2021 Postal Area Statistics Collection
2021 Postal Area Statistics and Demographics in FinlandTSV
The table is part of a dataset collection related to postal area statistics for the year 2021, sourced from Statistics Finland (Tilastokeskus) in Finland. It provides a rich variety of data, including demographic, geographic, and economic information. The demographic data includes different age groups, gender distribution, and total population. The geographic data provides coordinates in the WGS 84 system, along with various other geospatial data that can be used for geospatial analytics. Economic information includes data on income levels and employment status. The table also includes data on housing, education, and different industry sectors. Two special columns, '_extract_date' and '_row_number', provide information about the date when the data was extracted and the row number in the...
2021 Version History of Postal Area Statistics and Regions in FinlandTSV
The 'table__history' is part of the 'postialue_pno_tilasto_2021' dataset collection. This table is a history table that stores version history of its base table rows, which makes it a valuable asset for tracking data changes over time. The table is rich in variety of columns incorporating demographic, geographic, economic, and statistical data. This table contains data ranging from geographic coordinates to demographic age groups, as well as various statistical information. The geographic coordinates are presented using the WGS 84 coordinate reference system, with axis order longitude first, followed by latitude, making it possible to perform geospatial data analytics. This table is sourced from the Statistics Finland (Tilastokeskus) website, which provides a rich and reliable source of...
Column Descriptions
2021 Postal Area Statistics and Demographics in Finland
Column | Type | Comment |
_extract_date | date | This is a special column that contains the date when the data on the row of the table was extracted from the data source. |
_row_number | long | This special column contains the row number in the data extracted from the source on the extract date specified by the column '_extract_date'. |
euref_x | long | This column contains the X-coordinate of the data in the EUREF-FIN coordinate system. |
euref_y | long | This column contains the Y-coordinate of the data in the EUREF-FIN coordinate system. |
geom_geojson | string | This column contains the geometry of the area in GeoJSON format. |
geom_geotext | string | This column contains the geometry of the area as text. |
geom_type | string | This column specifies the type of the geometry. |
geom_centroid | string | This column contains the centroid of the geometry of the area. |
geom_center_x | double | This column contains the X-coordinate of the center of the geometry. |
geom_center_y | double | This column contains the Y-coordinate of the center of the geometry. |
gml_id | string | This column contains the unique identifier of the data row in the GML format. |
he_0_2 | long | This column contains the number of people in the age group 0-2. |
he_13_15 | long | This column contains the number of people in the age group 13-15. |
he_16_17 | long | This column contains the number of people in the age group 16-17. |
he_18_19 | long | This column contains the number of people in the age group 18-19. |
he_20_24 | long | This column contains the number of people in the age group 20-24. |
he_25_29 | long | This column contains the number of people in the age group 25-29. |
he_30_34 | long | This column contains the number of people in the age group 30-34. |
he_35_39 | long | This column contains the number of people in the age group 35-39. |
he_3_6 | long | This column contains the number of people in the age group 3-6. |
he_40_44 | long | This column contains the number of people in the age group 40-44. |
he_45_49 | long | This column contains the number of people in the age group 45-49. |
he_50_54 | long | This column contains the number of people in the age group 50-54. |
he_55_59 | long | This column contains the number of people in the age group 55-59. |
he_60_64 | long | This column contains the number of people in the age group 60-64. |
he_65_69 | long | This column contains the number of people in the age group 65-69. |
he_70_74 | long | This column contains the number of people in the age group 70-74. |
he_75_79 | long | This column contains the number of people in the age group 75-79. |
he_7_12 | long | This column contains the number of people in the age group 7-12. |
he_80_84 | long | This column contains the number of people in the age group 80-84. |
he_85_ | long | This column contains the number of people in the age group 85 and above. |
he_kika | long | This column contains the total number of people in the area. |
he_miehet | long | This column contains the number of males in the area. |
he_naiset | long | This column contains the number of females in the area. |
he_vakiy | long | This column contains the total population in the area. |
hr_hy_tul | long | This column contains the number of high-income households in the area. |
