataset title.
hvd_category string This column contains the category of high value data.
responsible_authority_name_also_in_en_translation string This column contains the name of the responsible authority, also provided in English translation.
brief_descriptionimportant_comments string This column contains brief descriptions and important comments about the dataset.
brief_descriptionimportant_comments__float float This column contains the numeric equivalent of the brief descriptions and important comments.
dataset_coordinated_on_the_eu_levelonly_national string This column indicates whether the dataset is coordinated on the EU level only, or also nationally.
dataset_coordinated_on_the_eu_levelonly_national__float float This column contains the numeric equivalent of whether the dataset is coordinated on the EU level only, or also nationally.
already_open_for_access_and_re_use string This column indicates whether the dataset is already open for access and re-use.
already_open_for_access_and_re_use__float float This column contains the numeric equivalent of whether the dataset is already open for access and re-use.
default_condition_1_available_free_of_charge_both_access_and_re_use string This column indicates whether the default condition 1, i.e., the dataset is available free of charge for both access and re-use, is met.
default_condition_1_available_free_of_charge_both_access_and_re_use__float float This column contains the numeric equivalent of whether the default condition 1 is met.
default_condition_2_provided_via_api string This column indicates whether the default condition 2, i.e., the dataset is provided via an API, is met.
default_condition_2_provided_via_api__float float This column contains the numeric equivalent of whether the default condition 2 is met.
default_condition_3_machine_readable string This column indicates whether the default condition 3, i.e., the dataset is machine-readable, is met.
default_condition_3_machine_readable__float float This column contains the numeric equivalent of whether the default condition 3 is met.
default_condition_4_provided_as_a_bulk_download string This column indicates whether the default condition 4, i.e., the dataset is provided as a bulk download, is met.
default_condition_4_provided_as_a_bulk_download__float float This column contains the numeric equivalent of whether the default condition 4 is met.
other_proposed_conditions_beyond_the_4_default_ones string This column contains any other proposed conditions beyond the 4 default ones.
other_proposed_conditions_beyond_the_4_default_ones__float float This column contains the numeric equivalent of any other proposed conditions beyond the 4 default ones.
presentationsniva string This column contains the presentation level of the data.

Version History of Earth Observation and Environment Data - Sweden

Column Type Comment
_start_date date This column contains the date when the row was extracted from the data source. It's a part of a unique identifier for each row when combined with '_row_number'.
_end_date date This column contains the date when a new version of the row was extracted from the data source. A null value indicates that the row is the most recent version.
_row_number long This column contains the number of the row in the raw data extracted from the data source. It's a part of a unique identifier for each row when combined with '_start_date'.
dataslag_detaljerad_niva string This column contains detailed level data type.
dataslag_detaljerad_niva__float float This column contains the float representation of the detailed level data type.
dataslag_aggregerad_niva string This column contains aggregated level data type.
dataset_title_aggregated string This column contains the aggregated title of the dataset.
dataset_title_aggregated__float float This column contains the float representation of the aggregated dataset title.
dataslag_detaljerad_niva_1 string This column contains detailed level data type 1.
dataslag_detaljerad_niva_1__float float This column contains the float representation of the detailed level data type 1.
dataset_title_detailed string This column contains the detailed title of the dataset.
dataset_title_detailed__float float This column contains the float representation of the detailed dataset title.
hvd_category string This column contains the category of high-value dataset.
responsible_authority_name_also_in_en_translation string This column contains the name of the responsible authority, also provided in English translation.
brief_descriptionimportant_comments string This column contains brief descriptions and important comments about the dataset.
brief_descriptionimportant_comments__float float This column contains the float representation of the brief descriptions and important comments.
dataset_coordinated_on_the_eu_levelonly_national string This column indicates whether the dataset is coordinated only on the EU level or nationally.
dataset_coordinated_on_the_eu_levelonly_national__float float This column contains the float representation of the coordination level of the dataset.
already_open_for_access_and_re_use string This column indicates whether the dataset is already open for access and re-use.
already_open_for_access_and_re_use__float float This column contains the float representation of the openness status of the dataset.
default_condition_1_available_free_of_charge_both_access_and_re_use string This column indicates whether the dataset is available free of charge for both access and re-use under the default conditions.
default_condition_1_available_free_of_charge_both_access_and_re_use__float float This column contains the float representation of the first default condition of the dataset.
default_condition_2_provided_via_api string This column indicates whether the dataset is provided via API under the default conditions.
default_condition_2_provided_via_api__float float This column contains the float representation of the second default condition of the dataset.
default_condition_3_machine_readable string This column indicates whether the dataset is machine readable under the default conditions.
default_condition_3_machine_readable__float float This column contains the float representation of the third default condition of the dataset.
default_condition_4_provided_as_a_bulk_download string This column indicates whether the dataset is provided as a bulk download under the default conditions.
default_condition_4_provided_as_a_bulk_download__float float This column contains the float representation of the fourth default condition of the dataset.
other_proposed_conditions_beyond_the_4_default_ones string This column contains other proposed conditions for the dataset beyond the four default ones.
other_proposed_conditions_beyond_the_4_default_ones__float float This column contains the float representation of other proposed conditions for the dataset.
presentationsniva string This column contains the presentation level of the dataset.

