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Museovirasto's Activities in 2011 (Updated 13/12/2023)

This dataset collection includes one or more dataset tables sourced from the website of Museovirasto in Finland.


  • History of the Survey Responses data from the Museum Operations 2011 (Updated 13/12/2023) - Museovirasto Web Source (Finland)TSV

    This table contains the version history of the rows extracted from the Museovirasto website in the country Finland (ISO country code 'FI'). The table 'museoiden_toiminta_2011_paivitetty13122023_xlsxkyselyn_vastauksethistory' is the version history table of its base table 'museoiden_toiminta_2011_paivitetty13122023_xlsx__kyselyn_vastaukset'. It contains the columns '_start_date' which indicates the date when the row was extracted, and '_end_date' which indicates the date when a new version of the row was extracted. If the value in the '_end_date' column is null, it means that the row is the most recent version. The table provides data on various aspects of museum activities, such as museum name, municipality name, province, ownership type, visitor counts, financial expenses, grants,...

  • Survey Responses of Museum Activity in 2011 (Updated on 13/12/2023)TSV

    This table contains data from the 'Museovirasto' website in Finland. It provides information on various aspects of museum activities in the year 2011. The table includes data on the number of visitors, ownership type, operating costs, funding sources, revenue, staffing, volunteer work, opening hours, exhibition types, collection sizes, publications, and various other metrics related to museum operations. The data in this table can be utilized for data analytics to perform trends analysis, identify popular museum exhibits or events, understand the financial performance of different museums, analyze the impact of funding sources on museum operations, evaluate staffing levels and volunteer contributions, assess the utilization of museum resources, and study the correlation between visitor...

Column Descriptions

Survey Responses of Museum Activity in 2011 (Updated on 13/12/2023)

