Historical Version Records of Paavo Statistical Dataset and Postal Code Areas

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The 'table__history' is an integral part of the 'postialue_pno_tilasto' data collection. This historical table stores version history of its base table rows, which are primarily characterized by columns that capture a wide range of demographic, geographic, and socioeconomic data. For example, the data includes information about the population by age and gender, geographical coordinates, and details about income level, housing, education, and employment status among other things. The data is sourced from the Statistics Finland (Tilastokeskus) website, based in Finland.

This table is unique in that it retains the version history of its base table rows. Specifically, the '_start_date' and '_row_number' columns form a unique identifier for each row in this table. The '_start_date' indicates when the row was extracted from the data source, while the '_end_date' shows when a new version was extracted. In case of a null value in the '_end_date' column, it implies that the row is the most recent version.

This table also includes geographic data, with coordinates presented using the WGS 84 coordinate reference system, with an axis order of longitude first, followed by latitude. This data can be particularly useful for geospatial data analytics.

Some potential applications of this data in analytics could include studying population distribution and trends over time, analyzing socioeconomic factors in relation to geographical location, or understanding correlations between variables such as education level and income. By utilizing the version history, analysts can also track changes over time and identify emerging patterns or trends.

Field Descriptions

Name Data type Description
_start_datedateThis column contains the date when the row was extracted from the data source. It's an important part of the version history mechanism.
_end_datedateThe '_end_date' column holds the date when a new version of the row was extracted from the data source. If its value is null, it indicates that the row is the most recent version.
_row_numberlongThis column contains the number of the row in the raw data extracted from the data source. It helps to uniquely identify each row in the table when combined with the '_start_date'.
euref_xlongThis column contains a numeric value, which is part of the location coordinates.
euref_ylongThe 'euref_y' column contains a numeric value, which forms a part of the location coordinates.
geom_geojsonstringThis column contains the GeoJSON geometry representation of the spatial feature.
geom_geotextstringThis column contains the textual geometric representation of the spatial feature.
geom_typestringThe 'geom_type' column typically contains the type of the geometry object.
geom_centroidstringThis column contains the centroid of the geometric figure.
geom_center_xdoubleThis column holds the X-coordinate of the geometric center.
geom_center_ydoubleThe 'geom_center_y' column contains the Y-coordinate of the geometric center.
gml_idstringThis column contains the unique identifier of the postal area.
he_0_2longThis column holds the number of people aged between 0 to 2 years.
he_13_15longThis column contains the number of people aged between 13 to 15 years.
he_16_17longThis column holds the number of people aged between 16 to 17 years.
he_18_19longThe 'he_18_19' column contains the number of people aged between 18 to 19 years.
he_20_24longThis column holds the number of people aged between 20 to 24 years.
he_25_29longThis column contains the number of people aged between 25 to 29 years.
he_30_34longThe 'he_30_34' column contains the number of people aged between 30 to 34 years.
he_35_39longThis column holds the number of people aged between 35 to 39 years.
he_3_6longThe 'he_3_6' column contains the number of people aged between 3 to 6 years.
he_40_44longThe 'he_40_44' column contains the number of people aged between 40 to 44 years.
he_45_49longThis column holds the number of people aged between 45 to 49 years.
he_50_54longThe 'he_50_54' column contains the number of people aged between 50 to 54 years.
he_55_59longThis column holds the number of people aged between 55 to 59 years.
he_60_64longThe 'he_60_64' column contains the number of people aged between 60 to 64 years.
he_65_69longThis column holds the number of people aged between 65 to 69 years.
he_70_74longThe 'he_70_74' column contains the number of people aged between 70 to 74 years.
he_75_79longThis column holds the number of people aged between 75 to 79 years.
he_7_12longThis column holds the number of people aged between 7 to 12 years.
he_80_84longThe 'he_80_84' column contains the number of people aged between 80 to 84 years.
he_85_longThis column holds the number of people aged 85 years and above.
he_kikalongThe 'he_kika' column contains the number of people with a foreign background.
he_miehetlongThis column holds the number of male inhabitants.
he_naisetlongThe 'he_naiset' column contains the number of female inhabitants.
he_vakiylongThis column holds the total number of inhabitants.
hr_hy_tullongThe 'hr_hy_tul' column contains the number of households with high income.
hr_ke_tullongThis column holds the number of households with medium income.
hr_ktulongThe 'hr_ktu' column contains the average income of households.
hr_mtulongThis column holds the median income of households.
hr_ovylongThe 'hr_ovy' column contains the total income of households.
hr_pi_tullongThis column holds the number of households with low income.
hr_tuylongThe 'hr_tuy' column contains the total number of households.
ko_al_korklongThis column holds the number of people with lower secondary education.
ko_ammatlongThe 'ko_ammat' column contains the number of people with vocational qualifications.
ko_ika18ylongThis column holds the number of people who are 18 years old and over.
ko_koullongThe 'ko_koul' column contains the number of people with higher education.
ko_peruslongThis column holds the number of people with basic education.
ko_yl_korklongThe 'ko_yl_kork' column contains the number of people with upper secondary education.
ko_ylioplongThis column holds the number of people with university degrees.
