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Annual tables for 2020, updated on 10/08/2021

The dataset collection consists of one or more dataset tables sourced from the website of Museovirasto in Finland.


  • Version History of All Respondents' Questions from the 'Museovirasto' Website in FinlandTSV

    This table contains the version history of the base table 'arliga_tabeller_2020_paivitetty_10082021_xlsx__kaikkien_vastaajien_kysymykset'. It includes two additional columns compared to its base table: '_start_date' and '_end_date'. The '_start_date' column indicates the date when a row was extracted from the data source, while the '_end_date' column indicates the date when a new version of the row was extracted. If the value of the '_end_date' column is null, it means that the row represents the most recent version of the data. The table contains various columns providing information related to the museum. The data in this table can be utilized in data analytics to gain insights into various aspects of the museum's operations. For example, it can be used to analyze the visitor trends...

  • Visitor Statistics and Museum Activities in Finland - 2020 Updated DatabaseTSV

    This table contains comprehensive information about various aspects of museums. It includes data about museum visitors, events, workshops, social media presence, admission fees, opening hours, collections, publications, documentation, staffing, expenses, and funding. The data is sourced from Museovirasto, the Finnish Heritage Agency, which is responsible for the national museum sector in Finland.

Column Descriptions

Visitor Statistics and Museum Activities in Finland - 2020 Updated Database

Column Type Comment
_extract_date date The date when the data was extracted.
_row_number long The row number of the data entry.
museets_namn string The name of the museum.
kommun string The municipality where the museum is located.
landskap string The province where the museum is located.
museigrupp string The group to which the museum belongs.
agendeform string The type of organization the museum operates as.
betalda_besok_sammanlagt float The total number of paid visits to the museum.
gratisbesok_sammanlagt float The total number of free visits to the museum.
alla_besok_sammanlagt_det_totala_besokarantalet float The total number of all visits to the museum.
andelen_besokare_i_daghems___skolelevs__och_studerandegrupper_av_det_totala_antalet_besok float The percentage of visitors in daycare, school and student groups out of the total number of visits.
andelen_besok_av_utlanningar_av_det_totala_antalet_besok float The percentage of visits by foreigners out of the total number of visits.
expertbesok_i_museets_lokaler float The number of expert visits to the museum premises.
ovriga_besok_i_museets_lokaler float The number of other visits to the museum premises.
besok_pa_evenemang_som_museet_arrangerar_utanfor_de_egna_lokalerna float The number of visits to events organized by the museum outside its own premises.
besok_pa_tillfalliga_utstallningar_som_museet_arrangerat_utanfor_museets_lokaler float The number of visits to temporary exhibitions organized by the museum outside its own premises.
det_totala_antalet_guidningar float The total number of guided tours conducted by the museum.
antalet_personer_som_deltagit_i_guidningar float The total number of people who participated in guided tours.
antalet_guidningar_for_daghems___skol__och_studentgrupper_av_det_totala_antalet_guidningar float The percentage of guided tours for daycare, school and student groups out of the total number of guided tours.
det_totala_antalet_verkstader_som_arrangerats float The total number of workshops organized by the museum.
antalet_personer_som_deltagit_i_verkstader float The total number of people who participated in workshops.
andel_verkstader_arrangerade_for_daghems___skol__och_studerandegrupper_av_det_totala_antalet_verkstader float The percentage of workshops organized for daycare, school and student groups out of the total number of workshops.
antalet_ovriga_evenemang_for_allmanheten float The number of other events organized for the general public.
det_totala_antalet_evenemang_for_allmanheten float The total number of events organized for the general public.
sociala_medier_facebook float The presence of the museum on Facebook.
sociala_medier_twitter float The presence of the museum on Twitter.
sociala_medier_instagram float The presence of the museum on Instagram.
sociala_medier_youtube float The presence of the museum on YouTube.
sociala_medier_ovriga_kanaler float The presence of the museum on other social media channels.
det_totala_antalet_guidningar_forverkligade_pa_webben float The total number of guided tours realized online.
det_totala_antalet_verkstader_forverkligade_pa_webben float The total number of workshops realized online.
antalet_ovriga_evenemang_ordnade_pa_webben float The number of other events organized online.
det_totala_antalet_evenemang_pa_webben float The total number of events organized online.
antalet_webbutstallningar_och_andra_producerade_innehallshelheter float The number of online exhibitions and other produced content.
