Operations of Museums in Finland (2010)
Historical Version of 'Museoiden Toiminta 2010 Paivitetty13122023 Xlsx Kyselyn Vastaukset' from 'Museovirasto' in FinlandTSV
This table contains the version history of the rows from the 'Museovirasto' dataset sourced from the website of Museovirasto in Finland (country code 'fi'). It has two additional columns compared to its base table: '_start_date' and '_end_date'. The data in this table can be utilized in various data analytics tasks such as tracking changes over time, analyzing trends, measuring performance, and conducting historical analysis. For example, by comparing the values of different rows based on the '_end_date' column, one can identify the changes in various attributes of museums such as visitor numbers, funding, collection sizes, and exhibition types over different time periods. This can provide insights into the development and evolution of museums in Finland.
Museum Activities in Finland, 2010 - Survey ResponsesTSV
This table contains information about the operation of museums in Finland. It includes data on the number of paid and free visitors, ownership type, expenses, funding, revenues, staff count, volunteer work, opening hours, exhibitions, collections, publications, and various other museum-related metrics. The data in this table can be utilized for data analytics to analyze visitor trends, financial performance, staffing levels, exhibition popularity, collection size and growth, publication output, and other key performance indicators for museums in Finland. The data in this table is sourced from the website of Museovirasto (Finnish Heritage Agency), which is the national authority responsible for the administration and promotion of museums in Finland.
Column Descriptions
Museum Activities in Finland, 2010 - Survey Responses
Column | Type | Comment |
_extract_date | date | The date on which the data was extracted from the table. |
_row_number | long | The unique identifier of each row in the table. |
museon_nimi | string | The name of the museum. |
museon_numero | int | The unique identification number of the museum. |
kunnan_nimi | string | The name of the municipality where the museum is located. |
laani | string | The region or province where the museum is located. |
maakunta | string | The county where the museum is located. |
paaryhma | string | The main group/category of the museum. |
omistusmuoto | string | The ownership form/type of the museum. |
maksaneet_kavijat | string | The number of paid visitors to the museum. |
maksaneet_kavijat__int | int | The number of paid visitors to the museum (integer format). |
ilmaiskavijat | string | The number of free visitors to the museum. |
ilmaiskavijat__int | int | The number of free visitors to the museum (integer format). |
kavijat_yhteensa | string | The total number of visitors to the museum (paid and free). |
kavijat_yhteensa__int | int | The total number of visitors to the museum (paid and free) (integer format). |
koululaisryhmien_kavijat_kavijoiden_kokonaismaarasta | string | The number of visitors from school groups as a percentage of the total number of visitors. |
koululaisryhmien_kavijat_kavijoiden_kokonaismaarasta__int | int | The number of visitors from school groups as a percentage of the total number of visitors (integer format). |
ulkomaalaiset_kavijat | string | The number of foreign visitors to the museum. |
ulkomaalaiset_kavijat__int | int | The number of foreign visitors to the museum (integer format). |
palkkausmenot_yhteensa | string | The total salary expenses of the museum. |
palkkausmenot_yhteensa__int | int | The total salary expenses of the museum (integer format). |
kiinteistomenot_seka_korot_ja_poistot_yhteensa | string | The total real estate expenses, interest, and depreciation. |
kiinteistomenot_seka_korot_ja_poistot_yhteensa__int | int | The total real estate expenses, interest, and depreciation (integer format). |
kokoelmahankintamenot | string | The acquisition expenses of the museum's collection. |
kokoelmahankintamenot__int | int | The acquisition expenses of the museum's collection (integer format). |
muut_menot | string | Other expenses of the museum. |
muut_menot__int | int | Other expenses of the museum (integer format). |
menot_yhteensa | string | The total expenses of the museum. |
menot_yhteensa__int | int | The total expenses of the museum (integer format). |
valtionosuus_museolaki_7291992 | string | The government subsidy received by the museum under the Museums Act of 729/1992. |
valtionosuus_museolaki_7291992__int | int | The government subsidy received by the museum under the Museums Act of 729/1992 (integer format). |
valtionavustukset | string | The state grants received by the museum. |
valtionavustukset__int | int | The state grants received by the museum (integer format). |
eu_tuet_ja__avustukset | string | The EU grants and subsidies received by the museum. |
eu_tuet_ja__avustukset__int | int | The EU grants and subsidies received by the museum (integer format). |
kunnan_avustukset__ei_koske_kunnallisia_museoita | string | The municipal grants received by the museum (not applicable to municipal museums). |
kunnan_avustukset__ei_koske_kunnallisia_museoita__int | int | The municipal grants received by the museum (not applicable to municipal museums) (integer format). |
muut_avustukset | string | Other grants received by the museum. |
muut_avustukset__int | int | Other grants received by the museum (integer format). |
sponsorituki | string | The sponsorship support received by the museum. |
sponsorituki__int | int | The sponsorship support received by the museum (integer format). |
paasymaksutulot | string | The admission fee revenue of the museum. |
paasymaksutulot__int | int | The admission fee revenue of the museum (integer format). |
myyntitulot | string | The sales revenue of the museum. |