Column Type Comment
_extract_date date The date when the data was extracted.
_row_number long The number of the row in the table.
museon_nimi string The name of the museum.
museon_numero int The number of the museum.
kunnan_nimi string The name of the municipality.
laani string The district.
maakunta string The province.
paaryhma string The main group.
omistusmuoto string The ownership form.
maksaneet_kavijat int The number of paying visitors.
ilmaiskavijat int The number of free visitors.
kavijat_yhteensa int The total number of visitors.
koululaisryhmien_kavijat_kavijoiden_kokonaismaarasta int The number of visitors from school groups as a percentage of the total number of visitors.
ulkomaalaiset_kavijat int The number of foreign visitors.
palkkausmenot_yhteensa string The total salary expenses.
palkkausmenot_yhteensa__int int The total salary expenses as an integer.
kiinteistomenot_seka_korot_ja_poistot_yhteensa string The total expenses for properties, interest, and depreciation.
kiinteistomenot_seka_korot_ja_poistot_yhteensa__int int The total expenses for properties, interest, and depreciation as an integer.
kokoelmahankintamenot string The expenses for collection acquisitions.
kokoelmahankintamenot__int int The expenses for collection acquisitions as an integer.
muut_menot string Other expenses.
muut_menot__int int Other expenses as an integer.
menot_yhteensa string The total expenses.
menot_yhteensa__int int The total expenses as an integer.
valtionosuus_museolaki_7291992 string The state subsidy according to the Museum Act 729/1992.
valtionosuus_museolaki_7291992__int int The state subsidy according to the Museum Act 729/1992 as an integer.
valtionavustukset string State grants.
valtionavustukset__int int State grants as an integer.
eu_tuet_ja__avustukset string EU support and grants.
eu_tuet_ja__avustukset__int int EU support and grants as an integer.
kunnan_avustukset__ei_koske_kunnallisia_museoita string Municipal support (excluding municipal museums).
kunnan_avustukset__ei_koske_kunnallisia_museoita__int int Municipal support (excluding municipal museums) as an integer.
muut_avustukset string Other grants.
muut_avustukset__int int Other grants as an integer.
sponsorituki string Sponsorship support.
sponsorituki__int int Sponsorship support as an integer.
paasymaksutulot string The revenue from admission fees.
paasymaksutulot__int int The revenue from admission fees as an integer.
myyntitulot string The revenue from sales.
myyntitulot__int int The revenue from sales as an integer.
palvelu__ja_muut_tulot string The revenue from services and other sources.
palvelu__ja_muut_tulot__int int The revenue from services and other sources as an integer.
omatoiminen_tuotto_yhteensa string The total self-generated revenue.
omatoiminen_tuotto_yhteensa__int int The total self-generated revenue as an integer.
tulot_yhteensa string The total revenue.
tulot_yhteensa__int int The total revenue as an integer.
1__vakinainen__paatoiminen_henkilokunta_henkilotyovuosina string The number of permanent full-time employees in person-years.
1__vakinainen__paatoiminen_henkilokunta_henkilotyovuosina__float float The number of permanent full-time employees in person-years as a float.
1__vakinainen__paatoiminen_henkilokunta_henkilotyovuosina__int int The number of permanent full-time employees in person-years as an integer.
1a__vakinaisesta__paatoimisesta_henkilokunnasta_museoammatillisia_henkilotyovuosina string The number of museum professional person-years from the permanent full-time staff.
1a__vakinaisesta__paatoimisesta_henkilokunnasta_museoammatillisia_henkilotyovuosina__int int The number of museum professional person-years from the permanent full-time staff as an integer.
1a__vakinaisesta__paatoimisesta_henkilokunnasta_museoammatillisia_henkilotyovuosina__float float The number of museum professional person-years from the permanent full-time staff as a float.
todelliset_henkilotyovuodet_yhteensa string The total actual person-years.
todelliset_henkilotyovuodet_yhteensa__float float The total actual person-years as a float.
todelliset_henkilotyovuodet_yhteensa__int int The total actual person-years as an integer.
toimiiko_museossa_vapaaehtoistyontekijoita string Whether the museum has volunteers.
toimiiko_museossa_vapaaehtoistyontekijoita__float float Whether the museum has volunteers as a float.
vapaaehtoistyontekijoiden_tyopanos_tuntia_vuodessa int The number of volunteer work hours per year.
museon_paayksikon_avoinnaolo string The opening hours of the main unit of the museum.
museon_paayksikon_avoinnaolo__float float The opening hours of the main unit of the museum as a float.
opastusten_lukumaara_yhteensa int The total number of guided tours.
opastusten_osanottajat_yhteensa int The total number of participants in guided tours.
onko_museon_perusnayttelyyn_ilmainen_sisaanpaasy string Whether there is free admission to the museum's permanent exhibition.
onko_museon_perusnayttelyyn_ilmainen_sisaanpaasy__float float Whether there is free admission to the museum's permanent exhibition as a float.
paasymaksu_perusnayttelyyn__aikuinen float The admission fee for adults to the permanent exhibition.
paasymaksu_erikoisnayttelyihin__aikuinen float The admission fee for adults to special exhibitions.
paasymaksu_perusnayttelyyn__lapset float The admission fee for children to the permanent exhibition.
kulttuurihistorialliset_kokoelmat_laajuus int The extent of cultural historical collections.
kulttuurihistorialliset__kokoelmat_vuoden_kartunta int The increase in cultural historical collections during the year.
kulttuurihistorialliset_kokoelmat_sahkoiseen_kokoelmahallintajarjestelmaan_luetteloitujen_objektien_lukumaara int The number of objects in cultural historical collections listed in the electronic collection management system.