Swedish High Value Data Proposal: Detailed Company Information

Column Type Comment
_extract_date date The date when the data on the row was extracted from the data source.
_row_number long The row number in the data extracted from the source on the extract date.
dataslag_detaljerad_niva string Detailed level data type.
dataslag_detaljerad_niva__int int Integer representation of the detailed level data type.
dataslag_aggregerad_niva string Aggregated level data type.
dataslag_aggregerad_niva__float float Floating point representation of the aggregated level data type.
dataset_title_aggrigated string Title of the aggregated dataset.
dataset_title_aggrigated__float float Floating point representation of the title of the aggregated dataset.
dataslag_detaljerad_niva_1 string Detailed level data type 1.
dataslag_detaljerad_niva_1__float float Floating point representation of the detailed level data type 1.
dataset_title_detailed string Title of the detailed dataset.
dataset_title_detailed__float float Floating point representation of the title of the detailed dataset.
hvd_category string Category of high-value data.
hvd_category__float float Floating point representation of the high-value data category.
responsible_authority_name_also_in_en_translation string Name of the responsible authority, also translated into English.
responsible_authority_name_also_in_en_translation__float float Floating point representation of the name of the responsible authority.
dataset_coordinated_on_the_eu_levelonly_national string Indicates whether the dataset is coordinated only at the national level or also at the EU level.
dataset_coordinated_on_the_eu_levelonly_national__float float Floating point representation of the coordination level of the dataset.
already_open_for_access_and_re_use string Indicates whether the dataset is already open for access and re-use.
already_open_for_access_and_re_use__float float Floating point representation of the accessibility status of the dataset.
default_condition_1_available_free_of_charge_both_access_and_re_use string Indicates whether the dataset is available free of charge for both access and re-use.
default_condition_1_available_free_of_charge_both_access_and_re_use__float float Floating point representation of the availability status of the dataset.
default_condition_2_provided_via_api string Indicates whether the dataset is provided via an API.
default_condition_2_provided_via_api__float float Floating point representation of the API provision status of the dataset.
default_condition_3_machine_readable string Indicates whether the dataset is machine readable.
default_condition_3_machine_readable__float float Floating point representation of the machine readability status of the dataset.
default_condition_4_provided_as_a_bulk_download string Indicates whether the dataset is provided as a bulk download.
default_condition_4_provided_as_a_bulk_download__float float Floating point representation of the bulk download provision status of the dataset.
other_proposed_conditions_beyond_the_4_default_ones string Lists any proposed conditions for the dataset beyond the four default ones.
other_proposed_conditions_beyond_the_4_default_ones__float float Floating point representation of the additional proposed conditions for the dataset.
presentationsniva string The level of presentation of the dataset.
presentationsniva__float float Floating point representation of the level of presentation of the dataset.