myyntitulot__int | int | The sales revenue of the museum (integer format). |
palvelu__ja_muut_tulot | string | The service and other income of the museum. |
palvelu__ja_muut_tulot__int | int | The service and other income of the museum (integer format). |
omatoiminen_tuotto_yhteensa | string | The total self-generated revenue of the museum. |
omatoiminen_tuotto_yhteensa__int | int | The total self-generated revenue of the museum (integer format). |
tulot_yhteensa | string | The total revenue of the museum. |
tulot_yhteensa__int | int | The total revenue of the museum (integer format). |
1__vakinainen__paatoiminen_henkilokunta_henkilotyovuosina | string | The number of full-time equivalent permanent employees at the museum. |
1__vakinainen__paatoiminen_henkilokunta_henkilotyovuosina__float | float | The number of full-time equivalent permanent employees at the museum (floating point format). |
1__vakinainen__paatoiminen_henkilokunta_henkilotyovuosina__int | int | The number of full-time equivalent permanent employees at the museum (integer format). |
1a__vakinaisesta__paatoimisesta_henkilokunnasta_museoammatillisia_henkilotyovuosina | string | The number of full-time equivalent professional employees out of the total permanent employees at the museum. |
1a__vakinaisesta__paatoimisesta_henkilokunnasta_museoammatillisia_henkilotyovuosina__int | int | The number of full-time equivalent professional employees out of the total permanent employees at the museum (integer format). |
1a__vakinaisesta__paatoimisesta_henkilokunnasta_museoammatillisia_henkilotyovuosina__float | float | The number of full-time equivalent professional employees out of the total permanent employees at the museum (floating point format). |
todelliset_henkilotyovuodet_yhteensa | string | The total actual person-years of all employees at the museum. |
todelliset_henkilotyovuodet_yhteensa__float | float | The total actual person-years of all employees at the museum (floating point format). |
todelliset_henkilotyovuodet_yhteensa__int | int | The total actual person-years of all employees at the museum (integer format). |
toimiiko_museossa_vapaaehtoistyontekijoita | string | Indicates if the museum has volunteers working. |
toimiiko_museossa_vapaaehtoistyontekijoita__float | float | Indicates if the museum has volunteers working (floating point format). |
vapaaehtoistyontekijoiden_tyopanos_tuntia_vuodessa | string | The number of hours contributed by volunteers to the museum per year. |
vapaaehtoistyontekijoiden_tyopanos_tuntia_vuodessa__int | int | The number of hours contributed by volunteers to the museum per year (integer format). |
museon_paayksikon_avoinnaolo | string | The opening hours of the museum's main unit. |
museon_paayksikon_avoinnaolo__float | float | The opening hours of the museum's main unit (floating point format). |
opastusten_lukumaara_yhteensa | string | The total number of guided tours provided by the museum. |
opastusten_lukumaara_yhteensa__int | int | The total number of guided tours provided by the museum (integer format). |
opastusten_osanottajat_yhteensa | string | The total number of participants in guided tours provided by the museum. |
opastusten_osanottajat_yhteensa__int | int | The total number of participants in guided tours provided by the museum (integer format). |
onko_museon_perusnayttelyyn_ilmainen_sisaanpaasy | string | Indicates if there is free admission to the museum's permanent exhibition. |
onko_museon_perusnayttelyyn_ilmainen_sisaanpaasy__float | float | Indicates if there is free admission to the museum's permanent exhibition (floating point format). |
paasymaksu_perusnayttelyyn__aikuinen | string | The admission fee for adults to the museum's permanent exhibition. |
paasymaksu_perusnayttelyyn__aikuinen__int | int | The admission fee for adults to the museum's permanent exhibition (integer format). |
paasymaksu_perusnayttelyyn__aikuinen__float | float | The admission fee for adults to the museum's permanent exhibition (floating point format). |
paasymaksu_erikoisnayttelyihin__aikuinen | string | The admission fee for adults to the museum's special exhibitions. |
paasymaksu_erikoisnayttelyihin__aikuinen__int | int | The admission fee for adults to the museum's special exhibitions (integer format). |
paasymaksu_erikoisnayttelyihin__aikuinen__float | float | The admission fee for adults to the museum's special exhibitions (floating point format). |
paasymaksu_perusnayttelyyn__lapset | string | The admission fee for children to the museum's permanent exhibition. |
paasymaksu_perusnayttelyyn__lapset__int | int | The admission fee for children to the museum's permanent exhibition (integer format). |
paasymaksu_perusnayttelyyn__lapset__float | float | The admission fee for children to the museum's permanent exhibition (floating point format). |
kulttuurihistorialliset_kokoelmat_laajuus | string | The extent or size of the museum's cultural historical collections. |
kulttuurihistorialliset_kokoelmat_laajuus__int | int | The extent or size of the museum's cultural historical collections (integer format). |
kulttuurihistorialliset__kokoelmat_vuoden_kartunta | string | The increase or growth of the museum's cultural historical collections within a year. |
kulttuurihistorialliset__kokoelmat_vuoden_kartunta__int | int | The increase or growth of the museum's cultural historical collections within a year (integer format). |
kulttuurihistorialliset_kokoelmat_sahkoiseen_kokoelmahallintajarjestelmaan_luetteloitujen_objektien_lukumaara | string | The number of objects from the cultural historical collections that have been cataloged in the electronic collection management system. |
kulttuurihistorialliset_kokoelmat_sahkoiseen_kokoelmahallintajarjestelmaan_luetteloitujen_objektien_lukumaara__int | int | The number of objects from the cultural historical collections that have been cataloged in the electronic collection management system (integer format). |