kulttuurihistorialliset_kokoelmat_digitoitujen_objektien_lukumaara int The number of digitized objects in cultural historical collections.
taidekokoelmat_laajuus int The extent of art collections.
taidekokoelmat_vuoden_kartunta int The increase in art collections during the year.
taidekokoelmat_sahkoiseen_kokoelmahallintajarjestelmaan_luetteloitujen_objektien_lukumaara int The number of objects in art collections listed in the electronic collection management system.
taidekokoelmat_digitoitujen_objektien_lukumaara int The number of digitized objects in art collections.
luonnontieteelliset_kokoelmat_laajuus int The extent of natural science collections.
luonnontieteelliset_kokoelmat_vuoden_kartunta int The increase in natural science collections during the year.
luonnontieteelliset_kokoelmat_sahkoiseen_kokoelmahallintajarjestelmaan_luetteloitujen_objektien_lukumaara int The number of objects in natural science collections listed in the electronic collection management system.
luonnontieteelliset_kokoelmat_digitoitujen_objektien_lukumaara int The number of digitized objects in natural science collections.
valokuvien_maara_kokoelmissa int The number of photographs in the collections.
valokuvat_vuoden_kartunta int The increase in photographs in the collections during the year.
valokuvat_sahkoiseen_kokoelmahallintajarjestelmaan_luetteloitujen_objektien_lukumaara int The number of photographs listed in the electronic collection management system.
valokuvat_digitoitujen_objektien_lukumaara int The number of digitized photographs.
vaihtuvat_nayttelyt_oma_tuotanto int The number of temporary exhibitions produced by the museum.
vaihtuvat_nayttelyt_yhteistyonayttelyt int The number of temporary exhibitions produced in collaboration with other institutions.
vaihtuvat_nayttelyt_muiden_tuottamat_nayttelyt int The number of temporary exhibitions produced by other institutions.
vaihtuvat_nayttelyt_yhteensa int The total number of temporary exhibitions.
valmistuneet_kiertonayttelyt int The number of completed travelling exhibitions.
ulkomaille_tuotetut_nayttelyt int The number of exhibitions produced for foreign countries.
kaikki_nayttelyt_yhteensa int The total number of exhibitions.
taidenayttelyiden_lukumaara_museon_vaihtuvista_nayttelyista int The number of art exhibitions among the museum's temporary exhibitions.
taideteollisuus___valokuvataide__ja_rakennustaidenayttelyiden_lukumaara_museon_vaihtuvista_nayttelyista int The number of applied arts, photography, and architecture exhibitions among the museum's temporary exhibitions.
kulttuurihistoriallisten_ja_historiallisten_nayttelyiden_lukumaara_museon_vaihtuvista_nayttelyista int The number of cultural historical and historical exhibitions among the museum's temporary exhibitions.
etnografisten_nayttelyiden_lukumaara_museon_vaihtuvista_nayttelyista int The number of ethnographic exhibitions among the museum's temporary exhibitions.
tekniikan_ja_teollisuusnayttelyiden_lukumaara_museon_vaihtuvista_nayttelyista int The number of technology and industry exhibitions among the museum's temporary exhibitions.
luonnonhistoriallisten_ja_luonnontieteellisten_nayttelyiden_lukumaara_museon_vaihtuvista_nayttelyista int The number of natural history and natural science exhibitions among the museum's temporary exhibitions.
muiden_nayttelyiden_lukumaara_museon_vaihtuvista_nayttelyista int The number of other exhibitions among the museum's temporary exhibitions.
vaihtuvat_nayttelyt_yhteensa_aihetyypin_mukaan int The total number of temporary exhibitions by topic type.
painetut_nayttelyjulkaisut int The number of printed exhibition publications.
painetut_tutkimukset int The number of printed research publications.
muut_painetut_julkaisut int The number of other printed publications.
painetut_julkaisut_yhteensa int The total number of printed publications.
elektroniset_julkaisut_cd_romit__dvdt int The number of electronic publications on CD-ROM or DVD.
verkkojulkaisut int The number of online publications.
kaikki_julkaisut_yhteensa int The total number of publications.
taidehistoriallisten_julkaisujen_lukumaara_museon_julkaisuista int The number of art historical publications among the museum's publications.
taideteollisuus___valokuvataide__ja_rakennustaidejulkaisujen_lukumaara_museon_julkaisuista int The number of applied arts, photography, and architecture publications among the museum's publications.
kulttuurihistoriallisten_ja_historiallisten_julkaisujen_lukumaara_museon_julkaisuista int The number of cultural historical and historical publications among the museum's publications.
etnografisten_julkaisujen_lukumaara_museon_julkaisuista int The number of ethnographic publications among the museum's publications.
tekniikan_ja_teollisuusjulkaisujen_lukumaara_museon_julkaisuista int The number of technology and industry publications among the museum's publications.
luonnonhistoriallisten_ja_luonnontieteellisten_julkaisujen_lukumaara_museon_julkaisuista int The number of natural history and natural science publications among the museum's publications.
muiden_julkaisujen_lukumaara_museon_julkaisuista int The number of other publications among the museum's publications.
julkaisut_yhteensa_aihetyypin_mukaan int The total number of publications by topic type.
onko_museon_tiloissa_yleisopaate string Whether there is general access to the museum's premises.
onko_museon_tiloissa_yleisopaate__float float Whether there is general access to the museum's premises as a float.
onko_museolla_kokoelmahallintajarjestelma string Whether the museum has a collection management system.
onko_museolla_kokoelmahallintajarjestelma__float float Whether the museum has a collection management system as a float.