museets_mobiltjanster float The mobile services provided by the museum.
har_alla_besokare_fritt_intrade_till_museet string Indicates if all visitors have free admission to the museum (Yes/No).
har_alla_besokare_fritt_intrade_till_museet__float float Indicates if all visitors have free admission to the museum as a percentage.
har_museet_fritt_intrade_for_besokare_under_18_ar string Indicates if the museum offers free admission for visitors under 18 years old (Yes/No).
har_museet_fritt_intrade_for_besokare_under_18_ar__float float Indicates if the museum offers free admission for visitors under 18 years old as a percentage.
intradesavgiften_for_den_permanenta_utstallningen__vuxna float The admission fee for adults to the permanent exhibition.
intradesavgift_for_tillfalliga_utstallningar__vuxna float The admission fee for adults to temporary exhibitions.
intradesavgiften_for_den_permanenta_utstallningen__barn float The admission fee for children to the permanent exhibition.
intradesavgift_for_tillfalliga_utstallningar__barn float The admission fee for children to temporary exhibitions.
om_museet_har_en_intradesavgift__har_museets_huvudenhet_gratis_intrade_vissa_dagar_pa_aret string Indicates if the museum's main unit offers free admission on certain days of the year (Yes/No).
om_museet_har_en_intradesavgift__har_museets_huvudenhet_gratis_intrade_vissa_dagar_pa_aret__float float Indicates if the museum's main unit offers free admission on certain days of the year as a percentage.
ifall_svaret_ar_ja__hur_manga_dagar_per_ar float The number of days per year when the museum's main unit offers free admission.
ifall_svaret_ar_ja__hur_manga_timmar_per_ar float The number of hours per year when the museum's main unit offers free admission.
huvudenhetens_oppettider string The opening hours of the museum's main unit.
huvudenhetens_oppettider__float float The opening hours of the museum's main unit as a percentage.
tillfalliga_utstallningar_egen_produktion float The number of temporary exhibitions produced by the museum.
tillfalliga_utstallningar_samarbetsutstallningar float The number of temporary exhibitions organized in collaboration with other institutions.
tillfalliga_utstallningar_utstallningar_som_producerats_av_andra float The number of temporary exhibitions produced by other institutions.
totalt_antal_tillfalliga_utstallningar float The total number of temporary exhibitions.
antalet_konstutstallningar_av_museets_temporara_utstallningar float The number of art exhibitions among the museum's temporary exhibitions.
genomforda_nya_ambulerande_utstallningar float The number of new traveling exhibitions conducted.
utstallningar_producerade_for_utlandet float The number of exhibitions produced for foreign countries.
alla_utstallningar_sammanlagt float The total number of exhibitions.
utstallningar_som_museet_producerat_utanfor_museets_egna_lokaler float The number of exhibitions produced by the museum outside its own premises.
bocker_som_museet_publicerat_monografier_och_artikelsamlingar float The number of books published by the museum, including monographs and anthologies.
tidskrifter_som_museet_publicerat_bocker_och_tidningar float The number of journals published by the museum, including books and magazines.
artiklar_publicerade_under_aret float The number of articles published during the year.
referentgranskade_artiklar_publicerade_under_aret float The number of peer-reviewed articles published during the year.
museernas_arsberattelser_eller_motsvarande_publikationer float The number of annual reports or equivalent publications of the museums.
har_det_gjorts_nutidsdokumentation_i_museet_under_aret string Indicates if contemporary documentation has been conducted in the museum during the year (Yes/No).
har_det_gjorts_nutidsdokumentation_i_museet_under_aret__float float Indicates if contemporary documentation has been conducted in the museum during the year as a percentage.
har_museet_gjort_upp_ett_samlingspolitiskt_program string Indicates if the museum has developed a collection policy program (Yes/No).
har_museet_gjort_upp_ett_samlingspolitiskt_program__float float Indicates if the museum has developed a collection policy program as a percentage.
foremalssamlingar_hela_omfattningen float The total scope of the object collections.
foremalssamlingar_arets_forvarv float The number of new acquisitions to the object collections during the year.
foremalssamlingar_gallringar_ur_museernas_samlingar float The number of deaccessions from the object collections.
foremalssamlingar_hur_manga_objekt_ur_de_foremalssamlingarna_har_katalogiserats_i_det_elektroniskasamlingsforvaltningssystemet float The number of objects from the object collections that have been cataloged in the electronic collection management system.