kulttuurihistorialliset_kokoelmat_digitoitujen_objektien_lukumaara | string | The number of objects from the cultural historical collections that have been digitized. |
kulttuurihistorialliset_kokoelmat_digitoitujen_objektien_lukumaara__int | int | The number of objects from the cultural historical collections that have been digitized (integer format). |
taidekokoelmat_laajuus | string | The extent or size of the museum's art collections. |
taidekokoelmat_laajuus__int | int | The extent or size of the museum's art collections (integer format). |
taidekokoelmat_vuoden_kartunta | string | The increase or growth of the museum's art collections within a year. |
taidekokoelmat_vuoden_kartunta__int | int | The increase or growth of the museum's art collections within a year (integer format). |
taidekokoelmat_sahkoiseen_kokoelmahallintajarjestelmaan_luetteloitujen_objektien_lukumaara | string | The number of objects from the art collections that have been cataloged in the electronic collection management system. |
taidekokoelmat_sahkoiseen_kokoelmahallintajarjestelmaan_luetteloitujen_objektien_lukumaara__int | int | The number of objects from the art collections that have been cataloged in the electronic collection management system (integer format). |
taidekokoelmat_digitoitujen_objektien_lukumaara | string | The number of objects from the art collections that have been digitized. |
taidekokoelmat_digitoitujen_objektien_lukumaara__int | int | The number of objects from the art collections that have been digitized (integer format). |
luonnontieteelliset_kokoelmat_laajuus | string | The extent or size of the museum's natural science collections. |
luonnontieteelliset_kokoelmat_laajuus__int | int | The extent or size of the museum's natural science collections (integer format). |
luonnontieteelliset_kokoelmat_vuoden_kartunta | string | The increase or growth of the museum's natural science collections within a year. |
luonnontieteelliset_kokoelmat_vuoden_kartunta__int | int | The increase or growth of the museum's natural science collections within a year (integer format). |
luonnontieteelliset_kokoelmat_sahkoiseen_kokoelmahallintajarjestelmaan_luetteloitujen_objektien_lukumaara | string | The number of objects from the natural science collections that have been cataloged in the electronic collection management system. |
luonnontieteelliset_kokoelmat_sahkoiseen_kokoelmahallintajarjestelmaan_luetteloitujen_objektien_lukumaara__int | int | The number of objects from the natural science collections that have been cataloged in the electronic collection management system (integer format). |
luonnontieteelliset_kokoelmat_digitoitujen_objektien_lukumaara | string | The number of objects from the natural science collections that have been digitized. |
luonnontieteelliset_kokoelmat_digitoitujen_objektien_lukumaara__int | int | The number of objects from the natural science collections that have been digitized (integer format). |
valokuvien_maara_kokoelmissa | string | The number of photographs/artworks in the collections. |
valokuvien_maara_kokoelmissa__int | int | The number of photographs/artworks in the collections (integer format). |
valokuvat_vuoden_kartunta | string | The increase or growth of the number of photographs/artworks in the collections within a year. |
valokuvat_vuoden_kartunta__int | int | The increase or growth of the number of photographs/artworks in the collections within a year (integer format). |
valokuvat_sahkoiseen_kokoelmahallintajarjestelmaan_luetteloitujen_objektien_lukumaara | string | The number of photographs/artworks that have been cataloged in the electronic collection management system. |
valokuvat_sahkoiseen_kokoelmahallintajarjestelmaan_luetteloitujen_objektien_lukumaara__int | int | The number of photographs/artworks that have been cataloged in the electronic collection management system (integer format). |
valokuvat_digitoitujen_objektien_lukumaara | string | The number of photographs/artworks that have been digitized. |
valokuvat_digitoitujen_objektien_lukumaara__int | int | The number of photographs/artworks that have been digitized (integer format). |
vaihtuvat_nayttelyt_oma_tuotanto | string | The number of exhibitions produced by the museum itself. |
vaihtuvat_nayttelyt_oma_tuotanto__int | int | The number of exhibitions produced by the museum itself (integer format). |
vaihtuvat_nayttelyt_yhteistyonayttelyt | string | The number of exhibitions produced in cooperation with other parties. |
vaihtuvat_nayttelyt_yhteistyonayttelyt__int | int | The number of exhibitions produced in cooperation with other parties (integer format). |
vaihtuvat_nayttelyt_muiden_tuottamat_nayttelyt | string | The number of exhibitions produced by other organizations. |
vaihtuvat_nayttelyt_muiden_tuottamat_nayttelyt__int | int | The number of exhibitions produced by other organizations (integer format). |
vaihtuvat_nayttelyt_yhteensa | string | The total number of temporary exhibitions held at the museum. |
vaihtuvat_nayttelyt_yhteensa__int | int | The total number of temporary exhibitions held at the museum (integer format). |
valmistuneet_kiertonayttelyt | string | The number of completed traveling exhibitions organized by the museum. |
valmistuneet_kiertonayttelyt__int | int | The number of completed traveling exhibitions organized by the museum (integer format). |
ulkomaille_tuotetut_nayttelyt | string | The number of exhibitions produced by the museum and shown abroad. |
ulkomaille_tuotetut_nayttelyt__int | int | The number of exhibitions produced by the museum and shown abroad (integer format). |
kaikki_nayttelyt_yhteensa | string | The total number of exhibitions organized by the museum. |