History of the Survey Responses data from the Museum Operations 2011 (Updated 13/12/2023) - Museovirasto Web Source (Finland)

Column Type Comment
_start_date date The start date of the validity period for the row version.
_end_date date The end date of the validity period for the row version.
_row_number long The row number of the version history.
museon_nimi string The name of the museum.
museon_numero int The number of the museum.
kunnan_nimi string The name of the municipality.
laani string The administrative region of the museum.
maakunta string The region of the museum.
paaryhma string The main group of the museum.
omistusmuoto string The ownership form of the museum.
maksaneet_kavijat int The number of paying visitors to the museum.
ilmaiskavijat int The number of free visitors to the museum.
kavijat_yhteensa int The total number of visitors to the museum.
koululaisryhmien_kavijat_kavijoiden_kokonaismaarasta int The number of visitors from school groups as a percentage of the total number of visitors.
ulkomaalaiset_kavijat int The number of foreign visitors to the museum.
palkkausmenot_yhteensa string The total salary expenses of the museum.
palkkausmenot_yhteensa__int int The total salary expenses of the museum as an integer.
kiinteistomenot_seka_korot_ja_poistot_yhteensa string The total costs for property, interest, and depreciation.
kiinteistomenot_seka_korot_ja_poistot_yhteensa__int int The total costs for property, interest, and depreciation as an integer.
kokoelmahankintamenot string The costs for collection acquisition.
kokoelmahankintamenot__int int The costs for collection acquisition as an integer.
muut_menot string Other expenses of the museum.
muut_menot__int int Other expenses of the museum as an integer.
menot_yhteensa string The total expenses of the museum.
menot_yhteensa__int int The total expenses of the museum as an integer.
valtionosuus_museolaki_7291992 string The state subsidy according to the museum law 729/1992.
valtionosuus_museolaki_7291992__int int The state subsidy according to the museum law 729/1992 as an integer.
valtionavustukset string The state grants to the museum.
valtionavustukset__int int The state grants to the museum as an integer.
eu_tuet_ja__avustukset string The EU support and grants to the museum.
eu_tuet_ja__avustukset__int int The EU support and grants to the museum as an integer.
kunnan_avustukset__ei_koske_kunnallisia_museoita string The municipality grants (excluding municipal museums).
kunnan_avustukset__ei_koske_kunnallisia_museoita__int int The municipality grants (excluding municipal museums) as an integer.
muut_avustukset string Other grants to the museum.
muut_avustukset__int int Other grants to the museum as an integer.
sponsorituki string Sponsorship support to the museum.
sponsorituki__int int Sponsorship support to the museum as an integer.
paasymaksutulot string The ticket revenue of the museum.
paasymaksutulot__int int The ticket revenue of the museum as an integer.
myyntitulot string The sales revenue of the museum.
myyntitulot__int int The sales revenue of the museum as an integer.
palvelu__ja_muut_tulot string The revenue from services and other sources.
palvelu__ja_muut_tulot__int int The revenue from services and other sources as an integer.
omatoiminen_tuotto_yhteensa string The total self-generated revenue of the museum.
omatoiminen_tuotto_yhteensa__int int The total self-generated revenue of the museum as an integer.
tulot_yhteensa string The total revenue of the museum.
tulot_yhteensa__int int The total revenue of the museum as an integer.
1__vakinainen__paatoiminen_henkilokunta_henkilotyovuosina string The number of permanent full-time personnel in person years.
1__vakinainen__paatoiminen_henkilokunta_henkilotyovuosina__float float The number of permanent full-time personnel in person years as a float.
1__vakinainen__paatoiminen_henkilokunta_henkilotyovuosina__int int The number of permanent full-time personnel in person years as an integer.
1a__vakinaisesta__paatoimisesta_henkilokunnasta_museoammatillisia_henkilotyovuosina string The number of museum professionals in the permanent full-time personnel in person years.
