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2016 Provincial Statistical Areas Dataset Collection

The dataset collection derives from the Statistics Finland (Tilastokeskus) website and represents a compilation of related data tables. These tables are organized meticulously into columns and rows to facilitate a better understanding of the data. Originating from Finland, the dataset collection is built on a service interface (WFS), as defined by Statistics Finland. Although the contents of the dataset are technical in nature, they provide a comprehensive set of data related to statistical areas in the country for the year 2016. This dataset is licensed under CC BY 4.0 (Creative Commons Attribution 4.0,


  • Provinces 2016 (1:4,500,000) - Historic VersioningTSV

    The table titled 'table__history' is part of a dataset collection called 'tilastointialueet_maakunta4500k_2016'. This table is a history table that contains the version history of its base table rows. It provides a detailed historical record, tracking when each row was extracted from the data source and when a new version of the row was extracted. This feature is particularly useful for tracking changes over time and maintaining an accurate record of data alterations. The table is sourced from 'Tilastokeskus' (Statistics Finland) based in Finland. The contents of the table are related to 'Maakunnat 2016 (1:4 500 000)', which can be translated to 'Regions 2016 (1:4 500 000)'. This gives an overview of different regions in Finland and their related data for the year 2016. Columns in the...

  • Regions of Finland 2016 (Scale 1:4 500 000)TSV

    The table, sourced from the 'Tilastokeskus' (Statistics Finland) website, is a part of a larger dataset collection and provides detailed geographic and demographic data relevant to the provinces of Finland in 2016. This information is particularly useful for geospatial data analytics, given its inclusion of geographic coordinates presented using the WGS 84 coordinate reference system, with the axis order being longitude first, followed by latitude. The table contains information about the province code, the Finnish name, Swedish name, and an alternate Finnish name for the province. The year of the data is also included in the table, signifying the time relevance of the data. In addition to the demographic data, the table offers a wealth of geospatial data. This includes columns with...

Column Descriptions

Regions of Finland 2016 (Scale 1:4 500 000)

Column Type Comment
_extract_date date This column contains the date when the data on the row was extracted from the source. It is a part of a unique identifier for each row when combined with the '_row_number' column.
_row_number long This column contains the row number in the data extracted from the source on the extract date specified by the '_extract_date' column. It helps in uniquely identifying each row when combined with the '_extract_date' column.
geom_geojson string This column contains geometric data of the regions in GeoJSON format. It provides spatial information in a format widely used in geospatial systems.
geom_geotext string This column provides geometric information in text format. It allows for a human-readable representation of the geometric data.
geom_type string This column specifies the type of the geometry. In this table, it is 'ST_MULTIPOLYGON', indicating the geometric data represents multiple polygons.
geom_centroid string This column contains the central point (centroid) of the geometric shape representing each region. It provides a single point reference for the geometric data.
geom_center_x double This column contains the X-coordinate of the centroid of the geometric shape. It provides the longitude of the central point of the region.
geom_center_y double This column contains the Y-coordinate of the centroid of the geometric shape. It provides the latitude of the central point of the region.
gml_id string This column contains unique identifiers for the data records, which also include the year that the data pertains to.
maakunta string This column contains the coded representation of the provinces in Finland.
name string This column contains the names of the provinces in English.
namn string This column contains the names of the provinces in Swedish, one of the national languages of Finland.
nimi string This column contains the names of the provinces in Finnish, the official language of Finland.
vuosi double This column contains the year that the data pertains to, which is 2016 in this case.

Provinces 2016 (1:4,500,000) - Historic Versioning

Column Type Comment
_start_date date This column contains the date when the row was extracted from the data source. It is part of a unique identifier for each row in this version history table.
_end_date date This column contains the date when a new version of the row was extracted from the data source. If the value is null, it indicates that the row is the most recent version.
_row_number long This column contains the number of the row in the raw data extracted from the data source. Together with '_start_date', it forms a unique identifier for each row in this history table.
geom_geojson string This column contains the multi-polygon geographical data of the regions in GeoJSON format.
geom_geotext string This column contains the textual representation of the multi-polygon geographical data of the regions.
geom_type string This column contains the type of the geographical data stored in the 'geom_geojson' and 'geom_geotext' columns. In this table, it always contains the value 'ST_MULTIPOLYGON'.
geom_centroid string This column contains the geographical coordinates of the centroid of the multi-polygon representing the regions.
geom_center_x double This column contains the X-coordinate of the centroid of the multi-polygon representing the regions.
geom_center_y double This column contains the Y-coordinate of the centroid of the multi-polygon representing the regions.
gml_id string This is a unique identifier for each row in the table. The id is a combination of the dataset collection name and the row number.
maakunta string This column contains numerical codes that represent different regions in Finland.
name string This column contains the English names of the regions.
namn string This column contains the regional names of the regions in Sweden.
nimi string This column contains the regional names of the regions in Finland.
vuosi double This column contains the year of the data. The data in this table is from the year 2016.

Additional Info

Last Updated November 11, 2024
Created November 11, 2024