kaikki_nayttelyt_yhteensa__int | int | The total number of exhibitions organized by the museum (integer format). |
taidenayttelyiden_lukumaara_museon_vaihtuvista_nayttelyista | string | The number of art exhibitions among the museum's temporary exhibitions. |
taidenayttelyiden_lukumaara_museon_vaihtuvista_nayttelyista__int | int | The number of art exhibitions among the museum's temporary exhibitions (integer format). |
taideteollisuus___valokuvataide__ja_rakennustaidenayttelyiden_lukumaara_museon_vaihtuvista_nayttelyista | string | The number of applied art, photography, and architecture exhibitions among the museum's temporary exhibitions. |
taideteollisuus___valokuvataide__ja_rakennustaidenayttelyiden_lukumaara_museon_vaihtuvista_nayttelyista__int | int | The number of applied art, photography, and architecture exhibitions among the museum's temporary exhibitions (integer format). |
kulttuurihistoriallisten_ja_historiallisten_nayttelyiden_lukumaara_museon_vaihtuvista_nayttelyista | string | The number of cultural historical and historical exhibitions among the museum's temporary exhibitions. |
kulttuurihistoriallisten_ja_historiallisten_nayttelyiden_lukumaara_museon_vaihtuvista_nayttelyista__int | int | The number of cultural historical and historical exhibitions among the museum's temporary exhibitions (integer format). |
etnografisten_nayttelyiden_lukumaara_museon_vaihtuvista_nayttelyista | string | The number of ethnographic exhibitions among the museum's temporary exhibitions. |
etnografisten_nayttelyiden_lukumaara_museon_vaihtuvista_nayttelyista__int | int | The number of ethnographic exhibitions among the museum's temporary exhibitions (integer format). |
tekniikan_ja_teollisuusnayttelyiden_lukumaara_museon_vaihtuvista_nayttelyista | string | The number of technology and industry exhibitions among the museum's temporary exhibitions. |
tekniikan_ja_teollisuusnayttelyiden_lukumaara_museon_vaihtuvista_nayttelyista__int | int | The number of technology and industry exhibitions among the museum's temporary exhibitions (integer format). |
luonnonhistoriallisten_ja_luonnontieteellisten_nayttelyiden_lukumaara_museon_vaihtuvista_nayttelyista | string | The number of natural history exhibitions among the museum's temporary exhibitions. |
luonnonhistoriallisten_ja_luonnontieteellisten_nayttelyiden_lukumaara_museon_vaihtuvista_nayttelyista__int | int | The number of natural history exhibitions among the museum's temporary exhibitions (integer format). |
muiden_nayttelyiden_lukumaara_museon_vaihtuvista_nayttelyista | string | The number of other exhibitions among the museum's temporary exhibitions. |
muiden_nayttelyiden_lukumaara_museon_vaihtuvista_nayttelyista__int | int | The number of other exhibitions among the museum's temporary exhibitions (integer format). |
vaihtuvat_nayttelyt_yhteensa_aihetyypin_mukaan | string | The total number of temporary exhibitions held at the museum classified by topic type. |
vaihtuvat_nayttelyt_yhteensa_aihetyypin_mukaan__int | int | The total number of temporary exhibitions held at the museum classified by topic type (integer format). |
painetut_nayttelyjulkaisut | string | The number of exhibition publications in printed format. |
painetut_nayttelyjulkaisut__int | int | The number of exhibition publications in printed format (integer format). |
painetut_tutkimukset | string | The number of research publications in printed format. |
painetut_tutkimukset__int | int | The number of research publications in printed format (integer format). |
muut_painetut_julkaisut | string | The number of other printed publications. |
muut_painetut_julkaisut__int | int | The number of other printed publications (integer format). |
painetut_julkaisut_yhteensa | string | The total number of printed publications. |
painetut_julkaisut_yhteensa__int | int | The total number of printed publications (integer format). |
elektroniset_julkaisut_cd_romit__dvdt | string | The number of electronic publications in CD-ROM or DVD format. |
elektroniset_julkaisut_cd_romit__dvdt__int | int | The number of electronic publications in CD-ROM or DVD format (integer format). |
verkkojulkaisut | string | The number of online publications. |
verkkojulkaisut__int | int | The number of online publications (integer format). |
kaikki_julkaisut_yhteensa | string | The total number of publications (printed and electronic). |
kaikki_julkaisut_yhteensa__int | int | The total number of publications (printed and electronic) (integer format). |
taidehistoriallisten_julkaisujen_lukumaara_museon_julkaisuista | string | The number of art history publications among the museum's publications. |
taidehistoriallisten_julkaisujen_lukumaara_museon_julkaisuista__int | int | The number of art history publications among the museum's publications (integer format). |
taideteollisuus___valokuvataide__ja_rakennustaidejulkaisujen_lukumaara_museon_julkaisuista | string | The number of applied art, photography, and architecture publications among the museum's publications. |
taideteollisuus___valokuvataide__ja_rakennustaidejulkaisujen_lukumaara_museon_julkaisuista__int | int | The number of applied art, photography, and architecture publications among the museum's publications (integer format). |
kulttuurihistoriallisten_ja_historiallisten_julkaisujen_lukumaara_museon_julkaisuista | string | The number of cultural historical and historical publications among the museum's publications. |
kulttuurihistoriallisten_ja_historiallisten_julkaisujen_lukumaara_museon_julkaisuista__int | int | The number of cultural historical and historical publications among the museum's publications (integer format). |
etnografisten_julkaisujen_lukumaara_museon_julkaisuista | string | The number of ethnographic publications among the museum's publications. |
