Kuntien liikelaitosten investointihyödykkeet 2007
Dim alue, T140 ktt153 2007 fi px, Full historyTSV
Dimension Alue (Alue)
Dim alue, T140 ktt153 2007 fi px, LatestTSV
Dimension Alue (Alue)
Dim lisaysvahennysera, T140 ktt153 2007 fi px, LatestTSV
Dimension Lisaysvahennysera (Lisäys-/vähennyserä)
Dim tavaratyyppi, T140 ktt153 2007 fi px, Full historyTSV
Dimension Tavaratyyppi (Tavaratyyppi)
Dim tavaratyyppi, T140 ktt153 2007 fi px, LatestTSV
Dimension Tavaratyyppi (Tavaratyyppi)
Dim tehtava, T140 ktt153 2007 fi px, Full historyTSV
Dimension Tehtava (Tehtävä)
Dim tehtava, T140 ktt153 2007 fi px, LatestTSV
Dimension Tehtava (Tehtävä)
Fact, T140 ktt153 2007 fi px, Full historyTSV
Kuntien liikelaitosten investointihyödykkeet 2007 muuttujina Alue, Tavaratyyppi, Lisäys-/vähennyserä, Tehtävä ja Vuosi
Fact, T140 ktt153 2007 fi px, LatestTSV
Kuntien liikelaitosten investointihyödykkeet 2007 muuttujina Alue, Tavaratyyppi, Lisäys-/vähennyserä, Tehtävä ja Vuosi
Column Descriptions
Dim lisaysvahennysera, T140 ktt153 2007 fi px, Latest
Column | Type | Comment |
code | int | The code for the dimension value. Column code has 9 rows, out of which 0 are empty, making the null percent 0.00. The column is fully populated. Minimum value is 1 and maximum value is 9. |
label | string | The label for the dimension value. Column label has 9 rows, out of which 0 are empty, making the null percent 0.00. The column is fully populated. First 25 characters of minimum string: 01 Kirjanpitoarvo tilikau... and first 25 characters of maximum string: 09 Kirjanpitoarvo tilikau... |
Dim alue, T140 ktt153 2007 fi px, Full history
Column | Type | Comment |
code | int | The code for the dimension value. Column code has 89 rows, out of which 21 are empty, making the null percent 23.60. Minimum value is 17 and maximum value is 936. |
label | string | The label for the dimension value. Column label has 89 rows, out of which 0 are empty, making the null percent 0.00. The column is fully populated. Minimum string is 017 Askainen and maximum string is 936 Virrat. |
orig_extractdate | string | The date when the data was originally fetched from the source. |
Dim tavaratyyppi, T140 ktt153 2007 fi px, Latest
Column | Type | Comment |
code | int | The code for the dimension value. Column code has 8 rows, out of which 0 are empty, making the null percent 0.00. The column is fully populated. Minimum value is 1 and maximum value is 8. |
label | string | The label for the dimension value. Column label has 8 rows, out of which 0 are empty, making the null percent 0.00. The column is fully populated. Minimum string is 01 Aineettomat hyödykkeet and maximum string is 08 Osakkeet ja osuudet. |
Dim tehtava, T140 ktt153 2007 fi px, Full history
Column | Type | Comment |
code | int | The code for the dimension value. Column code has 21 rows, out of which 0 are empty, making the null percent 0.00. The column is fully populated. Minimum value is 110 and maximum value is 750. |
label | string | The label for the dimension value. Column label has 21 rows, out of which 0 are empty, making the null percent 0.00. The column is fully populated. First 25 characters of minimum string: 110 Yleishallinto... and first 25 characters of maximum string: 750 Taseyksikkönä käsitel... |
orig_extractdate | string | The date when the data was originally fetched from the source. |
Fact, T140 ktt153 2007 fi px, Full history
Column | Type | Comment |
alue | string | Datasource did not contain a description for Alue. Column alue has 134568 rows, out of which 0 are empty, making the null percent 0.00. The column is fully populated. Minimum string is 017 and maximum string is 936. |
tavaratyyppi | int | Datasource did not contain a description for Tavaratyyppi. Column tavaratyyppi has 134568 rows, out of which 0 are empty, making the null percent 0.00. The column is fully populated. Minimum value is 1 and maximum value is 8. |
lisaysvahennysera | int | Datasource did not contain a description for Lisaysvahennysera. Column lisaysvahennysera has 134568 rows, out of which 0 are empty, making the null percent 0.00. The column is fully populated. Minimum value is 1 and maximum value is 9. |