hr_ke_tul | long | This column contains the number of middle-income households in the area. |
hr_ktu | long | This column contains the total income of the households in the area. |
hr_mtu | long | This column contains the median income of the households in the area. |
hr_ovy | long | This column contains the total number of households in the area. |
hr_pi_tul | long | This column contains the number of low-income households in the area. |
hr_tuy | long | This column contains the total number of households in the area. |
ko_al_kork | long | This column contains the number of people with primary education. |
ko_ammat | long | This column contains the number of people with vocational education. |
ko_ika18y | long | This column contains the number of people aged 18 years and above. |
ko_koul | long | This column contains the number of people with secondary education. |
ko_perus | long | This column contains the number of people with basic education. |
ko_yl_kork | long | This column contains the number of people with upper secondary education. |
ko_yliop | long | This column contains the number of people with university education. |
kunta | string | This column contains the code of the municipality. |
namn | string | This column contains the Swedish name of the area. |
nimi | string | This column contains the Finnish name of the area. |
pinta_ala | double | This column contains the area of the region in square meters. |
postinumeroalue | string | This column contains the postal code of the area. |
pt_0_14 | long | This column contains the number of people in the age group 0-14. |
pt_elakel | long | This column contains the number of pensioners. |
pt_muut | long | This column contains the number of people in other groups. |
pt_opisk | long | This column contains the number of students. |
pt_tyoll | long | This column contains the number of employed people. |
pt_tyott | long | This column contains the number of unemployed people. |
pt_vakiy | long | This column contains the total population in the area. |
ra_as_kpa | double | This column contains the average size of the apartments in the area. |
ra_asrak | long | This column contains the number of residential buildings in the area. |
ra_asunn | long | This column contains the number of apartments in the area. |
ra_ke | long | This column contains the average size of the apartments in the area. |
ra_kt_as | long | This column contains the number of apartments in multi-storey buildings. |
ra_muut | long | This column contains the number of other buildings. |
ra_pt_as | long | This column contains the number of apartments in detached houses and row houses. |
ra_raky | long | This column contains the number of buildings in the area. |
te_aik | long | This column contains the number of adults. |
te_aklap | long | This column contains the number of children living with one parent. |
te_as_valj | double | This column contains the average value of the apartments in the area. |
te_eil_np | long | This column contains the number of people not in families. |
te_elak | long | This column contains the number of retired people. |
te_klap | long | This column contains the number of children living with both parents. |
te_laps | long | This column contains the number of children. |
te_muu_as | long | This column contains the number of people in other residential status. |
te_nuor | long | This column contains the number of young people. |
te_omis_as | long | This column contains the number of people living in owner-occupied housing. |
te_plap | long | This column contains the number of children living with one parent. |
te_takk | double | This column contains the average size of the households in the area. |
te_taly | long | This column contains the total number of households in the area. |
te_teini | long | This column contains the number of teenagers. |
te_vuok_as | long | This column contains the number of people living in rental housing. |
te_yhlap | long | This column contains the number of single-parent households. |
te_yks | long | This column contains the number of people living alone. |
tp_a_maat | long | This column contains the number of people working in primary industries. |
tp_alku_a | long | Column description not available |
tp_b_kaiv | long | This column contains the number of people working in mining and quarrying. |
tp_c_teol | long | This column contains the number of people working in manufacturing. |
tp_d_ener | long | This column contains the number of people working in energy supply. |
tp_e_vesi | long | This column contains the number of people working in water supply and waste management. |
tp_f_rake | long | This column contains the number of people working in construction. |
tp_g_kaup | long | This column contains the number of people working in trade. |
tp_h_kulj | long | This column contains the number of people working in transportation and storage. |
tp_i_majo | long | This column contains the number of people working in accommodation and food service activities. |
tp_j_info | long | This column contains the number of people working in information and communication. |
tp_jalo_bf | long | Column description not available |