etnografisten_julkaisujen_lukumaara_museon_julkaisuista__int | int | The number of ethnographic publications among the museum's publications (integer format). |
tekniikan_ja_teollisuusjulkaisujen_lukumaara_museon_julkaisuista | string | The number of technology and industry publications among the museum's publications. |
tekniikan_ja_teollisuusjulkaisujen_lukumaara_museon_julkaisuista__int | int | The number of technology and industry publications among the museum's publications (integer format). |
luonnonhistoriallisten_ja_luonnontieteellisten_julkaisujen_lukumaara_museon_julkaisuista | string | The number of natural history publications among the museum's publications. |
luonnonhistoriallisten_ja_luonnontieteellisten_julkaisujen_lukumaara_museon_julkaisuista__int | int | The number of natural history publications among the museum's publications (integer format). |
muiden_julkaisujen_lukumaara_museon_julkaisuista | string | The number of other publications among the museum's publications. |
muiden_julkaisujen_lukumaara_museon_julkaisuista__int | int | The number of other publications among the museum's publications (integer format). |
julkaisut_yhteensa_aihetyypin_mukaan | string | The total number of publications (printed and electronic) classified by topic type. |
julkaisut_yhteensa_aihetyypin_mukaan__int | int | The total number of publications (printed and electronic) classified by topic type (integer format). |
onko_museon_tiloissa_yleisopaate | string | Indicates if the museum premises are accessible to the public. |
onko_museon_tiloissa_yleisopaate__float | float | Indicates if the museum premises are accessible to the public (floating point format). |
onko_museolla_kokoelmahallintajarjestelma | string | Indicates if the museum has a collection management system. |
onko_museolla_kokoelmahallintajarjestelma__float | float | Indicates if the museum has a collection management system (floating point format). |
Historical Version of 'Museoiden Toiminta 2010 Paivitetty13122023 Xlsx Kyselyn Vastaukset' from 'Museovirasto' in Finland
Column | Type | Comment |
_start_date | date | The start date indicating the validity period of the row version |
_end_date | date | The end date indicating the validity period of the row version |
_row_number | long | The row number of the version history |
museon_nimi | string | The name of the museum |
museon_numero | int | The number of the museum |
kunnan_nimi | string | The name of the municipality |
laani | string | The province |
maakunta | string | The region |
paaryhma | string | The main group |
omistusmuoto | string | The ownership form |
maksaneet_kavijat | string | The number of paying visitors |
maksaneet_kavijat__int | int | The integer value of the number of paying visitors |
ilmaiskavijat | string | The number of free visitors |
ilmaiskavijat__int | int | The integer value of the number of free visitors |
kavijat_yhteensa | string | The total number of visitors |
kavijat_yhteensa__int | int | The integer value of the total number of visitors |
koululaisryhmien_kavijat_kavijoiden_kokonaismaarasta | string | The number of school group visitors as a percentage of the total number of visitors |
koululaisryhmien_kavijat_kavijoiden_kokonaismaarasta__int | int | The integer value of the number of school group visitors as a percentage of the total number of visitors |
ulkomaalaiset_kavijat | string | The number of foreign visitors |
ulkomaalaiset_kavijat__int | int | The integer value of the number of foreign visitors |
palkkausmenot_yhteensa | string | The total salary expenses |
palkkausmenot_yhteensa__int | int | The integer value of the total salary expenses |
kiinteistomenot_seka_korot_ja_poistot_yhteensa | string | The total real estate and interest expenses |
kiinteistomenot_seka_korot_ja_poistot_yhteensa__int | int | The integer value of the total real estate and interest expenses |
kokoelmahankintamenot | string | The collection acquisition expenses |
kokoelmahankintamenot__int | int | The integer value of the collection acquisition expenses |
muut_menot | string | The other expenses |
muut_menot__int | int | The integer value of the other expenses |
menot_yhteensa | string | The total expenses |
menot_yhteensa__int | int | The integer value of the total expenses |
valtionosuus_museolaki_7291992 | string | The state subsidy under the Museum Act (729/1992) |
valtionosuus_museolaki_7291992__int | int | The integer value of the state subsidy under the Museum Act (729/1992) |
valtionavustukset | string | The state grants |
valtionavustukset__int | int | The integer value of the state grants |
eu_tuet_ja__avustukset | string | The EU funding and assistance |
eu_tuet_ja__avustukset__int | int | The integer value of the EU funding and assistance |
kunnan_avustukset__ei_koske_kunnallisia_museoita | string | The municipality grants (excluding municipal museums) |
kunnan_avustukset__ei_koske_kunnallisia_museoita__int | int | The integer value of the municipality grants (excluding municipal museums) |
muut_avustukset | string | The other grants |
muut_avustukset__int | int | The integer value of the other grants |
sponsorituki | string | The sponsorship support |
sponsorituki__int | int | The integer value of the sponsorship support |
paasymaksutulot | string | The admission fee revenue |
paasymaksutulot__int | int | The integer value of the admission fee revenue |
myyntitulot | string | The sales revenue |
myyntitulot__int | int | The integer value of the sales revenue |
palvelu__ja_muut_tulot | string | The service and other income |
palvelu__ja_muut_tulot__int | int | The integer value of the service and other income |
omatoiminen_tuotto_yhteensa | string | The total self-generated income |
omatoiminen_tuotto_yhteensa__int | int | The integer value of the total self-generated income |
tulot_yhteensa | string | The total income |
