History and Version Records of ELY Areas 2024 (1:1 000 000) Table

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The 'table__history' is a part of the 'tilastointialueet_ely1000k_2024' dataset collection. This history table encapsulates the version history of the base table rows offering a snapshot of changes over time. The data focuses on regions defined as ELY-alueet, translated as ELY areas, for the year 2024. The table is sourced from 'Tilastokeskus' (Statistics Finland) and contains a variety of data types, including geographic and temporal data. The table features a unique identifier combination of 'start_date' and '_row_number', representing the date of extraction from the source and the row number in the raw data, respectively. The '_end_date' column indicates when a new version of a row was extracted, with a null value signifying the most recent row version. Data analytics can utilize the geographic information stored in 'geom' prefixed columns for geospatial analysis. This data is presented using the WGS 84 coordinate reference system, with the order being longitude first and then latitude. The table also includes information about the ELY areas' names in different languages and their designated codes. Potential applications of the data in this table could include tracking changes in geographic boundaries over time, studying the evolution of regional classifications, or analyzing trends in the data's temporal aspects.

Field Descriptions

Name Data type Description
_start_datedateThe date when the row data was initially extracted from the source, providing a timestamp for the version of the data in the row.
_end_datedateThe date when a new version of the row data was extracted. If this column is null, it implies that the data in the row represents the most recent version.
_row_numberlongThe row number in the raw data from the source. Together with '_start_date', these two columns form a unique identifier for each row in this version history table.
elystringThe code representing a specific ELY Centre, a regional body responsible for various administrative tasks in Finland.
geom_geojsonstringThe geographic shapes representing the ELY Centre's area of responsibility, formatted as GeoJSON, a standard data format for encoding geographic data structures.
geom_geotextstringThe geographic shapes representing the ELY Centre's area of responsibility, formatted as geotext.
geom_typestringThe type of geometric shape used to represent the ELY Centre's area of responsibility. This could be a polygon or a multipolygon.
geom_centroidstringThe centroid or geometric center of the shape representing the ELY Centre's area of responsibility.
geom_center_xdoubleThe X coordinate of the geometric center of the shape representing the ELY Centre's area of responsibility.
geom_center_ydoubleThe Y coordinate of the geometric center of the shape representing the ELY Centre's area of responsibility.
gml_idstringThe unique identifier for the row in GML (Geography Markup Language) format.
idlongThe unique identifier for each ELY Centre.
namestringThe English name of the ELY Centre.
namnstringThe Swedish name of the ELY Centre.
nimistringThe Finnish name of the ELY Centre.
vuosilongThe year the data was recorded or relevant for, indicating the temporal aspect of the data.

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Additional Information

Last updated November 11, 2024
Created November 11, 2024
License No License Provided
Geographic coverage
Geographic granularity
Temporal coverage from
Temporal coverage to
Temporal coverage to
Extract date2024-11-11
Package idb4df0568-6659-48e6-b689-6aafe54293d8
Revision id8af578cd-c24d-4173-b593-6269fb5034b6