1a__vakinaisesta__paatoimisesta_henkilokunnasta_museoammatillisia_henkilotyovuosina__int int The number of museum professionals in the permanent full-time personnel in person years as an integer.
1a__vakinaisesta__paatoimisesta_henkilokunnasta_museoammatillisia_henkilotyovuosina__float float The number of museum professionals in the permanent full-time personnel in person years as a float.
todelliset_henkilotyovuodet_yhteensa string The total actual person years of the personnel.
todelliset_henkilotyovuodet_yhteensa__float float The total actual person years of the personnel as a float.
todelliset_henkilotyovuodet_yhteensa__int int The total actual person years of the personnel as an integer.
toimiiko_museossa_vapaaehtoistyontekijoita string Indicator for whether the museum has volunteers.
toimiiko_museossa_vapaaehtoistyontekijoita__float float Indicator for whether the museum has volunteers as a float.
vapaaehtoistyontekijoiden_tyopanos_tuntia_vuodessa int The number of hours contributed by volunteers per year.
museon_paayksikon_avoinnaolo string The opening hours of the main unit of the museum.
museon_paayksikon_avoinnaolo__float float The opening hours of the main unit of the museum as a float.
opastusten_lukumaara_yhteensa int The total number of guided tours.
opastusten_osanottajat_yhteensa int The total number of participants in guided tours.
onko_museon_perusnayttelyyn_ilmainen_sisaanpaasy string Indicator for whether the basic exhibition of the museum has free admission.
onko_museon_perusnayttelyyn_ilmainen_sisaanpaasy__float float Indicator for whether the basic exhibition of the museum has free admission as a float.
paasymaksu_perusnayttelyyn__aikuinen float The admission fee for adults to the basic exhibition.
paasymaksu_erikoisnayttelyihin__aikuinen float The admission fee for adults to special exhibitions.
paasymaksu_perusnayttelyyn__lapset float The admission fee for children to the basic exhibition.
kulttuurihistorialliset_kokoelmat_laajuus int The extent of cultural historical collections.
kulttuurihistorialliset__kokoelmat_vuoden_kartunta int The increase in cultural historical collections during the year.
kulttuurihistorialliset_kokoelmat_sahkoiseen_kokoelmahallintajarjestelmaan_luetteloitujen_objektien_lukumaara int The number of objects in cultural historical collections cataloged in the electronic collection management system.
kulttuurihistorialliset_kokoelmat_digitoitujen_objektien_lukumaara int The number of digitized objects in cultural historical collections.
taidekokoelmat_laajuus int The extent of art collections.
taidekokoelmat_vuoden_kartunta int The increase in art collections during the year.
taidekokoelmat_sahkoiseen_kokoelmahallintajarjestelmaan_luetteloitujen_objektien_lukumaara int The number of objects in art collections cataloged in the electronic collection management system.
taidekokoelmat_digitoitujen_objektien_lukumaara int The number of digitized objects in art collections.
luonnontieteelliset_kokoelmat_laajuus int The extent of natural science collections.
luonnontieteelliset_kokoelmat_vuoden_kartunta int The increase in natural science collections during the year.
luonnontieteelliset_kokoelmat_sahkoiseen_kokoelmahallintajarjestelmaan_luetteloitujen_objektien_lukumaara int The number of objects in natural science collections cataloged in the electronic collection management system.
luonnontieteelliset_kokoelmat_digitoitujen_objektien_lukumaara int The number of digitized objects in natural science collections.
valokuvien_maara_kokoelmissa int The number of photographs in the collections.
valokuvat_vuoden_kartunta int The increase in the number of photographs during the year.
valokuvat_sahkoiseen_kokoelmahallintajarjestelmaan_luetteloitujen_objektien_lukumaara int The number of photographs cataloged in the electronic collection management system.
valokuvat_digitoitujen_objektien_lukumaara int The number of digitized photographs.
vaihtuvat_nayttelyt_oma_tuotanto int The number of temporary exhibitions produced by the museum.
