Annual Tables 2022 - All Respondents' Questions

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This table contains comprehensive data on various aspects of museums in Finland. It provides information such as the name and number of the museum, the municipality and region it belongs to, the number of paid and free visits, the percentage of visitors from different groups, the number of events and workshops organized, the usage of social media platforms, the number of guided tours conducted, the collections and acquisitions of the museum, the personnel and their qualifications, as well as the financial aspects including expenses, grants, and revenues. The data in this table can be utilized in various data analytics scenarios such as analyzing visitor trends, evaluating the effectiveness of museum events and workshops, exploring the popularity of different social media platforms, assessing the impact of guided tours, studying the growth of museum collections, and analyzing the financial performance of museums. The data for this table is sourced from the website of Museovirasto (Finnish Heritage Agency) which is the national organization responsible for the administration and development of museums in Finland.

Field Descriptions

Name Data type Description
_extract_datedateThe date when the data was extracted.
_row_numberlongThe row number of each entry in the table.
museets_namnstringThe name of the museum.
museets_nummerfloatThe number assigned to the museum.
kommunstringThe municipality where the museum is located.
kommun__floatfloatThe municipality where the museum is located as a floating-point number.
landskapstringThe region where the museum is located.
landskap__floatfloatThe region where the museum is located as a floating-point number.
museigruppstringThe group to which the museum belongs.
museigrupp__floatfloatThe group to which the museum belongs as a floating-point number.
agendeformstringThe type of institution or organization that governs the museum.
agendeform__floatfloatThe type of institution or organization that governs the museum as a floating-point number.
betalda_besok_sammanlagtfloatThe total number of paid visits to the museum.
gratisbesok_sammanlagtfloatThe total number of free visits to the museum.
alla_besok_sammanlagt_det_totala_besokarantaletfloatThe total number of visits to the museum, including both paid and free visits.
andelen_besokare_i_daghems___skolelevs__och_studerandegrupper_av_det_totala_antalet_besokfloatThe percentage of visits made by pre-school, school, and student groups out of the total number of visits.
andelen_besok_av_utlanningar_av_det_totala_antalet_besokfloatThe percentage of visits made by foreigners out of the total number of visits.
expertbesok_i_museets_lokalerfloatThe number of visits by experts conducted within the museum's premises.
ovriga_besok_i_museets_lokalerfloatThe number of other visits made to the museum's premises.
besok_pa_evenemang_som_museet_arrangerar_utanfor_de_egna_lokalernafloatThe number of visits to events organized by the museum outside its own premises.
besok_pa_tillfalliga_utstallningar_som_museet_arrangerat_utanfor_museets_lokalerfloatThe number of visits to temporary exhibitions organized by the museum outside its own premises.
det_totala_antalet_guidningarfloatThe total number of guided tours conducted by the museum.
antalet_personer_som_deltagit_i_guidningarfloatThe total number of individuals who participated in guided tours.
antalet_guidningar_for_daghems___skol__och_studentgrupper_av_det_totala_antalet_guidningarfloatThe number of guided tours conducted for pre-school, school, and student groups out of the total number of guided tours.
det_totala_antalet_verkstader_som_arrangeratsfloatThe total number of workshops organized by the museum.
antalet_personer_som_deltagit_i_verkstaderfloatThe total number of individuals who participated in workshops.
andel_verkstader_arrangerade_for_daghems___skol__och_studerandegrupper_av_det_totala_antalet_verkstaderfloatThe percentage of workshops organized for pre-school, school, and student groups out of the total number of workshops.
antalet_ovriga_evenemang_for_allmanhetenfloatThe number of other events organized for the general public.
det_totala_antalet_evenemang_for_allmanhetenfloatThe total number of events organized for the general public.
antalet_besoksessioner_pa_webbplatsenfloatThe number of website sessions.
sociala_medier_facebookfloatThe number of interactions on Facebook.
sociala_medier_twitterfloatThe number of interactions on Twitter.