History of Company Data: Version History Recordings from Sweden

Column Type Comment
_start_date date The date when the row was extracted from the data source.
_end_date date The date when a new version of the row was extracted from the data source. If the value is null, it means that the row is the most recent version.
_row_number long The number of the row in the raw data extracted from the data source. This, in combination with '_start_date', uniquely identifies each row in this version history table.
dataslag_detaljerad_niva string Detailed level of the data type.
dataslag_detaljerad_niva__int int Integer representation of the detailed level of the data type.
dataslag_aggregerad_niva string Aggregated level of the data type.
dataslag_aggregerad_niva__float float Float representation of the aggregated level of the data type.
dataset_title_aggrigated string Aggregated title of the dataset.
dataset_title_aggrigated__float float Float representation of the aggregated title of the dataset.
dataslag_detaljerad_niva_1 string Detailed level of the data type (alternative column).
dataslag_detaljerad_niva_1__float float Float representation of the detailed level of the data type (alternative column).
dataset_title_detailed string Detailed title of the dataset.
dataset_title_detailed__float float Float representation of the detailed title of the dataset.
hvd_category string Category of the high value dataset.
hvd_category__float float Float representation of the high value dataset category.
responsible_authority_name_also_in_en_translation string Name of the responsible authority, also provided in English translation.
responsible_authority_name_also_in_en_translation__float float Float representation of the name of the responsible authority.
dataset_coordinated_on_the_eu_levelonly_national string Indicator if the dataset is coordinated only on the EU level or also nationally.
dataset_coordinated_on_the_eu_levelonly_national__float float Float representation of the indicator if the dataset is coordinated only on the EU level or also nationally.
already_open_for_access_and_re_use string Indicator if the dataset is already open for access and re-use.
already_open_for_access_and_re_use__float float Float representation of the indicator if the dataset is already open for access and re-use.
default_condition_1_available_free_of_charge_both_access_and_re_use string Indicator if the dataset is available free of charge for both access and re-use (default condition 1).
default_condition_1_available_free_of_charge_both_access_and_re_use__float float Float representation of the indicator if the dataset is available free of charge for both access and re-use (default condition 1).
default_condition_2_provided_via_api string Indicator if the dataset is provided via API (default condition 2).
default_condition_2_provided_via_api__float float Float representation of the indicator if the dataset is provided via API (default condition 2).
default_condition_3_machine_readable string Indicator if the dataset is machine readable (default condition 3).
default_condition_3_machine_readable__float float Float representation of the indicator if the dataset is machine readable (default condition 3).
default_condition_4_provided_as_a_bulk_download string Indicator if the dataset is provided as a bulk download (default condition 4).
default_condition_4_provided_as_a_bulk_download__float float Float representation of the indicator if the dataset is provided as a bulk download (default condition 4).
other_proposed_conditions_beyond_the_4_default_ones string Any additional proposed conditions for the dataset beyond the four default ones.
other_proposed_conditions_beyond_the_4_default_ones__float float Float representation of any additional proposed conditions for the dataset beyond the four default ones.
presentationsniva string The level of presentation of the data.
presentationsniva__float float Float representation of the level of presentation of the data.