foremalssamlingar_hur_manga_objekt_ur_de_foremalssamlingarna_har_digitaliserats float The number of objects from the object collections that have been digitized.
foremalssamlingar_det_totala_antalet_digitala_objekt_som_publicerats_pa_natet float The total number of digital objects from the object collections that have been published online.
museets_konstsamlingar_hela_omfattningen float The total scope of the art collections.
museets_konstsamlingar_arets_forvarv float The number of new acquisitions to the art collections during the year.
museets_konstsamlingar_gallringar_ur_museernas_samlingar float The number of deaccessions from the art collections.
museets_konstsamlingar_hur_manga_objekt_ur_konstsamlingarna_har_katalogiserats_i_det_elektroniskasamlingsforvaltningssystemet float The number of objects from the art collections that have been cataloged in the electronic collection management system.
museets_konstsamlingar_hur_manga_objekt_ur_konstsamlingarna_har_digitaliserats float The number of objects from the art collections that have been digitized.
museets_konstsamlingar_det_totala_antalet_digitala_objekt_som_publicerats_pa_natet float The total number of digital objects from the art collections that have been published online.
offentliga_konstsamlingar_hela_omfattningen float The total scope of the public art collections.
offentliga_konstsamlingar_arets_forvarv float The number of new acquisitions to the public art collections during the year.
offentliga_konstsamlingar_gallringar_ur_museernas_samlingar float The number of deaccessions from the public art collections.
offentliga_konstsamlingar_hur_manga_objekt_ur_konstsamlingarna_har_katalogiserats_i_det_elektroniskasamlingsforvaltningssystemet float The number of objects from the public art collections that have been cataloged in the electronic collection management system.
offentliga_konstsamlingar_hur_manga_objekt_ur_konstsamlingarna_har_digitaliserats float The number of objects from the public art collections that have been digitized.
offentliga_konstsamlingar_det_totala_antalet_digitala_objekt_som_publicerats_pa_natet float The total number of digital objects from the public art collections that have been published online.
naturhistoriska_samlingar_hela_omfattningen float The total scope of the natural history collections.
naturhistoriska_samlingar_arets_forvarv float The number of new acquisitions to the natural history collections during the year.
naturhistoriska_samlingar_gallringar_ur_museernas_samlingar float The number of deaccessions from the natural history collections.
naturhistoriska_samlingar_hur_manga_objekt_ur_de_naturhistoriska_samlingarna_har_katalogiserats_i_detelektroniska_samlingsforvaltningssystemet float The number of objects from the natural history collections that have been cataloged in the electronic collection management system.
naturhistoriska_samlingar_hur_manga_objekt_ur_de_naturhistoriska_samlingarna_har_digitaliserats float The number of objects from the natural history collections that have been digitized.
naturhistoriska_samlingar_det_totala_antalet_digitala_objekt_som_publicerats_pa_natet float The total number of digital objects from the natural history collections that have been published online.
fotografisamlingar_omfattning float The scope of the photography collections.
fotografisamlingar_arets_forvarv float The number of new acquisitions to the photography collections during the year.
fotografisamlingar_gallringar_ur_museernas_samlingar float The number of deaccessions from the photography collections.
fotografisamlingar_hur_manga_objekt_ur_fotografisamlingarna_har_katalogiserats_i_det_elektroniskasamlingsforvaltningssystemet float The number of objects from the photography collections that have been cataloged in the electronic collection management system.
fotografisamlingar_hur_manga_objekt_ur_fotografisamlingarna_har_digitaliserats float The number of objects from the photography collections that have been digitized.
fotografisamlingar_det_totala_antalet_digitala_objekt_som_publicerats_pa_natet float The total number of digital objects from the photography collections that have been published online.
audiovisuellt_material_omfattning float The scope of the audiovisual materials.
audiovisuellt_material_arets_forvarv float The number of new acquisitions of audiovisual materials during the year.
audiovisuellt_material_gallringar_ur_museernas_samlingar float The number of deaccessions from the audiovisual collections.
audiovisuellt_material_hur_manga_objekt_ur_det_audiovisuella_materialet_har_katalogiserats_i_det_elektroniskasamlingsforvaltningssystemet float The number of objects from the audiovisual collections that have been cataloged in the electronic collection management system.
audiovisuellt_material_hur_manga_objekt_ur_det_audiovisuella_materialet_har_digitaliserats float The number of objects from the audiovisual collections that have been digitized.
