Version History of the Postal Area Statistics and Postal Code Areas 2020 Dataset

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The 'table__history' is part of a larger dataset collection, acting as a historical record of its base table rows. It is sourced from the 'Statistic Centre' (Tilastokeskus) in Finland, and provides a rich array of data that can be utilized in various analytic capacities. The table contains demographic, geographic, and socioeconomic information, among other data categories. The demographic data includes population count broken down by gender and various age brackets. The geographic data includes geographic coordinates, geospatial shapes, and area size, all of which are presented using the WGS 84 coordinate reference system. The socioeconomic data includes educational level, occupational status, and income distribution. The table is also equipped to track changes over time with unique identifiers for each row and timestamps for when the data was added and subsequently updated. With this, you can track trends and changes in demographics, socioeconomics, and geographic distributions over time. The dataset can be utilized in various ways, such as studying population demographics and changes over time, analyzing geographic distributions and movements, or investigating socioeconomic statuses and their correlations with other factors. Moreover, the geographic data can be used in geospatial analytics to visualize population distributions or analyze regional differences in socioeconomics.

Field Descriptions

Name Data type Description
_start_datedateThis column contains the date when the row was extracted from the data source. This is part of the unique identifier for each row in this version history table.
_end_datedateThis column contains the date when a new version of the row was extracted from the data source. If the value is null, it means that the row is the most recent version.
_row_numberlongThis column contains the number of the row in the raw data extracted from the data source. This is part of the unique identifier for each row in this version history table.
euref_xlongThis column contains the x-coordinate value in the EUREF-FIN coordinate system.
euref_ylongThis column contains the y-coordinate value in the EUREF-FIN coordinate system.
geom_geojsonstringThis column contains the geometric data in GeoJSON format.
geom_geotextstringThis column contains the geometric data in text format.
geom_typestringThis column contains the type of the geometric data.
geom_centroidstringThis column contains the centroid of the geometric data.
geom_center_xdoubleThis column contains the x-coordinate of the center of the geometric data.
geom_center_ydoubleThis column contains the y-coordinate of the center of the geometric data.
gml_idstringThis column contains an ID that is unique for each row in the data source.
he_0_2doubleThis column contains the number of people aged between 0 and 2 years.
he_13_15doubleThis column contains the number of people aged between 13 and 15 years.
he_16_17doubleThis column contains the number of people aged between 16 and 17 years.
he_18_19doubleThis column contains the number of people aged between 18 and 19 years.
he_20_24doubleThis column contains the number of people aged between 20 and 24 years.
he_25_29doubleThis column contains the number of people aged between 25 and 29 years.
he_30_34doubleThis column contains the number of people aged between 30 and 34 years.
he_35_39doubleThis column contains the number of people aged between 35 and 39 years.
he_3_6doubleThis column contains the number of people aged between 3 and 6 years.
he_40_44doubleThis column contains the number of people aged between 40 and 44 years.
he_45_49doubleThis column contains the number of people aged between 45 and 49 years.
he_50_54doubleThis column contains the number of people aged between 50 and 54 years.
he_55_59doubleThis column contains the number of people aged between 55 and 59 years.
he_60_64doubleThis column contains the number of people aged between 60 and 64 years.
he_65_69doubleThis column contains the number of people aged between 65 and 69 years.
he_70_74doubleThis column contains the number of people aged between 70 and 74 years.
he_75_79doubleThis column contains the number of people aged between 75 and 79 years.
he_7_12doubleThis column contains the number of people aged between 7 and 12 years.
he_80_84doubleThis column contains the number of people aged between 80 and 84 years.
he_85_doubleThis column contains the number of people aged 85 years and over.
he_kikadoubleThis column contains the number of people of an unknown or other gender.
he_miehetdoubleThis column contains the number of men.
he_naisetdoubleThis column contains the number of women.
he_vakiydoubleThis column contains the number of permanent residents.
hr_hy_tuldoubleThis column contains the number of households with a high income.
hr_ke_tuldoubleThis column contains the number of households with an average income.
hr_ktudoubleThis column contains the average income of the households.
hr_mtudoubleThis column contains the median income of the households.
hr_ovydoubleThis column contains the total income of the households.
hr_pi_tuldoubleThis column contains the number of households with a low income.
hr_tuydoubleThis column contains the number of households in total.
ko_al_korkdoubleThis column contains the number of people with low education.
ko_ammatdoubleThis column contains the number of people with vocational education.
ko_ika18ydoubleThis column contains the number of people who are 18 years old or over.
ko_kouldoubleThis column contains the number of people with secondary education.
ko_perusdoubleThis column contains the number of people with basic education.
ko_yl_korkdoubleThis column contains the number of people with high education.
ko_yliopdoubleThis column contains the number of people with a university degree.
kuntastringThis column contains the municipality code.
namnstringThis column contains the name of the area in Swedish.
nimistringThis column contains the name of the area in Finnish.