kuntastringThe 'kunta' column contains the municipality code.
namnstringThis column holds the Swedish name of the postal area.
nimistringThe 'nimi' column contains the Finnish name of the postal area.
pinta_alalongThis column holds the surface area of the postal area.
postinumeroaluestringThe 'postinumeroalue' column contains the postal code of the area.
pt_0_14longThis column holds the number of people aged between 0 to 14 years.
pt_elakellongThe 'pt_elakel' column contains the number of retired people.
pt_muutlongThis column holds the number of people in other life situations (not working, studying or retired).
pt_opisklongThe 'pt_opisk' column contains the number of students.
pt_tyolllongThis column holds the number of employed people.
pt_tyottlongThe 'pt_tyott' column contains the number of unemployed people.
pt_vakiylongThis column holds the total number of population.
ra_as_kpadoubleThe 'ra_as_kpa' column contains the average size (m2) of a dwelling.
ra_asraklongThis column holds the number of residential buildings.
ra_asunnlongThe 'ra_asunn' column contains the number of dwellings.
ra_kelongThis column holds the number of buildings.
ra_kt_aslongThe 'ra_kt_as' column contains the number of detached houses.
ra_muu_aslongThis column holds the number of other dwellings.
ra_muutlongThe 'ra_muut' column contains the number of other buildings.
ra_pt_aslongThis column holds the number of dwellings in apartment blocks.
ra_rakylongThe 'ra_raky' column contains the total number of buildings.
te_aiklongThis column holds the number of adults (over 18 years old).
te_aklaplongThe 'te_aklap' column contains the number of couples without children.
te_as_valjdoubleThis column holds the vacancy rate of dwellings (out of 100).
te_eil_nplongThe 'te_eil_np' column contains the number of people living alone who are not pensioners.
te_elaklongThis column holds the number of pensioners.
te_klaplongThe 'te_klap' column contains the number of couples with children.
te_lapslongThis column holds the number of children (under 18 years old).
te_muu_aslongThe 'te_muu_as' column contains the number of other type of households.
te_nuorlongThis column holds the number of young people (under 18 years old).
te_omis_aslongThe 'te_omis_as' column contains the number of owner-occupied dwellings.
te_plaplongThis column holds the number of single parents.
te_takkdoubleThe 'te_takk' column contains the average number of people in a household.
te_talylongThis column holds the total number of households.
te_teinilongThe 'te_teini' column contains the number of teenagers (13-17 years old).
te_vuok_aslongThis column holds the number of rented dwellings.
te_yhlaplongThe 'te_yhlap' column contains the number of single parents with children.
te_ykslongThis column holds the number of people living alone.
tp_a_maatlongThe 'tp_a_maat' column contains the number of employees in the agricultural sector.
tp_alku_alongThis column holds the number of employees in the primary sector.
tp_b_kaivlongThe 'tp_b_kaiv' column contains the number of employees in the mining and quarrying sector.
tp_c_teollongThis column holds the number of employees in the manufacturing sector.
tp_d_enerlongThe 'tp_d_ener' column contains the number of employees in the energy sector.
tp_e_vesilongThis column holds the number of employees in the water supply and waste management sector.
tp_f_rakelongThe 'tp_f_rake' column contains the number of employees in the construction sector.
tp_g_kauplongThis column holds the number of employees in the trade sector.
tp_h_kuljlongThe 'tp_h_kulj' column contains the number of employees in the transportation and storage sector.
tp_i_majolongThis column holds the number of employees in the accommodation and food service sector.
tp_j_infolongThe 'tp_j_info' column contains the number of employees in the information and communication sector.
tp_jalo_bflongThis column holds the number of employees in the secondary sector.
tp_k_raholongThe 'tp_k_raho' column contains the number of employees in the financial and insurance sector.
tp_l_kiinlongThis column holds the number of employees in the real estate sector.
tp_m_eriklongThe 'tp_m_erik' column contains the number of employees in the professional, scientific and technical sector.
tp_n_halllongThis column holds the number of employees in the administrative and support service sector.
tp_o_julklongThe 'tp_o_julk' column contains the number of employees in the public administration and defense sector.
tp_p_koullongThis column holds the number of employees in the education sector.
tp_palv_gulongThe 'tp_palv_gu' column contains the number of employees in the service sector.
tp_q_tervlongThis column holds the number of employees in the health and social work sector.
tp_r_taidlongThe 'tp_r_taid' column contains the number of employees in the arts, entertainment and recreation sector.
tp_s_muuplongThis column holds the number of employees in other service activities.
tp_t_kotilongThe 'tp_t_koti' column contains the number of employees in activities of households.
tp_tyopylongThis column holds the total number of employees.
tp_u_kanslongThe 'tp_u_kans' column contains the number of employees in activities of extraterritorial organizations and bodies.
tp_x_tuntlongThis column holds the number of employees in unknown activities.
tr_hy_tullongThe 'tr_hy_tul' column contains the number of employees with high income.
tr_ke_tullongThis column holds the number of employees with medium income.
tr_ktulongThe 'tr_ktu' column contains the average income of employees.
tr_kutylongThis column holds the total number of employees.
tr_mtulongThe 'tr_mtu' column contains the median income of employees.
tr_ovylongThis column holds the total income of employees.
tr_pi_tullongThe 'tr_pi_tul' column contains the number of employees with low income.
vuosilongThis column holds the year when the data was collected.

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Additional Information

Last updated November 11, 2024
Created November 11, 2024
License No License Provided
Geographic coverage
Geographic granularity
Temporal coverage from
Temporal coverage to
Temporal coverage to
Extract date2024-11-11
Package idd603ae20-cd88-4450-a128-d9d2b599e423
Revision ida2a8c473-aa42-49df-bfc6-d085acc8cfaa