Detailed Statistics and Aggregated Data from High Value Data Sets in Sweden

Column Type Comment
_extract_date date This column contains the date when the data on the row of the table was extracted from the data source.
_row_number long This column contains the row number in the data extracted from the source on the extract date specified by the '_extract_date' column. The combination of '_extract_date' and '_row_number' uniquely identifies each row.
dataslag_detaljerad_niva string This column provides detailed level data type.
dataslag_aggregerad_niva string This column provides aggregated level data type.
dataset_title_aggrigated string This column provides the title for the aggregated dataset.
dataslag_detaljerad_niva_1 string This column provides additional detailed level data type.
dataset_title_detailed string This column provides the title for the detailed dataset.
hvd_category string This column provides the category of high-value data.
responsible_authority_name_also_in_en_translation string This column provides the name of the responsible authority for the data, including the English translation.
brief_descriptionimportant_comments string This column contains brief descriptions and important comments about the data.
brief_descriptionimportant_comments__float float This column contains the numeric representation of the brief descriptions and important comments about the data.
dataset_coordinated_on_the_eu_levelonly_national string This column indicates whether the dataset is coordinated only at the national level or also at the EU level.
dataset_coordinated_on_the_eu_levelonly_national__float float This column provides the numeric representation of whether the dataset is coordinated only at the national level or also at the EU level.
already_open_for_access_and_re_use string This column indicates whether the data is already open for access and re-use.
default_condition_1_available_free_of_charge_both_access_and_re_use string This column indicates whether the data is available free of charge for both access and re-use.
default_condition_2_provided_via_api string This column indicates whether the data is provided via API.
default_condition_3_machine_readable string This column indicates whether the data is machine-readable.
default_condition_4_provided_as_a_bulk_download string This column indicates whether the data is provided as a bulk download.
other_proposed_conditions_beyond_the_4_default_ones string This column provides information on any proposed conditions beyond the four default ones.
presentationsniva string This column provides the level of presentation of the data.

Version History Table for High Value Data Statistics from Swedish Dataset Collection

Column Type Comment
_start_date date The date when the row was extracted from the data source.
_end_date date The date when a new version of the row was extracted from the data source. If this column is null, it means that the row is the most recent version.
_row_number long The number of the row in the raw data extracted from the data source. This column and '_start_date' together uniquely identify each row in this version history table.
dataslag_detaljerad_niva string The detailed type of data.
dataslag_aggregerad_niva string The aggregated type of data.
dataset_title_aggrigated string The title of the aggregated dataset.
dataslag_detaljerad_niva_1 string Additional detailed type of data.
dataset_title_detailed string The title of the detailed dataset.
hvd_category string The category of high value data.
responsible_authority_name_also_in_en_translation string The name of the responsible authority, also provided in English translation.
brief_descriptionimportant_comments string Brief description and important comments about the data.
brief_descriptionimportant_comments__float float Numeric representation of the brief description and important comments.
dataset_coordinated_on_the_eu_levelonly_national string Indicates whether the dataset is coordinated on the EU level or only national.
dataset_coordinated_on_the_eu_levelonly_national__float float Numeric representation of whether the dataset is coordinated on the EU level or only national.
already_open_for_access_and_re_use string Indicates whether the data is already open for access and reuse.
default_condition_1_available_free_of_charge_both_access_and_re_use string Indicates whether the data is available free of charge for both access and reuse.
default_condition_2_provided_via_api string Indicates whether the data is provided via API.
default_condition_3_machine_readable string Indicates whether the data is machine-readable.
default_condition_4_provided_as_a_bulk_download string Indicates whether the data is provided as a bulk download.
other_proposed_conditions_beyond_the_4_default_ones string Additional proposed conditions beyond the four default ones.
presentationsniva string The level of presentation of the data.

Detailed Geospatial Data: Aggregated and Detailed Levels, High Value Categories, and Access Conditions

