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024 -- Asumiskustannus- ja asumismenoindikaattoreita kotitalouden

024 -- Asumiskustannus- ja asumismenoindikaattoreita kotitalouden


Column Descriptions

Dim asunnon hallintasuhde, Statfin tjt pxt 024 px, Full history

Column Type Comment
code int The code for the dimension value. Column code has 4 rows, out of which 2 are empty, making the null percent 50.00. Minimum value is 1 and maximum value is 2.
label string The label for the dimension value. Column label has 4 rows, out of which 0 are empty, making the null percent 0.00. The column is fully populated. Minimum string is Kaikki kotitaloudet and maximum string is Muut.
orig_extractdate string The date when the data was originally fetched from the source.

Fact, Statfin tjt pxt 024 px, Full history

Column Type Comment
tilastovuosi int Datasource did not contain a description for Tilastovuosi. Column tilastovuosi has 3840 rows, out of which 0 are empty, making the null percent 0.00. The column is fully populated. Minimum value is 2002 and maximum value is 2017.
pienituloisuus int Pienituloisia ovat henkilöt, joiden kotitalouden käytettävissä olevat rahatulot kulutusyksikköä kohti (ns. ekvivalentti rahatulo) ovat pienemmät kuin 60 prosenttia kaikkien kotitalouksien ekvivalenttien käytettävissä olevien rahatulojen mediaanitulosta. . Column pienituloisuus has 3840 rows, out of which 1280 are empty, making the null percent 33.33. Minimum value is 1 and maximum value is 2.
asunnon_hallintasuhde int Kotitalouden varsinainen asunto ryhmitellään hallintasuhteen mukaan seuraavasti: omistusasunto (oma talo, oma asunto-osake), vuokra-asunto (vuokra-asunto, asumisoikeusasunto tai osa-omistusasunto), muu hallintasuhde (esim. syytinki, sukulaisuus) . Column asunnon_hallintasuhde has 3840 rows, out of which 1920 are empty, making the null percent 50.00. Minimum value is 1 and maximum value is 2.
tiedot string Datasource did not contain a description for Tiedot. Column tiedot has 3840 rows, out of which 0 are empty, making the null percent 0.00. The column is fully populated. Minimum string is Akkturahamod and maximum string is Asmpros2.
asumiskustannus_ja_asumismenoindikaattoreita_kotitalouden_pienituloisuuden_ja_asunnon_hallintasuhteen_mukaan int Datasource did not contain a description for Asumiskustannus_ja_asumismenoindikaattoreita_kotitalouden_pienituloisuuden_ja_asunnon_hallintasuhteen_mukaan. Column asumiskustannus_ja_asumismenoindikaattoreita_kotitalouden_pienituloisuuden_ja_asunnon_hallintasuhteen_mukaan has 3840 rows, out of which 224 are empty, making the null percent 5.83. Minimum value is 0 and maximum value is 5427900.
orig_extractdate string The date when the data was originally fetched from the source.

Dim tiedot, Statfin tjt pxt 024 px, Latest

Column Type Comment
code string The code for the dimension value. Column code has 20 rows, out of which 0 are empty, making the null percent 0.00. The column is fully populated. Minimum string is Akkturahamod and maximum string is Asmpros2.
label string The label for the dimension value. Column label has 20 rows, out of which 0 are empty, making the null percent 0.00. The column is fully populated. First 25 characters of minimum string: Asumiskustannusten tulo-o... and first 25 characters of maximum string: Asumismenojen tulo-osuus ...