tulot_yhteensa__int | int | The integer value of the total income |
1__vakinainen__paatoiminen_henkilokunta_henkilotyovuosina | string | The number of permanent full-time staff in person-work years |
1__vakinainen__paatoiminen_henkilokunta_henkilotyovuosina__float | float | The float value of the number of permanent full-time staff in person-work years |
1__vakinainen__paatoiminen_henkilokunta_henkilotyovuosina__int | int | The integer value of the number of permanent full-time staff in person-work years |
1a__vakinaisesta__paatoimisesta_henkilokunnasta_museoammatillisia_henkilotyovuosina | string | The number of museum professionals in person-work years from the permanent full-time staff |
1a__vakinaisesta__paatoimisesta_henkilokunnasta_museoammatillisia_henkilotyovuosina__int | int | The integer value of the number of museum professionals in person-work years from the permanent full-time staff |
1a__vakinaisesta__paatoimisesta_henkilokunnasta_museoammatillisia_henkilotyovuosina__float | float | The float value of the number of museum professionals in person-work years from the permanent full-time staff |
todelliset_henkilotyovuodet_yhteensa | string | The total actual person-work years |
todelliset_henkilotyovuodet_yhteensa__float | float | The float value of the total actual person-work years |
todelliset_henkilotyovuodet_yhteensa__int | int | The integer value of the total actual person-work years |
toimiiko_museossa_vapaaehtoistyontekijoita | string | Whether there are volunteers working at the museum |
toimiiko_museossa_vapaaehtoistyontekijoita__float | float | The float value indicating whether there are volunteers working at the museum |
vapaaehtoistyontekijoiden_tyopanos_tuntia_vuodessa | string | The hours of work contributed by volunteers per year |
vapaaehtoistyontekijoiden_tyopanos_tuntia_vuodessa__int | int | The integer value of the hours of work contributed by volunteers per year |
museon_paayksikon_avoinnaolo | string | The opening hours of the main unit of the museum |
museon_paayksikon_avoinnaolo__float | float | The float value of the opening hours of the main unit of the museum |
opastusten_lukumaara_yhteensa | string | The total number of guided tours |
opastusten_lukumaara_yhteensa__int | int | The integer value of the total number of guided tours |
opastusten_osanottajat_yhteensa | string | The total number of participants in guided tours |
opastusten_osanottajat_yhteensa__int | int | The integer value of the total number of participants in guided tours |
onko_museon_perusnayttelyyn_ilmainen_sisaanpaasy | string | Whether there is free admission to the museum's permanent exhibition |
onko_museon_perusnayttelyyn_ilmainen_sisaanpaasy__float | float | The float value indicating whether there is free admission to the museum's permanent exhibition |
paasymaksu_perusnayttelyyn__aikuinen | string | The admission fee for adults to the permanent exhibition |
paasymaksu_perusnayttelyyn__aikuinen__int | int | The integer value of the admission fee for adults to the permanent exhibition |
paasymaksu_perusnayttelyyn__aikuinen__float | float | The float value of the admission fee for adults to the permanent exhibition |
paasymaksu_erikoisnayttelyihin__aikuinen | string | The admission fee for adults to special exhibitions |
paasymaksu_erikoisnayttelyihin__aikuinen__int | int | The integer value of the admission fee for adults to special exhibitions |
paasymaksu_erikoisnayttelyihin__aikuinen__float | float | The float value of the admission fee for adults to special exhibitions |
paasymaksu_perusnayttelyyn__lapset | string | The admission fee for children to the permanent exhibition |
paasymaksu_perusnayttelyyn__lapset__int | int | The integer value of the admission fee for children to the permanent exhibition |
paasymaksu_perusnayttelyyn__lapset__float | float | The float value of the admission fee for children to the permanent exhibition |
kulttuurihistorialliset_kokoelmat_laajuus | string | The extent of cultural-historical collections |
kulttuurihistorialliset_kokoelmat_laajuus__int | int | The integer value of the extent of cultural-historical collections |
kulttuurihistorialliset__kokoelmat_vuoden_kartunta | string | The annual increase in cultural-historical collections |
kulttuurihistorialliset__kokoelmat_vuoden_kartunta__int | int | The integer value of the annual increase in cultural-historical collections |
kulttuurihistorialliset_kokoelmat_sahkoiseen_kokoelmahallintajarjestelmaan_luetteloitujen_objektien_lukumaara | string | The number of objects cataloged in the electronic collection management system for cultural-historical collections |
kulttuurihistorialliset_kokoelmat_sahkoiseen_kokoelmahallintajarjestelmaan_luetteloitujen_objektien_lukumaara__int | int | The integer value of the number of objects cataloged in the electronic collection management system for cultural-historical collections |
kulttuurihistorialliset_kokoelmat_digitoitujen_objektien_lukumaara | string | The number of objects digitized in cultural-historical collections |
kulttuurihistorialliset_kokoelmat_digitoitujen_objektien_lukumaara__int | int | The integer value of the number of objects digitized in cultural-historical collections |
taidekokoelmat_laajuus | string | The extent of art collections |
taidekokoelmat_laajuus__int | int | The integer value of the extent of art collections |
taidekokoelmat_vuoden_kartunta | string | The annual increase in art collections |
taidekokoelmat_vuoden_kartunta__int | int | The integer value of the annual increase in art collections |
taidekokoelmat_sahkoiseen_kokoelmahallintajarjestelmaan_luetteloitujen_objektien_lukumaara | string | The number of objects cataloged in the electronic collection management system for art collections |