Column Type Comment
_extract_date date The date when the data on the row of the table was extracted from the data source.
_row_number long The row number in the data extracted from the source on the extract date specified by the '_extract_date' column.
dataslag_detaljerad_niva string Detailed level of data type.
dataslag_detaljerad_niva__int int Numeric representation of detailed level of data type.
dataslag_aggregerad_niva string Aggregated level of data type.
dataslag_aggregerad_niva__float float Numeric representation of aggregated level of data type.
dataset_title_aggrigated string Title of the aggregated dataset.
dataset_title_aggrigated__float float Numeric representation of the aggregated dataset title.
dataslag_detaljerad_niva_1 string Secondary detailed level of data type.
dataslag_detaljerad_niva_1__float float Numeric representation of secondary detailed level of data type.
dataset_title_detailed string Title of the detailed dataset.
dataset_title_detailed__float float Numeric representation of the detailed dataset title.
hvd_category string Category of high-value data.
hvd_category__float float Numeric representation of high-value data category.
responsible_authority_name_also_in_en_translation string Name of the responsible authority, also translated in English.
responsible_authority_name_also_in_en_translation__float float Numeric representation of the responsible authority name.
brief_descriptionimportant_comments string Brief description and important comments related to the dataset.
brief_descriptionimportant_comments__float float Numeric representation of the brief description and comments.
dataset_coordinated_on_the_eu_levelonly_national string Indicates whether the dataset is coordinated on the EU level or is only national.
dataset_coordinated_on_the_eu_levelonly_national__float float Numeric representation of the coordination level of the dataset.
already_open_for_access_and_re_use string Indicates whether the dataset is already open for access and reuse.
already_open_for_access_and_re_use__float float Numeric representation of the availability of the dataset.
default_condition_1_available_free_of_charge_both_access_and_re_use string Indicates whether the dataset is available free of charge for both access and reuse as a default condition.
default_condition_1_available_free_of_charge_both_access_and_re_use__float float Numeric representation of the first default condition of the dataset.
default_condition_2_provided_via_api string Indicates whether the dataset is provided via API as a default condition.
default_condition_2_provided_via_api__float float Numeric representation of the second default condition of the dataset.
default_condition_3_machine_readable string Indicates whether the dataset is machine-readable as a default condition.
default_condition_3_machine_readable__float float Numeric representation of the third default condition of the dataset.
default_condition_4_provided_as_a_bulk_download string Indicates whether the dataset is provided as a bulk download as a default condition.
default_condition_4_provided_as_a_bulk_download__float float Numeric representation of the fourth default condition of the dataset.
other_proposed_conditions_beyond_the_4_default_ones string Proposed conditions for the dataset that go beyond the four default ones.
other_proposed_conditions_beyond_the_4_default_ones__float float Numeric representation of the additional proposed conditions for the dataset.
presentationsniva string Level of presentation of the dataset.
presentationsniva__float float Numeric representation of the presentation level of the dataset.

Historical Version Records of Geospatial Data Tables

Column Type Comment
_start_date date This column shows the date when the row was extracted from the data source. It forms a unique identifier in combination with _row_number.
_end_date date This column shows the date when a new version of the row was extracted from the data source. A null value indicates that the row is the most recent version.
_row_number long This column contains the number of the row in the raw data extracted from the data source. It forms a unique identifier in combination with _start_date.
dataslag_detaljerad_niva string This column contains detailed data type information.
dataslag_detaljerad_niva__int int This column contains an integer representation of the detailed data type information.
dataslag_aggregerad_niva string This column contains aggregated data type information.
dataslag_aggregerad_niva__float float This column contains a floating-point representation of the aggregated data type information.
dataset_title_aggrigated string This column contains the title of the aggregated dataset.
dataset_title_aggrigated__float float This column contains a floating-point representation of the title of the aggregated dataset.
dataslag_detaljerad_niva_1 string This column contains additional detailed data type information.
dataslag_detaljerad_niva_1__float float This column contains a floating-point representation of the additional detailed data type information.
dataset_title_detailed string This column contains the title of the detailed dataset.
dataset_title_detailed__float float This column contains a floating-point representation of the title of the detailed dataset.
hvd_category string This column contains the high-value data category.
hvd_category__float float This column contains a floating-point representation of the high-value data category.
responsible_authority_name_also_in_en_translation string This column contains the name of the responsible authority. It also includes an English translation.
responsible_authority_name_also_in_en_translation__float float This column contains a floating-point representation of the name of the responsible authority.
brief_descriptionimportant_comments string This column contains brief descriptions and important comments about the data.
brief_descriptionimportant_comments__float float This column contains a floating-point representation of the brief descriptions and important comments.
dataset_coordinated_on_the_eu_levelonly_national string This column indicates whether the dataset is coordinated on the EU level or only at the national level.
dataset_coordinated_on_the_eu_levelonly_national__float float This column contains a floating-point representation of the coordination level of the dataset.
already_open_for_access_and_re_use string This column indicates whether the dataset is already open for access and re-use.
already_open_for_access_and_re_use__float float This column contains a floating-point representation of the openness status of the dataset.
default_condition_1_available_free_of_charge_both_access_and_re_use string This column indicates whether the dataset is available free of charge for both access and re-use under default condition 1.
default_condition_1_available_free_of_charge_both_access_and_re_use__float float This column contains a floating-point representation of the availability status of the dataset under default condition 1.
default_condition_2_provided_via_api string This column indicates whether the dataset is provided via an API under default condition 2.
default_condition_2_provided_via_api__float float This column contains a floating-point representation of the provision status of the dataset under default condition 2.
default_condition_3_machine_readable string This column indicates whether the dataset is machine-readable under default condition 3.
default_condition_3_machine_readable__float float This column contains a floating-point representation of the machine-readability status of the dataset under default condition 3.
default_condition_4_provided_as_a_bulk_download string This column indicates whether the dataset is provided as a bulk download under default condition 4.
default_condition_4_provided_as_a_bulk_download__float float This column contains a floating-point representation of the bulk download status of the dataset under default condition 4.
other_proposed_conditions_beyond_the_4_default_ones string This column contains information about any proposed conditions beyond the four default ones.
other_proposed_conditions_beyond_the_4_default_ones__float float This column contains a floating-point representation of the additional proposed conditions.
presentationsniva string This column contains the level of presentation of the data.
presentationsniva__float float This column contains a floating-point representation of the level of presentation of the data.