vaihtuvat_nayttelyt_yhteistyonayttelyt int The number of temporary exhibitions produced in collaboration with other institutions.
vaihtuvat_nayttelyt_muiden_tuottamat_nayttelyt int The number of temporary exhibitions produced by other institutions.
vaihtuvat_nayttelyt_yhteensa int The total number of temporary exhibitions.
valmistuneet_kiertonayttelyt int The number of completed traveling exhibitions.
ulkomaille_tuotetut_nayttelyt int The number of exhibitions produced for international venues.
kaikki_nayttelyt_yhteensa int The total number of exhibitions.
taidenayttelyiden_lukumaara_museon_vaihtuvista_nayttelyista int The number of art exhibitions in the museum's temporary exhibitions.
taideteollisuus___valokuvataide__ja_rakennustaidenayttelyiden_lukumaara_museon_vaihtuvista_nayttelyista int The number of exhibitions on applied arts, photography, and architecture in the museum's temporary exhibitions.
kulttuurihistoriallisten_ja_historiallisten_nayttelyiden_lukumaara_museon_vaihtuvista_nayttelyista int The number of cultural historical and historical exhibitions in the museum's temporary exhibitions.
etnografisten_nayttelyiden_lukumaara_museon_vaihtuvista_nayttelyista int The number of ethnographic exhibitions in the museum's temporary exhibitions.
tekniikan_ja_teollisuusnayttelyiden_lukumaara_museon_vaihtuvista_nayttelyista int The number of technology and industry exhibitions in the museum's temporary exhibitions.
luonnonhistoriallisten_ja_luonnontieteellisten_nayttelyiden_lukumaara_museon_vaihtuvista_nayttelyista int The number of natural history and natural science exhibitions in the museum's temporary exhibitions.
muiden_nayttelyiden_lukumaara_museon_vaihtuvista_nayttelyista int The number of other exhibitions in the museum's temporary exhibitions.
vaihtuvat_nayttelyt_yhteensa_aihetyypin_mukaan int The total number of temporary exhibitions by topic type.
painetut_nayttelyjulkaisut int The number of printed exhibition publications.
painetut_tutkimukset int The number of printed research publications.
muut_painetut_julkaisut int The number of other printed publications.
painetut_julkaisut_yhteensa int The total number of printed publications.
elektroniset_julkaisut_cd_romit__dvdt int The number of electronic publications on CD-ROMs or DVDs.
verkkojulkaisut int The number of online publications.
kaikki_julkaisut_yhteensa int The total number of publications.
taidehistoriallisten_julkaisujen_lukumaara_museon_julkaisuista int The number of art historical publications in the museum's publications.
taideteollisuus___valokuvataide__ja_rakennustaidejulkaisujen_lukumaara_museon_julkaisuista int The number of publications on applied arts, photography, and architecture in the museum's publications.
kulttuurihistoriallisten_ja_historiallisten_julkaisujen_lukumaara_museon_julkaisuista int The number of cultural historical and historical publications in the museum's publications.
etnografisten_julkaisujen_lukumaara_museon_julkaisuista int The number of ethnographic publications in the museum's publications.
tekniikan_ja_teollisuusjulkaisujen_lukumaara_museon_julkaisuista int The number of technology and industry publications in the museum's publications.
luonnonhistoriallisten_ja_luonnontieteellisten_julkaisujen_lukumaara_museon_julkaisuista int The number of natural history and natural science publications in the museum's publications.
muiden_julkaisujen_lukumaara_museon_julkaisuista int The number of other publications in the museum's publications.
julkaisut_yhteensa_aihetyypin_mukaan int The total number of publications by topic type.
onko_museon_tiloissa_yleisopaate string Indicator for whether the museum has public access to its premises.
onko_museon_tiloissa_yleisopaate__float float Indicator for whether the museum has public access to its premises as a float.
onko_museolla_kokoelmahallintajarjestelma string Indicator for whether the museum has a collection management system.
onko_museolla_kokoelmahallintajarjestelma__float float Indicator for whether the museum has a collection management system as a float.

Additional Info

Last Updated April 26, 2024
Created April 21, 2024