taidekokoelmat_sahkoiseen_kokoelmahallintajarjestelmaan_luetteloitujen_objektien_lukumaara__int | int | The integer value of the number of objects cataloged in the electronic collection management system for art collections |
taidekokoelmat_digitoitujen_objektien_lukumaara | string | The number of objects digitized in art collections |
taidekokoelmat_digitoitujen_objektien_lukumaara__int | int | The integer value of the number of objects digitized in art collections |
luonnontieteelliset_kokoelmat_laajuus | string | The extent of natural science collections |
luonnontieteelliset_kokoelmat_laajuus__int | int | The integer value of the extent of natural science collections |
luonnontieteelliset_kokoelmat_vuoden_kartunta | string | The annual increase in natural science collections |
luonnontieteelliset_kokoelmat_vuoden_kartunta__int | int | The integer value of the annual increase in natural science collections |
luonnontieteelliset_kokoelmat_sahkoiseen_kokoelmahallintajarjestelmaan_luetteloitujen_objektien_lukumaara | string | The number of objects cataloged in the electronic collection management system for natural science collections |
luonnontieteelliset_kokoelmat_sahkoiseen_kokoelmahallintajarjestelmaan_luetteloitujen_objektien_lukumaara__int | int | The integer value of the number of objects cataloged in the electronic collection management system for natural science collections |
luonnontieteelliset_kokoelmat_digitoitujen_objektien_lukumaara | string | The number of objects digitized in natural science collections |
luonnontieteelliset_kokoelmat_digitoitujen_objektien_lukumaara__int | int | The integer value of the number of objects digitized in natural science collections |
valokuvien_maara_kokoelmissa | string | The number of photographs in the collections |
valokuvien_maara_kokoelmissa__int | int | The integer value of the number of photographs in the collections |
valokuvat_vuoden_kartunta | string | The annual increase in photographs in the collections |
valokuvat_vuoden_kartunta__int | int | The integer value of the annual increase in photographs in the collections |
valokuvat_sahkoiseen_kokoelmahallintajarjestelmaan_luetteloitujen_objektien_lukumaara | string | The number of photographs cataloged in the electronic collection management system |
valokuvat_sahkoiseen_kokoelmahallintajarjestelmaan_luetteloitujen_objektien_lukumaara__int | int | The integer value of the number of photographs cataloged in the electronic collection management system |
valokuvat_digitoitujen_objektien_lukumaara | string | The number of digitized photographs in the collections |
valokuvat_digitoitujen_objektien_lukumaara__int | int | The integer value of the number of digitized photographs in the collections |
vaihtuvat_nayttelyt_oma_tuotanto | string | The number of exhibitions produced by the museum |
vaihtuvat_nayttelyt_oma_tuotanto__int | int | The integer value of the number of exhibitions produced by the museum |
vaihtuvat_nayttelyt_yhteistyonayttelyt | string | The number of collaborative exhibitions |
vaihtuvat_nayttelyt_yhteistyonayttelyt__int | int | The integer value of the number of collaborative exhibitions |
vaihtuvat_nayttelyt_muiden_tuottamat_nayttelyt | string | The number of exhibitions produced by others |
vaihtuvat_nayttelyt_muiden_tuottamat_nayttelyt__int | int | The integer value of the number of exhibitions produced by others |
vaihtuvat_nayttelyt_yhteensa | string | The total number of temporary exhibitions |
vaihtuvat_nayttelyt_yhteensa__int | int | The integer value of the total number of temporary exhibitions |
valmistuneet_kiertonayttelyt | string | The number of completed traveling exhibitions |
valmistuneet_kiertonayttelyt__int | int | The integer value of the number of completed traveling exhibitions |
ulkomaille_tuotetut_nayttelyt | string | The number of exhibitions produced for international venues |
ulkomaille_tuotetut_nayttelyt__int | int | The integer value of the number of exhibitions produced for international venues |
kaikki_nayttelyt_yhteensa | string | The total number of exhibitions |
kaikki_nayttelyt_yhteensa__int | int | The integer value of the total number of exhibitions |
taidenayttelyiden_lukumaara_museon_vaihtuvista_nayttelyista | string | The number of art exhibitions among the museum's temporary exhibitions |
taidenayttelyiden_lukumaara_museon_vaihtuvista_nayttelyista__int | int | The integer value of the number of art exhibitions among the museum's temporary exhibitions |
taideteollisuus___valokuvataide__ja_rakennustaidenayttelyiden_lukumaara_museon_vaihtuvista_nayttelyista | string | The number of exhibitions on applied arts, photography, and architecture among the museum's temporary exhibitions |
taideteollisuus___valokuvataide__ja_rakennustaidenayttelyiden_lukumaara_museon_vaihtuvista_nayttelyista__int | int | The integer value of the number of exhibitions on applied arts, photography, and architecture among the museum's temporary exhibitions |
kulttuurihistoriallisten_ja_historiallisten_nayttelyiden_lukumaara_museon_vaihtuvista_nayttelyista | string | The number of exhibitions on cultural history and history among the museum's temporary exhibitions |
kulttuurihistoriallisten_ja_historiallisten_nayttelyiden_lukumaara_museon_vaihtuvista_nayttelyista__int | int | The integer value of the number of exhibitions on cultural history and history among the museum's temporary exhibitions |
etnografisten_nayttelyiden_lukumaara_museon_vaihtuvista_nayttelyista | string | The number of ethnographic exhibitions among the museum's temporary exhibitions |
etnografisten_nayttelyiden_lukumaara_museon_vaihtuvista_nayttelyista__int | int | The integer value of the number of ethnographic exhibitions among the museum's temporary exhibitions |
tekniikan_ja_teollisuusnayttelyiden_lukumaara_museon_vaihtuvista_nayttelyista | string | The number of exhibitions on technology and industry among the museum's temporary exhibitions |