pinta_alalongThis column contains the area size in square meters.
postinumeroaluestringThis column contains the postal code area.
pt_0_14doubleThis column contains the number of people aged between 0 and 14 years.
pt_elakeldoubleThis column contains the number of retired people.
pt_muutdoubleThis column contains the number of people with other or unknown occupation status.
pt_opiskdoubleThis column contains the number of students.
pt_tyolldoubleThis column contains the number of employed people.
pt_tyottdoubleThis column contains the number of unemployed people.
pt_vakiydoubleThis column contains the number of permanent residents.
ra_as_kpadoubleThis column contains the share of single-family houses of all buildings.
ra_asrakdoubleThis column contains the number of residential buildings.
ra_asunndoubleThis column contains the number of dwellings.
ra_kedoubleThis column contains the number of other buildings.
ra_kt_asdoubleThis column contains the number of other dwellings.
ra_muutdoubleThis column contains the number of other buildings.
ra_pt_asdoubleThis column contains the number of dwellings in single-family houses.
ra_rakydoubleThis column contains the number of buildings in total.
te_aikdoubleThis column contains the number of adults.
te_aklapdoubleThis column contains the number of adults living alone.
te_as_valjdoubleThis column contains the share of dwellings that are vacant.
te_eil_npdoubleThis column contains the number of adults who are not in a relationship.
te_elakdoubleThis column contains the number of retired adults.
te_klapdoubleThis column contains the number of adults living with children.
te_lapsdoubleThis column contains the number of children.
te_muu_asdoubleThis column contains the number of adults living in other dwelling types.
te_nuordoubleThis column contains the number of young adults.
te_omis_asdoubleThis column contains the number of owner-occupied dwellings.
te_plapdoubleThis column contains the number of adults living with parents.
te_takkdoubleThis column contains the average size of the households.
te_talydoubleThis column contains the number of adults in total.
te_teinidoubleThis column contains the number of teenagers.
te_vuok_asdoubleThis column contains the number of rented dwellings.
tp_a_maatdoubleThis column contains the number of workplaces in the agriculture, forestry and fishing sector.
tp_alku_adoubleThis column contains the number of workplaces in the primary sector.
tp_b_kaivdoubleThis column contains the number of workplaces in the mining and quarrying sector.
tp_c_teoldoubleThis column contains the number of workplaces in the manufacturing sector.
tp_d_enerdoubleThis column contains the number of workplaces in the electricity, gas, steam and air conditioning supply sector.
tp_e_vesidoubleThis column contains the number of workplaces in the water supply, sewerage, waste management and remediation activities sector.
tp_f_rakedoubleThis column contains the number of workplaces in the construction sector.
tp_g_kaupdoubleThis column contains the number of workplaces in the wholesale and retail trade, repair of motor vehicles and motorcycles sector.
tp_h_kuljdoubleThis column contains the number of workplaces in the transportation and storage sector.
tp_i_majodoubleThis column contains the number of workplaces in the accommodation and food service activities sector.
tp_j_infodoubleThis column contains the number of workplaces in the information and communication sector.
tp_jalo_bfdoubleThis column contains the number of workplaces in the secondary sector.
tp_k_rahodoubleThis column contains the number of workplaces in the financial and insurance activities sector.
tp_l_kiindoubleThis column contains the number of workplaces in the real estate activities sector.
tp_m_erikdoubleThis column contains the number of workplaces in the professional, scientific and technical activities sector.
tp_n_halldoubleThis column contains the number of workplaces in the administrative and support service activities sector.
tp_o_julkdoubleThis column contains the number of workplaces in the public administration and defense, compulsory social security sector.
tp_p_kouldoubleThis column contains the number of workplaces in the education sector.
tp_palv_gudoubleThis column contains the number of workplaces in the service sector.
tp_q_tervdoubleThis column contains the number of workplaces in the human health and social work activities sector.
tp_r_taiddoubleThis column contains the number of workplaces in the arts, entertainment and recreation sector.
tp_s_muupdoubleThis column contains the number of workplaces in the other service activities sector.
tp_t_kotidoubleThis column contains the number of workplaces in the activities of households as employers, undifferentiated goods and services producing activities of households for own use sector.
tp_tyopydoubleThis column contains the number of workplaces.
tp_u_kansdoubleThis column contains the number of workplaces in the activities of extraterritorial organizations and bodies sector.
tp_x_tuntdoubleThis column contains the number of workplaces in the unknown sector.
tr_hy_tuldoubleThis column contains the number of households with a high income.
tr_ke_tuldoubleThis column contains the number of households with an average income.
tr_ktudoubleThis column contains the average income of the households.
tr_kutydoubleThis column contains the number of households in total.
tr_mtudoubleThis column contains the median income of the households.
tr_ovydoubleThis column contains the total income of the households.
tr_pi_tuldoubleThis column contains the number of households with a low income.
vuosilongThis column contains the year when the data was collected.

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Additional Information

Last updated November 11, 2024
Created November 11, 2024
License No License Provided
Geographic coverage
Geographic granularity
Temporal coverage from
Temporal coverage to
Temporal coverage to
Extract date2024-11-11
Package id39597056-ecb7-424d-b29f-18c4a84cc7ac
Revision idd3e0790d-f91f-4d50-8ca5-cd527880defe