sociala_medier_instagramfloatThe number of interactions on Instagram.
sociala_medier_youtubefloatThe number of interactions on YouTube.
det_totala_antalet_livestreamade_guidningarfloatThe total number of livestreamed guided tours.
antalet_personer_som_deltagit_i_livestreamade_guidningar_forverkligade_pa_webbenfloatThe total number of individuals who participated in livestreamed guided tours conducted online.
det_totala_antalet_verkstader_forverkligade_pa_webbenfloatThe total number of workshops conducted online.
antalet_personer_som_deltagit_i_livestreamade_verkstader_forverkligade_pa_webbenfloatThe total number of individuals who participated in livestreamed workshops conducted online.
antalet_ovriga_livestreamade_evenemang_ordnade_pa_webbenfloatThe number of other livestreamed events organized online.
antalet_personer_som_deltagit_i_ovriga_livestreamade_evenemang_forverkligade_pa_webbenfloatThe total number of individuals who participated in other livestreamed events conducted online.
antalet_webbutstallningarfloatThe number of online exhibitions.
antalet_besoksessioner_hos_webbutstallningarnafloatThe number of website sessions for online exhibitions.
antalet_nya_webbutstallningarfloatThe number of new online exhibitions.
antalet_videor_och_videoinspelningar_producerade_av_museet_under_aret_i_fragafloatThe number of videos and video recordings produced by the museum during the year in question.
antalet_poddsandningar_producerade_av_museet_under_aret_i_fragafloatThe number of podcast episodes produced by the museum during the year in question.
museets_mobiltjansterfloatThe mobile services available at the museum.
har_alla_besokare_fritt_intrade_till_museetstringIndicates whether all visitors have free admission to the museum (Yes/No).
har_alla_besokare_fritt_intrade_till_museet__floatfloatIndicates whether all visitors have free admission to the museum as a floating-point number (1.0 for Yes, 0.0 for No).
har_alla_besokare_fritt_intrade_till_museet__intintIndicates whether all visitors have free admission to the museum as an integer (1 for Yes, 0 for No).
har_museet_fritt_intrade_for_besokare_under_18_arstringIndicates whether the museum offers free admission for visitors under 18 years old (Yes/No).
har_museet_fritt_intrade_for_besokare_under_18_ar__floatfloatIndicates whether the museum offers free admission for visitors under 18 years old as a floating-point number (1.0 for Yes, 0.0 for No).
har_museet_fritt_intrade_for_besokare_under_18_ar__intintIndicates whether the museum offers free admission for visitors under 18 years old as an integer (1 for Yes, 0 for No).
intradesavgiften_for_den_permanenta_utstallningen__vuxnafloatThe admission fee for the permanent exhibition for adults.
intradesavgift_for_tillfalliga_utstallningar__vuxnafloatThe admission fee for temporary exhibitions for adults.
intradesavgiften_for_den_permanenta_utstallningen__barnfloatThe admission fee for the permanent exhibition for children.
intradesavgift_for_tillfalliga_utstallningar__barnfloatThe admission fee for temporary exhibitions for children.
om_museet_har_en_intradesavgift__har_museets_huvudenhet_gratis_intrade_vissa_dagar_pa_aretstringIndicates if the museum's main unit offers free admission on certain days of the year (Yes/No).
om_museet_har_en_intradesavgift__har_museets_huvudenhet_gratis_intrade_vissa_dagar_pa_aret__floatfloatIndicates if the museum's main unit offers free admission on certain days of the year as a floating-point number (1.0 for Yes, 0.0 for No).
om_museet_har_en_intradesavgift__har_museets_huvudenhet_gratis_intrade_vissa_dagar_pa_aret__intintIndicates if the museum's main unit offers free admission on certain days of the year as an integer (1 for Yes, 0 for No).
ifall_svaret_ar_ja__hur_manga_dagar_per_arfloatIf the answer is affirmative, specifies the number of days per year.