tp_k_raho | long | This column contains the number of people working in financial and insurance activities. |
tp_l_kiin | long | This column contains the number of people working in real estate activities. |
tp_m_erik | long | This column contains the number of people working in professional, scientific and technical activities. |
tp_n_hall | long | This column contains the number of people working in administrative and support service activities. |
tp_o_julk | long | This column contains the number of people working in public administration and defense; compulsory social security. |
tp_p_koul | long | This column contains the number of people working in education. |
tp_palv_gu | long | Column description not available |
tp_q_terv | long | This column contains the number of people working in human health and social work activities. |
tp_r_taid | long | This column contains the number of people working in arts, entertainment and recreation. |
tp_s_muup | long | This column contains the number of people working in other service activities. |
tp_t_koti | long | This column contains the number of people working in activities of households as employers; undifferentiated goods- and services-producing activities of households for own use. |
tp_tyopy | long | This column contains the total number of jobs in the area. |
tp_u_kans | long | This column contains the number of people working in activities of extraterritorial organizations and bodies. |
tp_x_tunt | long | This column contains the number of people working in activities not adequately defined. |
tr_hy_tul | long | This column contains the number of high-income taxpayers. |
tr_ke_tul | long | This column contains the number of middle-income taxpayers. |
tr_ktu | long | This column contains the total income of the taxpayers. |
tr_kuty | long | This column contains the total number of taxpayers. |
tr_mtu | long | This column contains the median income of the taxpayers. |
tr_ovy | long | This column contains the total income of the taxpayers. |
tr_pi_tul | long | This column contains the number of low-income taxpayers. |
vuosi | long | This column contains the year of the data. |
2021 Version History of Postal Area Statistics and Regions in Finland
Column | Type | Comment |
_start_date | date | The date when the row was extracted from the data source. |
_end_date | date | The date when a new version of the row was extracted from the data source. If the value is null, it means that the row is the most recent version. |
_row_number | long | The number of the row in the raw data extracted from the data source. Together with '_start_date', it uniquely identifies each row in this version history table. |
euref_x | long | The x-coordinate in the EUREF-FIN coordinate system. |
euref_y | long | The y-coordinate in the EUREF-FIN coordinate system. |
geom_geojson | string | The geometry of the area in GeoJSON format. |
geom_geotext | string | The geometry of the area in text format. |
geom_type | string | The type of the geometry. |
geom_centroid | string | The centroid of the area in POINT format. |
geom_center_x | double | The x-coordinate of the center of the area. |
geom_center_y | double | The y-coordinate of the center of the area. |
gml_id | string | The unique identifier of the area. |
he_0_2 | long | The number of people aged 0 to 2. |
he_13_15 | long | The number of people aged 13 to 15. |
he_16_17 | long | The number of people aged 16 to 17. |
he_18_19 | long | The number of people aged 18 to 19. |
he_20_24 | long | The number of people aged 20 to 24. |
he_25_29 | long | The number of people aged 25 to 29. |
he_30_34 | long | The number of people aged 30 to 34. |
he_35_39 | long | The number of people aged 35 to 39. |
he_3_6 | long | The number of people aged 3 to 6. |
he_40_44 | long | The number of people aged 40 to 44. |
he_45_49 | long | The number of people aged 45 to 49. |
he_50_54 | long | The number of people aged 50 to 54. |
he_55_59 | long | The number of people aged 55 to 59. |
he_60_64 | long | The number of people aged 60 to 64. |
he_65_69 | long | The number of people aged 65 to 69. |
he_70_74 | long | The number of people aged 70 to 74. |
he_75_79 | long | The number of people aged 75 to 79. |
he_7_12 | long | The number of people aged 7 to 12. |
he_80_84 | long | The number of people aged 80 to 84. |
he_85_ | long | The number of people aged 85 and over. |
he_kika | long | The number of people with an unknown age. |
he_miehet | long | The number of men. |
he_naiset | long | The number of women. |
he_vakiy | long | The number of permanent residents. |
hr_hy_tul | long | The number of households with high income. |
hr_ke_tul | long | The number of households with average income. |
hr_ktu | long | The average income of households. |
hr_mtu | long | The median income of households. |
hr_ovy | long | The total income of households. |
hr_pi_tul | long | The number of households with low income. |
hr_tuy | long | The total number of households. |
ko_al_kork | long | The number of people with primary education. |
ko_ammat | long | The number of people with vocational education. |
ko_ika18y | long | The number of people aged 18 and over. |
ko_koul | long | The number of people with secondary education. |