audiovisuellt_material_det_totala_antalet_digitala_objekt_som_publicerats_pa_natet float The total number of digital objects from the audiovisual collections that have been published online.
det_totala_antalet_objekt_som_museet_lanat_ut float The total number of objects borrowed by the museum.
det_totala_antalet_objekt_som_museet_har_lanat_in float The total number of objects lent to the museum.
fast__heltidsanstalld_personal_angiven_som_arsverken string The total number of full-time equivalent employees.
fast__heltidsanstalld_personal_angiven_som_arsverken__float float The total number of full-time equivalent employees as a decimal value.
fast__heltidsanstalld_personal_angiven_som_arsverken__int int The total number of full-time equivalent employees as an integer value.
fast_heltidsanstalld_personal_med_utbildning_inom_museibranschen_angiven_som_arsverken string The total number of full-time equivalent employees with education in the museum sector.
fast_heltidsanstalld_personal_med_utbildning_inom_museibranschen_angiven_som_arsverken__float float The total number of full-time equivalent employees with education in the museum sector as a decimal value.
fast_heltidsanstalld_personal_med_utbildning_inom_museibranschen_angiven_som_arsverken__int int The total number of full-time equivalent employees with education in the museum sector as an integer value.
faktiska_arsverken_sammanlagt string The total number of actual person-years.
faktiska_arsverken_sammanlagt__float float The total number of actual person-years as a decimal value.
faktiska_arsverken_sammanlagt__int int The total number of actual person-years as an integer value.
finns_det_volontarer_i_museet string Indicates if there are volunteers in the museum (Yes/No).
finns_det_volontarer_i_museet__float float Indicates if there are volunteers in the museum as a percentage.
volontarernas_arbetsinsats_i_timmar_per_ar float The total number of volunteer working hours per year.
loneutgifterna_sammanlagt float The total expenses for salaries.
fastighetsutgifter_samt_rantor_och_avskrivningar_totalt float The total expenses for real estate, interest, and depreciation.
utgifter_for_forvarv_till_samlingarna float The expenses for acquisitions to the collections.
utgifter_for_utstallningsverksamhet float The expenses for exhibition activities.
utgifter_for_marknadsforing_och_kommunikation float The expenses for marketing and communication.
ovriga_utgifter float The other expenses.
ovriga_utgifter_totalt float The total amount of other expenses.
utgifter_totalt float The total expenses.
statsandel_museilagen_3142019 float The government grant according to the Museum Act 314/2019.
statsunderstod float The government subsidies provided.
kommunala_bidrag_galler_inte_kommunala_museer float The municipal grants (not applicable for municipal museums).
ovriga_verksamhetsunderstod float The other operational grants.
ovriga_projektunderstod float The other project grants.
eu_stod_och__bidrag float The EU grants and contributions.
sponsorunderstod float The support received from sponsors.
intakter_fran_intradesavgifter float The revenue from admission fees.
intakter_fran_tjanster_och_forsaljning float The revenue from services and sales.
ovriga_egna_intakter float The other own revenues.
egna_intakter_totalt float The total own revenues.
intakter_totalt float The total revenues.

Version History of All Respondents' Questions from the 'Museovirasto' Website in Finland

Column Type Comment
_start_date date The start date indicating the validity period of the row version.
_end_date date The end date indicating the validity period of the row version.
_row_number long The unique identifier of the row version.
museets_namn string The name of the museum.
kommun string The municipality where the museum is located.
landskap string The region or landscape where the museum is located.
museigrupp string The group that the museum belongs to.
agendeform string The form of the museum's organization or ownership.
betalda_besok_sammanlagt float The total number of paid visits to the museum.
gratisbesok_sammanlagt float The total number of free visits to the museum.
alla_besok_sammanlagt_det_totala_besokarantalet float The total number of visits to the museum, including both paid and free visits.
andelen_besokare_i_daghems___skolelevs__och_studerandegrupper_av_det_totala_antalet_besok float The percentage of visits by daycare, school, and student groups out of the total number of visits.
andelen_besok_av_utlanningar_av_det_totala_antalet_besok float The percentage of visits by foreigners out of the total number of visits.
expertbesok_i_museets_lokaler float The number of expert visits to the museum's premises.
ovriga_besok_i_museets_lokaler float The number of other visits to the museum's premises.