ifall_svaret_ar_ja__hur_manga_timmar_per_arfloatIf the answer is affirmative, specifies the number of hours per year.
huvudenhetens_oppettiderstringThe opening hours of the museum's main unit.
huvudenhetens_oppettider__floatfloatThe opening hours of the museum's main unit as a floating-point number.
huvudenhetens_oppettider__intintThe opening hours of the museum's main unit as an integer.
tillfalliga_utstallningar_egen_produktionfloatThe number of temporary exhibitions produced by the museum.
tillfalliga_utstallningar_samarbetsutstallningarfloatThe number of temporary exhibitions produced in collaboration with others.
tillfalliga_utstallningar_utstallningar_som_producerats_av_andrafloatThe number of temporary exhibitions produced by other organizations.
totalt_antal_tillfalliga_utstallningarfloatThe total number of temporary exhibitions.
antalet_konstutstallningar_av_museets_temporara_utstallningarfloatThe number of art exhibitions among the museum's temporary exhibitions.
genomforda_nya_ambulerande_utstallningarfloatThe number of new traveling exhibitions conducted.
utstallningar_producerade_for_utlandetfloatThe number of exhibitions produced for foreign countries.
alla_utstallningar_sammanlagtfloatThe total number of exhibitions.
utstallningar_som_museet_producerat_utanfor_museets_egna_lokalerfloatThe number of exhibitions produced by the museum outside its own premises.
bocker_som_museet_publicerat_monografier_och_artikelsamlingarfloatThe number of books published by the museum, including monographs and collections of articles.
tidskrifter_som_museet_publicerat_bocker_och_tidningarfloatThe number of journals published by the museum, including books and magazines.
artiklar_publicerade_under_aretfloatThe number of articles published during the year.
referentgranskade_artiklar_publicerade_under_aretfloatThe number of peer-reviewed articles published during the year.
museernas_arsberattelser_eller_motsvarande_publikationerfloatThe number of annual reports or equivalent publications by the museums.
har_det_gjorts_nutidsdokumentation_i_museet_under_aretstringIndicates if contemporary documentation has been conducted in the museum during the year (Yes/No).
har_det_gjorts_nutidsdokumentation_i_museet_under_aret__floatfloatIndicates if contemporary documentation has been conducted in the museum during the year as a floating-point number (1.0 for Yes, 0.0 for No).
har_det_gjorts_nutidsdokumentation_i_museet_under_aret__intintIndicates if contemporary documentation has been conducted in the museum during the year as an integer (1 for Yes, 0 for No).
har_museet_gjort_upp_ett_samlingspolitiskt_programstringIndicates if the museum has developed a collections policy program (Yes/No).
har_museet_gjort_upp_ett_samlingspolitiskt_program__floatfloatIndicates if the museum has developed a collections policy program as a floating-point number (1.0 for Yes, 0.0 for No).
har_museet_gjort_upp_ett_samlingspolitiskt_program__intintIndicates if the museum has developed a collections policy program as an integer (1 for Yes, 0 for No).
foremalssamlingar_hela_omfattningenfloatThe total size of the object collections.
foremalssamlingar_arets_forvarvfloatThe number of acquisitions to the object collections during the year.
foremalssamlingar_gallringar_ur_museernas_samlingarfloatThe number of dispositions from the object collections.
foremalssamlingar_hur_manga_objekt_ur_de_foremalssamlingarna_har_katalogiserats_i_det_elektroniskasamlingsforvaltningssystemetfloatThe number of objects from the object collections that have been cataloged in the electronic collection management system.
foremalssamlingar_hur_manga_objekt_ur_de_foremalssamlingarna_har_digitaliseratsfloatThe number of objects from the object collections that have been digitized.
foremalssamlingar_det_totala_antalet_digitala_objekt_som_publicerats_pa_natetfloatThe total number of digital objects published online from the object collections.
museets_konstsamlingar_hela_omfattningenfloatThe total size of the art collections.