Fact, Statfin tjt pxt 024 px, Latest

Column Type Comment
tilastovuosi int Datasource did not contain a description for Tilastovuosi. Column tilastovuosi has 3840 rows, out of which 0 are empty, making the null percent 0.00. The column is fully populated. Minimum value is 2002 and maximum value is 2017.
pienituloisuus int Pienituloisia ovat henkilöt, joiden kotitalouden käytettävissä olevat rahatulot kulutusyksikköä kohti (ns. ekvivalentti rahatulo) ovat pienemmät kuin 60 prosenttia kaikkien kotitalouksien ekvivalenttien käytettävissä olevien rahatulojen mediaanitulosta. . Column pienituloisuus has 3840 rows, out of which 1280 are empty, making the null percent 33.33. Minimum value is 1 and maximum value is 2.
asunnon_hallintasuhde int Kotitalouden varsinainen asunto ryhmitellään hallintasuhteen mukaan seuraavasti: omistusasunto (oma talo, oma asunto-osake), vuokra-asunto (vuokra-asunto, asumisoikeusasunto tai osa-omistusasunto), muu hallintasuhde (esim. syytinki, sukulaisuus) . Column asunnon_hallintasuhde has 3840 rows, out of which 1920 are empty, making the null percent 50.00. Minimum value is 1 and maximum value is 2.
tiedot string Datasource did not contain a description for Tiedot. Column tiedot has 3840 rows, out of which 0 are empty, making the null percent 0.00. The column is fully populated. Minimum string is Akkturahamod and maximum string is Asmpros2.
asumiskustannus_ja_asumismenoindikaattoreita_kotitalouden_pienituloisuuden_ja_asunnon_hallintasuhteen_mukaan int Datasource did not contain a description for Asumiskustannus_ja_asumismenoindikaattoreita_kotitalouden_pienituloisuuden_ja_asunnon_hallintasuhteen_mukaan. Column asumiskustannus_ja_asumismenoindikaattoreita_kotitalouden_pienituloisuuden_ja_asunnon_hallintasuhteen_mukaan has 3840 rows, out of which 224 are empty, making the null percent 5.83. Minimum value is 0 and maximum value is 5427900.

Dim pienituloisuus, Statfin tjt pxt 024 px, Latest

Column Type Comment
code int The code for the dimension value. Column code has 3 rows, out of which 1 are empty, making the null percent 33.33. Minimum value is 1 and maximum value is 2.
label string The label for the dimension value. Column label has 3 rows, out of which 0 are empty, making the null percent 0.00. The column is fully populated. Minimum string is Kaikki and maximum string is Muut.

Dim tiedot, Statfin tjt pxt 024 px, Full history

Column Type Comment
code string The code for the dimension value. Column code has 20 rows, out of which 0 are empty, making the null percent 0.00. The column is fully populated. Minimum string is Akkturahamod and maximum string is Asmpros2.
label string The label for the dimension value. Column label has 20 rows, out of which 0 are empty, making the null percent 0.00. The column is fully populated. First 25 characters of minimum string: Asumiskustannusten tulo-o... and first 25 characters of maximum string: Asumismenojen tulo-osuus ...
orig_extractdate string The date when the data was originally fetched from the source.

Dim tilastovuosi, Statfin tjt pxt 024 px, Latest

Column Type Comment
code int The code for the dimension value. Column code has 16 rows, out of which 0 are empty, making the null percent 0.00. The column is fully populated. Minimum value is 2002 and maximum value is 2017.
label int The label for the dimension value. Column label has 16 rows, out of which 0 are empty, making the null percent 0.00. The column is fully populated. Minimum value is 2002 and maximum value is 2017.

Dim tilastovuosi, Statfin tjt pxt 024 px, Full history

Column Type Comment
code int The code for the dimension value. Column code has 16 rows, out of which 0 are empty, making the null percent 0.00. The column is fully populated. Minimum value is 2002 and maximum value is 2017.
label int The label for the dimension value. Column label has 16 rows, out of which 0 are empty, making the null percent 0.00. The column is fully populated. Minimum value is 2002 and maximum value is 2017.
orig_extractdate string The date when the data was originally fetched from the source.

Dim pienituloisuus, Statfin tjt pxt 024 px, Full history

Column Type Comment
code int The code for the dimension value. Column code has 3 rows, out of which 1 are empty, making the null percent 33.33. Minimum value is 1 and maximum value is 2.
label string The label for the dimension value. Column label has 3 rows, out of which 0 are empty, making the null percent 0.00. The column is fully populated. Minimum string is Kaikki and maximum string is Muut.
orig_extractdate string The date when the data was originally fetched from the source.

Dim asunnon hallintasuhde, Statfin tjt pxt 024 px, Latest

Column Type Comment
code int The code for the dimension value. Column code has 4 rows, out of which 2 are empty, making the null percent 50.00. Minimum value is 1 and maximum value is 2.
label string The label for the dimension value. Column label has 4 rows, out of which 0 are empty, making the null percent 0.00. The column is fully populated. Minimum string is Kaikki kotitaloudet and maximum string is Muut.

Additional Info

Last Updated September 22, 2019
Created August 6, 2019