besok_pa_evenemang_som_museet_arrangerar_utanfor_de_egna_lokalerna float The number of visits to events organized by the museum outside its own premises.
besok_pa_tillfalliga_utstallningar_som_museet_arrangerat_utanfor_museets_lokaler float The number of visits to temporary exhibitions organized by the museum outside its own premises.
det_totala_antalet_guidningar float The total number of guided tours conducted by the museum.
antalet_personer_som_deltagit_i_guidningar float The total number of individuals who have participated in guided tours.
antalet_guidningar_for_daghems___skol__och_studentgrupper_av_det_totala_antalet_guidningar float The number of guided tours conducted specifically for daycare, school, and student groups out of the total number of guided tours.
det_totala_antalet_verkstader_som_arrangerats float The total number of workshops organized by the museum.
antalet_personer_som_deltagit_i_verkstader float The total number of individuals who have participated in workshops.
andel_verkstader_arrangerade_for_daghems___skol__och_studerandegrupper_av_det_totala_antalet_verkstader float The percentage of workshops arranged for daycare, school, and student groups out of the total number of workshops.
antalet_ovriga_evenemang_for_allmanheten float The number of other events organized by the museum for the general public.
det_totala_antalet_evenemang_for_allmanheten float The total number of events organized by the museum for the general public.
sociala_medier_facebook float The presence of the museum on Facebook.
sociala_medier_twitter float The presence of the museum on Twitter.
sociala_medier_instagram float The presence of the museum on Instagram.
sociala_medier_youtube float The presence of the museum on YouTube.
sociala_medier_ovriga_kanaler float The presence of the museum on other social media channels.
det_totala_antalet_guidningar_forverkligade_pa_webben float The total number of guided tours realized on the web.
det_totala_antalet_verkstader_forverkligade_pa_webben float The total number of workshops realized on the web.
antalet_ovriga_evenemang_ordnade_pa_webben float The number of other events organized on the web.
det_totala_antalet_evenemang_pa_webben float The total number of events organized on the web.
antalet_webbutstallningar_och_andra_producerade_innehallshelheter float The number of online exhibitions and other produced content.
museets_mobiltjanster float The mobile services provided by the museum.
har_alla_besokare_fritt_intrade_till_museet string Indicates if all visitors have free admission to the museum.
har_alla_besokare_fritt_intrade_till_museet__float float Indicates if all visitors have free admission to the museum (as a float value).
har_museet_fritt_intrade_for_besokare_under_18_ar string Indicates if the museum offers free admission to visitors under 18 years of age.
har_museet_fritt_intrade_for_besokare_under_18_ar__float float Indicates if the museum offers free admission to visitors under 18 years of age (as a float value).
intradesavgiften_for_den_permanenta_utstallningen__vuxna float The admission fee for adults to the permanent exhibition.
intradesavgift_for_tillfalliga_utstallningar__vuxna float The admission fee for adults to temporary exhibitions.
intradesavgiften_for_den_permanenta_utstallningen__barn float The admission fee for children to the permanent exhibition.
intradesavgift_for_tillfalliga_utstallningar__barn float The admission fee for children to temporary exhibitions.
om_museet_har_en_intradesavgift__har_museets_huvudenhet_gratis_intrade_vissa_dagar_pa_aret string Indicates if the museum's main unit offers free admission on certain days of the year if there is an admission fee.
om_museet_har_en_intradesavgift__har_museets_huvudenhet_gratis_intrade_vissa_dagar_pa_aret__float float Indicates if the museum's main unit offers free admission on certain days of the year if there is an admission fee (as a float value).
ifall_svaret_ar_ja__hur_manga_dagar_per_ar float If the answer is 'yes', indicates how many days per year the museum offers free admission.
ifall_svaret_ar_ja__hur_manga_timmar_per_ar float If the answer is 'yes', indicates how many hours per year the museum offers free admission.
huvudenhetens_oppettider string The opening hours of the museum's main unit.
huvudenhetens_oppettider__float float The opening hours of the museum's main unit (as a float value).
tillfalliga_utstallningar_egen_produktion float The number of temporary exhibitions produced by the museum.
tillfalliga_utstallningar_samarbetsutstallningar float The number of temporary exhibitions organized in collaboration with other institutions.
tillfalliga_utstallningar_utstallningar_som_producerats_av_andra float The number of temporary exhibitions produced by other institutions.
totalt_antal_tillfalliga_utstallningar float The total number of temporary exhibitions.