museets_konstsamlingar_arets_forvarvfloatThe number of acquisitions to the art collections during the year.
museets_konstsamlingar_gallringar_ur_museernas_samlingarfloatThe number of dispositions from the art collections.
museets_konstsamlingar_hur_manga_objekt_ur_konstsamlingarna_har_katalogiserats_i_det_elektroniskasamlingsforvaltningssystemetfloatThe number of objects from the art collections that have been cataloged in the electronic collection management system.
museets_konstsamlingar_hur_manga_objekt_ur_konstsamlingarna_har_digitaliseratsfloatThe number of objects from the art collections that have been digitized.
museets_konstsamlingar_det_totala_antalet_digitala_objekt_som_publicerats_pa_natetfloatThe total number of digital objects published online from the art collections.
offentliga_konstsamlingar_hela_omfattningenfloatThe total size of the public art collections.
offentliga_konstsamlingar_arets_forvarvfloatThe number of acquisitions to the public art collections during the year.
offentliga_konstsamlingar_gallringar_ur_museernas_samlingarfloatThe number of dispositions from the public art collections.
offentliga_konstsamlingar_hur_manga_objekt_ur_konstsamlingarna_har_katalogiserats_i_det_elektroniskasamlingsforvaltningssystemetfloatThe number of objects from the public art collections that have been cataloged in the electronic collection management system.
offentliga_konstsamlingar_hur_manga_objekt_ur_konstsamlingarna_har_digitaliseratsfloatThe number of objects from the public art collections that have been digitized.
offentliga_konstsamlingar_det_totala_antalet_digitala_objekt_som_publicerats_pa_natetfloatThe total number of digital objects published online from the public art collections.
naturhistoriska_samlingar_hela_omfattningenfloatThe total size of the natural history collections.
naturhistoriska_samlingar_arets_forvarvfloatThe number of acquisitions to the natural history collections during the year.
naturhistoriska_samlingar_gallringar_ur_museernas_samlingarfloatThe number of dispositions from the natural history collections.
naturhistoriska_samlingar_hur_manga_objekt_ur_de_naturhistoriska_samlingarna_har_katalogiserats_i_detelektroniska_samlingsforvaltningssystemetfloatThe number of objects from the natural history collections that have been cataloged in the electronic collection management system.
naturhistoriska_samlingar_hur_manga_objekt_ur_de_naturhistoriska_samlingarna_har_digitaliseratsfloatThe number of objects from the natural history collections that have been digitized.
naturhistoriska_samlingar_det_totala_antalet_digitala_objekt_som_publicerats_pa_natetfloatThe total number of digital objects published online from the natural history collections.
fotografisamlingar_omfattningfloatThe scope of the photography collections.
fotografisamlingar_arets_forvarvfloatThe number of acquisitions to the photography collections during the year.
fotografisamlingar_gallringar_ur_museernas_samlingarfloatThe number of dispositions from the photography collections.
fotografisamlingar_hur_manga_objekt_ur_fotografisamlingarna_har_katalogiserats_i_det_elektroniskasamlingsforvaltningssystemetfloatThe number of objects from the photography collections that have been cataloged in the electronic collection management system.
fotografisamlingar_hur_manga_objekt_ur_fotografisamlingarna_har_digitaliseratsfloatThe number of objects from the photography collections that have been digitized.
fotografisamlingar_det_totala_antalet_digitala_objekt_som_publicerats_pa_natetfloatThe total number of digital objects published online from the photography collections.
audiovisuellt_material_omfattningfloatThe scope of the audiovisual material.
audiovisuellt_material_arets_forvarvfloatThe number of acquisitions to the audiovisual material during the year.
audiovisuellt_material_gallringar_ur_museernas_samlingarfloatThe number of dispositions from the audiovisual material.
audiovisuellt_material_hur_manga_objekt_ur_det_audiovisuella_materialet_har_katalogiserats_i_det_elektroniskasamlingsforvaltningssystemetfloatThe number of objects from the audiovisual material that have been cataloged in the electronic collection management system.