tekniikan_ja_teollisuusnayttelyiden_lukumaara_museon_vaihtuvista_nayttelyista__int | int | The integer value of the number of exhibitions on technology and industry among the museum's temporary exhibitions |
luonnonhistoriallisten_ja_luonnontieteellisten_nayttelyiden_lukumaara_museon_vaihtuvista_nayttelyista | string | The number of natural history and natural science exhibitions among the museum's temporary exhibitions |
luonnonhistoriallisten_ja_luonnontieteellisten_nayttelyiden_lukumaara_museon_vaihtuvista_nayttelyista__int | int | The integer value of the number of natural history and natural science exhibitions among the museum's temporary exhibitions |
muiden_nayttelyiden_lukumaara_museon_vaihtuvista_nayttelyista | string | The number of other exhibitions among the museum's temporary exhibitions |
muiden_nayttelyiden_lukumaara_museon_vaihtuvista_nayttelyista__int | int | The integer value of the number of other exhibitions among the museum's temporary exhibitions |
vaihtuvat_nayttelyt_yhteensa_aihetyypin_mukaan | string | The total number of temporary exhibitions by topic type |
vaihtuvat_nayttelyt_yhteensa_aihetyypin_mukaan__int | int | The integer value of the total number of temporary exhibitions by topic type |
painetut_nayttelyjulkaisut | string | The number of printed exhibition publications |
painetut_nayttelyjulkaisut__int | int | The integer value of the number of printed exhibition publications |
painetut_tutkimukset | string | The number of printed research publications |
painetut_tutkimukset__int | int | The integer value of the number of printed research publications |
muut_painetut_julkaisut | string | The number of other printed publications |
muut_painetut_julkaisut__int | int | The integer value of the number of other printed publications |
painetut_julkaisut_yhteensa | string | The total number of printed publications |
painetut_julkaisut_yhteensa__int | int | The integer value of the total number of printed publications |
elektroniset_julkaisut_cd_romit__dvdt | string | The number of electronic publications on CD-ROMs and DVDs |
elektroniset_julkaisut_cd_romit__dvdt__int | int | The integer value of the number of electronic publications on CD-ROMs and DVDs |
verkkojulkaisut | string | The number of online publications |
verkkojulkaisut__int | int | The integer value of the number of online publications |
kaikki_julkaisut_yhteensa | string | The total number of publications |
kaikki_julkaisut_yhteensa__int | int | The integer value of the total number of publications |
taidehistoriallisten_julkaisujen_lukumaara_museon_julkaisuista | string | The number of art historical publications among the museum's publications |
taidehistoriallisten_julkaisujen_lukumaara_museon_julkaisuista__int | int | The integer value of the number of art historical publications among the museum's publications |
taideteollisuus___valokuvataide__ja_rakennustaidejulkaisujen_lukumaara_museon_julkaisuista | string | The number of publications on applied arts, photography, and architecture among the museum's publications |
taideteollisuus___valokuvataide__ja_rakennustaidejulkaisujen_lukumaara_museon_julkaisuista__int | int | The integer value of the number of publications on applied arts, photography, and architecture among the museum's publications |
kulttuurihistoriallisten_ja_historiallisten_julkaisujen_lukumaara_museon_julkaisuista | string | The number of cultural historical and historical publications among the museum's publications |
kulttuurihistoriallisten_ja_historiallisten_julkaisujen_lukumaara_museon_julkaisuista__int | int | The integer value of the number of cultural historical and historical publications among the museum's publications |
etnografisten_julkaisujen_lukumaara_museon_julkaisuista | string | The number of ethnographic publications among the museum's publications |
etnografisten_julkaisujen_lukumaara_museon_julkaisuista__int | int | The integer value of the number of ethnographic publications among the museum's publications |
tekniikan_ja_teollisuusjulkaisujen_lukumaara_museon_julkaisuista | string | The number of technology and industry publications among the museum's publications |
tekniikan_ja_teollisuusjulkaisujen_lukumaara_museon_julkaisuista__int | int | The integer value of the number of technology and industry publications among the museum's publications |
luonnonhistoriallisten_ja_luonnontieteellisten_julkaisujen_lukumaara_museon_julkaisuista | string | The number of natural history and natural science publications among the museum's publications |
luonnonhistoriallisten_ja_luonnontieteellisten_julkaisujen_lukumaara_museon_julkaisuista__int | int | The integer value of the number of natural history and natural science publications among the museum's publications |
muiden_julkaisujen_lukumaara_museon_julkaisuista | string | The number of other publications among the museum's publications |
muiden_julkaisujen_lukumaara_museon_julkaisuista__int | int | The integer value of the number of other publications among the museum's publications |
julkaisut_yhteensa_aihetyypin_mukaan | string | The total number of publications by topic type |
julkaisut_yhteensa_aihetyypin_mukaan__int | int | The integer value of the total number of publications by topic type |
onko_museon_tiloissa_yleisopaate | string | Whether there is public access to the museum's premises |
onko_museon_tiloissa_yleisopaate__float | float | The float value indicating whether there is public access to the museum's premises |
onko_museolla_kokoelmahallintajarjestelma | string | Whether the museum has a collection management system |
onko_museolla_kokoelmahallintajarjestelma__float | float | The float value indicating whether the museum has a collection management system |
Additional Info
Last Updated | April 21, 2024 |
Created | April 21, 2024 |