Detailed Meteorological Data: Aggregated and Detailed Levels with Descriptions, Conditions, and Availability

Column Type Comment
_extract_date date The date when the data on the row of the table was extracted from the data source.
_row_number long The row number in the data extracted from the source on the extract date.
dataslag_detaljerad_niva string Detailed level of data type.
dataslag_detaljerad_niva__int int Integer representation of the detailed level of data type.
dataslag_aggregerad_niva string Aggregated level of data type.
dataslag_aggregerad_niva__float float Floating point representation of the aggregated level of data type.
dataset_title_aggrigated string Title of the aggregated dataset.
dataset_title_aggrigated__float float Floating point representation of the title of the aggregated dataset.
dataslag_detaljerad_niva_1 string Detailed level of data type, additional category.
dataslag_detaljerad_niva_1__float float Floating point representation of the detailed level of data type, additional category.
dataset_title_detailed string Title of the detailed dataset.
dataset_title_detailed__float float Floating point representation of the title of the detailed dataset.
hvd_category string High-value data category.
hvd_category__float float Floating point representation of the high-value data category.
responsible_authority_name_also_in_en_translation string Name of the authority responsible for the data, including its English translation.
responsible_authority_name_also_in_en_translation__float float Floating point representation of the name of the authority responsible for the data.
brief_descriptionimportant_comments string Brief description of the dataset and any important comments related to it.
brief_descriptionimportant_comments__float float Floating point representation of the brief description and important comments.
dataset_coordinated_on_the_eu_levelonly_national string Indication of whether the dataset is coordinated on the EU level or only national.
dataset_coordinated_on_the_eu_levelonly_national__float float Floating point representation of the coordination level of the dataset.
already_open_for_access_and_re_use string Indication of whether the dataset is already open for access and reuse.
already_open_for_access_and_re_use__float float Floating point representation of the accessibility of the dataset.
default_condition_1_available_free_of_charge_both_access_and_re_use string Indication of whether the dataset is available free of charge for both access and reuse.
default_condition_1_available_free_of_charge_both_access_and_re_use__float float Floating point representation of the free availability of the dataset.
default_condition_2_provided_via_api string Indication of whether the dataset is provided via an API.
default_condition_2_provided_via_api__float float Floating point representation of the API provision of the dataset.
default_condition_3_machine_readable string Indication of whether the dataset is machine readable.
default_condition_3_machine_readable__float float Floating point representation of the machine readability of the dataset.
default_condition_4_provided_as_a_bulk_download string Indication of whether the dataset is provided as a bulk download.
default_condition_4_provided_as_a_bulk_download__float float Floating point representation of the bulk download provision of the dataset.
other_proposed_conditions_beyond_the_4_default_ones string Any other proposed conditions beyond the four default ones.
other_proposed_conditions_beyond_the_4_default_ones__float float Floating point representation of the other proposed conditions.
presentationsniva string Level of presentation of the data.
presentationsniva__float float Floating point representation of the level of presentation.