audiovisuellt_material_hur_manga_objekt_ur_det_audiovisuella_materialet_har_digitaliseratsfloatThe number of objects from the audiovisual material that have been digitized.
audiovisuellt_material_det_totala_antalet_digitala_objekt_som_publicerats_pa_natetfloatThe total number of digital objects published online from the audiovisual material.
det_totala_antalet_objekt_som_museet_lanat_utfloatThe total number of objects lent out by the museum.
det_totala_antalet_objekt_som_museet_har_lanat_infloatThe total number of objects borrowed by the museum.
fast__heltidsanstalld_personal_angiven_som_arsverkenstringThe number of full-time equivalent employees.
fast__heltidsanstalld_personal_angiven_som_arsverken__floatfloatThe number of full-time equivalent employees as a floating-point number.
fast__heltidsanstalld_personal_angiven_som_arsverken__intintThe number of full-time equivalent employees as an integer.
fast_heltidsanstalld_personal_med_utbildning_inom_museibranschen_angiven_som_arsverkenstringThe number of full-time equivalent employees with education in the museum field.
fast_heltidsanstalld_personal_med_utbildning_inom_museibranschen_angiven_som_arsverken__floatfloatThe number of full-time equivalent employees with education in the museum field as a floating-point number.
fast_heltidsanstalld_personal_med_utbildning_inom_museibranschen_angiven_som_arsverken__intintThe number of full-time equivalent employees with education in the museum field as an integer.
faktiska_arsverken_sammanlagtstringThe total number of actual work years.
faktiska_arsverken_sammanlagt__floatfloatThe total number of actual work years as a floating-point number.
faktiska_arsverken_sammanlagt__intintThe total number of actual work years as an integer.
finns_det_volontarer_i_museetstringIndicates if there are volunteers in the museum (Yes/No).
finns_det_volontarer_i_museet__floatfloatIndicates if there are volunteers in the museum as a floating-point number (1.0 for Yes, 0.0 for No).
finns_det_volontarer_i_museet__intintIndicates if there are volunteers in the museum as an integer (1 for Yes, 0 for No).
volontarernas_arbetsinsats_i_timmar_per_arfloatThe total number of hours worked by volunteers per year.
loneutgifterna_sammanlagtfloatThe total payroll expenses.
fastighetsutgifter_samt_rantor_och_avskrivningar_totaltfloatThe total expenses for real estate, interest, and depreciation.
utgifter_for_forvarv_till_samlingarnafloatThe expenses for acquisitions to the collections.
utgifter_for_utstallningsverksamhetfloatThe expenses for exhibition activities.
utgifter_for_marknadsforing_och_kommunikationfloatThe expenses for marketing and communication.
ovriga_utgifterfloatThe other expenses.
utgifter_totaltfloatThe total expenses.
statsandel_museilagen_3142019floatThe government grant according to the Museum Act (314/2019).
statsunderstodfloatThe government subsidy.
kommunala_bidrag_galler_inte_kommunala_museerfloatIndicates if municipal museums are eligible for municipal grants (Yes/No).
ovriga_verksamhetsunderstodfloatThe other operational grants.
ovriga_projektunderstodfloatThe other project grants.
eu_stod_och__bidragfloatThe EU funding and grants.
sponsorunderstodfloatThe sponsor support.
intakter_fran_intradesavgifterfloatThe income from admission fees.
intakter_fran_tjanster_och_forsaljningfloatThe income from services and sales.
ovriga_egna_intakterfloatThe other self-generated income.
egna_intakter_totaltfloatThe total self-generated income.
intakter_totaltfloatThe total income.

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Additional Information

Last updated April 21, 2024
Created April 21, 2024
License No License Provided
Geographic coverage
Geographic granularity
Temporal coverage from
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Package id9a593dd9-b43f-43c8-8f4a-5ec42b29c8fe
Revision idd5915b11-a453-4cde-98d0-3d7cf311309d