ko_perus | long | The number of people with basic education. |
ko_yl_kork | long | The number of people with tertiary education. |
ko_yliop | long | The number of people with university education. |
kunta | string | The municipality code. |
namn | string | The name of the area in Swedish. |
nimi | string | The name of the area in Finnish. |
pinta_ala | double | The surface area of the region in square meters. |
postinumeroalue | string | The postal code area. |
pt_0_14 | long | The number of people aged 0 to 14. |
pt_elakel | long | The number of pensioners. |
pt_muut | long | The number of people from other population groups. |
pt_opisk | long | The number of students. |
pt_tyoll | long | The number of employed people. |
pt_tyott | long | The number of unemployed people. |
pt_vakiy | long | The number of permanent residents. |
ra_as_kpa | double | The average price of dwellings in housing companies per square meter. |
ra_asrak | long | The total number of dwellings in residential buildings. |
ra_asunn | long | The total number of dwellings. |
ra_ke | long | The total number of buildings. |
ra_kt_as | long | The total number of dwellings in housing companies. |
ra_muut | long | The total number of other buildings. |
ra_pt_as | long | The total number of dwellings in detached houses. |
ra_raky | long | The total number of residential buildings. |
te_aik | long | The number of adults. |
te_aklap | long | The number of adults without children. |
te_as_valj | double | The proportion of dwellings that are vacant. |
te_eil_np | long | The number of adults without children living alone. |
te_elak | long | The number of pensioners. |
te_klap | long | The number of adults with children. |
te_laps | long | The number of children. |
te_muu_as | long | The number of people living in other accommodation. |
te_nuor | long | The number of young people. |
te_omis_as | long | The number of people living in owner-occupied dwellings. |
te_plap | long | The number of parents with children. |
te_takk | double | The average size of households. |
te_taly | long | The total number of households. |
te_teini | long | The number of teenagers. |
te_vuok_as | long | The number of people living in rented dwellings. |
te_yhlap | long | The number of single parents. |
te_yks | long | The number of people living alone. |
tp_a_maat | long | The number of people working in agriculture, forestry and fishing. |
tp_alku_a | long | The number of people working in primary industries. |
tp_b_kaiv | long | The number of people working in mining and quarrying. |
tp_c_teol | long | The number of people working in manufacturing. |
tp_d_ener | long | The number of people working in energy supply. |
tp_e_vesi | long | The number of people working in water supply, sewerage, waste management and remediation activities. |
tp_f_rake | long | The number of people working in construction. |
tp_g_kaup | long | The number of people working in wholesale and retail trade; repair of motor vehicles and motorcycles. |
tp_h_kulj | long | The number of people working in transportation and storage. |
tp_i_majo | long | The number of people working in accommodation and food service activities. |
tp_j_info | long | The number of people working in information and communication. |
tp_jalo_bf | long | The number of people working in other service activities. |
tp_k_raho | long | The number of people working in financial and insurance activities. |
tp_l_kiin | long | The number of people working in real estate activities. |
tp_m_erik | long | The number of people working in professional, scientific and technical activities. |
tp_n_hall | long | The number of people working in administrative and support service activities. |
tp_o_julk | long | The number of people working in public administration and defense; compulsory social security. |
tp_p_koul | long | The number of people working in education. |
tp_palv_gu | long | The number of people working in other services. |
tp_q_terv | long | The number of people working in human health and social work activities. |
tp_r_taid | long | The number of people working in arts, entertainment and recreation. |
tp_s_muup | long | The number of people working in other activities. |
tp_t_koti | long | The number of people working in activities of households as employers; undifferentiated goods- and services-producing activities of households for own use. |
tp_tyopy | long | The total number of jobs. |
tp_u_kans | long | The number of people working in activities of extraterritorial organizations and bodies. |
tp_x_tunt | long | The number of people working in unknown activities. |
tr_hy_tul | long | The number of households with high income. |
tr_ke_tul | long | The number of households with average income. |
tr_ktu | long | The average income of households. |
tr_kuty | long | The total number of households. |
tr_mtu | long | The median income of households. |
tr_ovy | long | The total income of households. |
tr_pi_tul | long | The number of households with low income. |
vuosi | long | The year of the data. |
Additional Info
Last Updated | November 12, 2024 |
Created | November 11, 2024 |