Version History of Meteorological Data - Detailed and Aggregated Levels

Column Type Comment
_start_date date This column contains the date when the row was extracted from the data source. It forms a unique identifier for each row in the version history table when combined with the _row_number.
_end_date date This column contains the date when a new version of the row was extracted from the data source. If the value is null, it means that the row is the most recent version.
_row_number long This column contains the number of the row in the raw data extracted from the data source. It forms a unique identifier for each row in the version history table when combined with the _start_date.
dataslag_detaljerad_niva string This column contains detailed level data types.
dataslag_detaljerad_niva__int int This column contains numerical representation of detailed level data types.
dataslag_aggregerad_niva string This column contains aggregated level data types.
dataslag_aggregerad_niva__float float This column contains numerical representation of aggregated level data types.
dataset_title_aggrigated string This column contains the aggregated title of the dataset.
dataset_title_aggrigated__float float This column contains the numerical representation of the aggregated title of the dataset.
dataslag_detaljerad_niva_1 string This column contains additional detailed level data types.
dataslag_detaljerad_niva_1__float float This column contains numerical representation of additional detailed level data types.
dataset_title_detailed string This column contains the detailed title of the dataset.
dataset_title_detailed__float float This column contains the numerical representation of the detailed title of the dataset.
hvd_category string This column contains the high value data category.
hvd_category__float float This column contains the numerical representation of the high value data category.
responsible_authority_name_also_in_en_translation string This column contains the name of the responsible authority, also provided in English translation.
responsible_authority_name_also_in_en_translation__float float This column contains the numerical representation of the name of the responsible authority.
brief_descriptionimportant_comments string This column contains brief descriptions and any important comments related to the data.
brief_descriptionimportant_comments__float float This column contains the numerical representation of brief descriptions and any important comments related to the data.
dataset_coordinated_on_the_eu_levelonly_national string This column contains information on whether the dataset is coordinated on the EU level or only national.
dataset_coordinated_on_the_eu_levelonly_national__float float This column contains the numerical representation of whether the dataset is coordinated on the EU level or only national.
already_open_for_access_and_re_use string This column contains information on whether the data is already open for access and reuse.
already_open_for_access_and_re_use__float float This column contains the numerical representation of whether the data is already open for access and reuse.
default_condition_1_available_free_of_charge_both_access_and_re_use string This column indicates if the data is available free of charge for both access and reuse.
default_condition_1_available_free_of_charge_both_access_and_re_use__float float This column contains the numerical representation of whether the data is available free of charge for both access and reuse.
default_condition_2_provided_via_api string This column indicates if the data is provided via an API.
default_condition_2_provided_via_api__float float This column contains the numerical representation of whether the data is provided via an API.
default_condition_3_machine_readable string This column indicates if the data is machine readable.
default_condition_3_machine_readable__float float This column contains the numerical representation of whether the data is machine readable.
default_condition_4_provided_as_a_bulk_download string This column indicates if the data is provided as a bulk download.
default_condition_4_provided_as_a_bulk_download__float float This column contains the numerical representation of whether the data is provided as a bulk download.
other_proposed_conditions_beyond_the_4_default_ones string This column contains any proposed conditions beyond the four default ones.
other_proposed_conditions_beyond_the_4_default_ones__float float This column contains the numerical representation of any proposed conditions beyond the four default ones.
presentationsniva string This column contains the presentation level of the data.
presentationsniva__float float This column contains the numerical representation of the presentation level of the data.

Additional Info

Last Updated September 13, 2024
Created August 26, 2024