tehtava | int | Datasource did not contain a description for Tehtava. Column tehtava has 134568 rows, out of which 0 are empty, making the null percent 0.00. The column is fully populated. Minimum value is 110 and maximum value is 750. |
vuosi | int | Datasource did not contain a description for Vuosi. Column vuosi has 134568 rows, out of which 0 are empty, making the null percent 0.00. The column is fully populated. Constant value is 2007. |
kuntien_liikelaitosten_investointihyodykkeet_2007 | int | Datasource did not contain a description for Kuntien_liikelaitosten_investointihyodykkeet_2007. Column kuntien_liikelaitosten_investointihyodykkeet_2007 has 134568 rows, out of which 129772 are empty, making the null percent 96.44. Minimum value is -100861 and maximum value is 1398142. |
orig_extractdate | string | The date when the data was originally fetched from the source. |
Fact, T140 ktt153 2007 fi px, Latest
Column | Type | Comment |
alue | string | Datasource did not contain a description for Alue. Column alue has 134568 rows, out of which 0 are empty, making the null percent 0.00. The column is fully populated. Minimum string is 017 and maximum string is 936. |
tavaratyyppi | int | Datasource did not contain a description for Tavaratyyppi. Column tavaratyyppi has 134568 rows, out of which 0 are empty, making the null percent 0.00. The column is fully populated. Minimum value is 1 and maximum value is 8. |
lisaysvahennysera | int | Datasource did not contain a description for Lisaysvahennysera. Column lisaysvahennysera has 134568 rows, out of which 0 are empty, making the null percent 0.00. The column is fully populated. Minimum value is 1 and maximum value is 9. |
tehtava | int | Datasource did not contain a description for Tehtava. Column tehtava has 134568 rows, out of which 0 are empty, making the null percent 0.00. The column is fully populated. Minimum value is 110 and maximum value is 750. |
vuosi | int | Datasource did not contain a description for Vuosi. Column vuosi has 134568 rows, out of which 0 are empty, making the null percent 0.00. The column is fully populated. Constant value is 2007. |
kuntien_liikelaitosten_investointihyodykkeet_2007 | int | Datasource did not contain a description for Kuntien_liikelaitosten_investointihyodykkeet_2007. Column kuntien_liikelaitosten_investointihyodykkeet_2007 has 134568 rows, out of which 129772 are empty, making the null percent 96.44. Minimum value is -100861 and maximum value is 1398142. |
Dim alue, T140 ktt153 2007 fi px, Latest
Column | Type | Comment |
code | int | The code for the dimension value. Column code has 89 rows, out of which 21 are empty, making the null percent 23.60. Minimum value is 17 and maximum value is 936. |
label | string | The label for the dimension value. Column label has 89 rows, out of which 0 are empty, making the null percent 0.00. The column is fully populated. Minimum string is 017 Askainen and maximum string is 936 Virrat. |
Dim tehtava, T140 ktt153 2007 fi px, Latest
Column | Type | Comment |
code | int | The code for the dimension value. Column code has 21 rows, out of which 0 are empty, making the null percent 0.00. The column is fully populated. Minimum value is 110 and maximum value is 750. |
label | string | The label for the dimension value. Column label has 21 rows, out of which 0 are empty, making the null percent 0.00. The column is fully populated. First 25 characters of minimum string: 110 Yleishallinto... and first 25 characters of maximum string: 750 Taseyksikkönä käsitel... |
Dim tavaratyyppi, T140 ktt153 2007 fi px, Full history
Column | Type | Comment |
code | int | The code for the dimension value. Column code has 8 rows, out of which 0 are empty, making the null percent 0.00. The column is fully populated. Minimum value is 1 and maximum value is 8. |
label | string | The label for the dimension value. Column label has 8 rows, out of which 0 are empty, making the null percent 0.00. The column is fully populated. Minimum string is 01 Aineettomat hyödykkeet and maximum string is 08 Osakkeet ja osuudet. |
orig_extractdate | string | The date when the data was originally fetched from the source. |
Additional Info
Last Updated | January 7, 2025 |
Created | July 13, 2019 |