antalet_konstutstallningar_av_museets_temporara_utstallningar float The number of art exhibitions from the museum's temporary exhibitions.
genomforda_nya_ambulerande_utstallningar float The number of conducted new traveling exhibitions.
utstallningar_producerade_for_utlandet float The number of exhibitions produced for foreign countries.
alla_utstallningar_sammanlagt float The total number of exhibitions.
utstallningar_som_museet_producerat_utanfor_museets_egna_lokaler float The number of exhibitions produced by the museum outside its own premises.
bocker_som_museet_publicerat_monografier_och_artikelsamlingar float The number of books published by the museum, including monographs and article collections.
tidskrifter_som_museet_publicerat_bocker_och_tidningar float The number of magazines published by the museum, including books and newspapers.
artiklar_publicerade_under_aret float The number of articles published during the year.
referentgranskade_artiklar_publicerade_under_aret float The number of peer-reviewed articles published during the year.
museernas_arsberattelser_eller_motsvarande_publikationer float The number of annual reports or equivalent publications from the museums.
har_det_gjorts_nutidsdokumentation_i_museet_under_aret string Indicates if contemporary documentation has been conducted in the museum during the year.
har_det_gjorts_nutidsdokumentation_i_museet_under_aret__float float Indicates if contemporary documentation has been conducted in the museum during the year (as a float value).
har_museet_gjort_upp_ett_samlingspolitiskt_program string Indicates if the museum has developed a collection policy program.
har_museet_gjort_upp_ett_samlingspolitiskt_program__float float Indicates if the museum has developed a collection policy program (as a float value).
foremalssamlingar_hela_omfattningen float The total scope of object collections.
foremalssamlingar_arets_forvarv float The acquisitions made to the object collections during the year.
foremalssamlingar_gallringar_ur_museernas_samlingar float The disposals made from the object collections.
foremalssamlingar_hur_manga_objekt_ur_de_foremalssamlingarna_har_katalogiserats_i_det_elektroniskasamlingsforvaltningssystemet float The number of objects from the object collections that have been cataloged in the electronic collection management system.
foremalssamlingar_hur_manga_objekt_ur_de_foremalssamlingarna_har_digitaliserats float The number of objects from the object collections that have been digitized.
foremalssamlingar_det_totala_antalet_digitala_objekt_som_publicerats_pa_natet float The total number of digital objects published online from the object collections.
museets_konstsamlingar_hela_omfattningen float The total scope of art collections.
museets_konstsamlingar_arets_forvarv float The acquisitions made to the art collections during the year.
museets_konstsamlingar_gallringar_ur_museernas_samlingar float The disposals made from the art collections.
museets_konstsamlingar_hur_manga_objekt_ur_konstsamlingarna_har_katalogiserats_i_det_elektroniskasamlingsforvaltningssystemet float The number of objects from the art collections that have been cataloged in the electronic collection management system.
museets_konstsamlingar_hur_manga_objekt_ur_konstsamlingarna_har_digitaliserats float The number of objects from the art collections that have been digitized.
museets_konstsamlingar_det_totala_antalet_digitala_objekt_som_publicerats_pa_natet float The total number of digital objects published online from the art collections.
offentliga_konstsamlingar_hela_omfattningen float The total scope of public art collections.
offentliga_konstsamlingar_arets_forvarv float The acquisitions made to the public art collections during the year.
offentliga_konstsamlingar_gallringar_ur_museernas_samlingar float The disposals made from the public art collections.
offentliga_konstsamlingar_hur_manga_objekt_ur_konstsamlingarna_har_katalogiserats_i_det_elektroniskasamlingsforvaltningssystemet float The number of objects from the public art collections that have been cataloged in the electronic collection management system.
offentliga_konstsamlingar_hur_manga_objekt_ur_konstsamlingarna_har_digitaliserats float The number of objects from the public art collections that have been digitized.
offentliga_konstsamlingar_det_totala_antalet_digitala_objekt_som_publicerats_pa_natet float The total number of digital objects published online from the public art collections.
naturhistoriska_samlingar_hela_omfattningen float The total scope of natural history collections.
naturhistoriska_samlingar_arets_forvarv float The acquisitions made to the natural history collections during the year.
naturhistoriska_samlingar_gallringar_ur_museernas_samlingar float The disposals made from the natural history collections.
naturhistoriska_samlingar_hur_manga_objekt_ur_de_naturhistoriska_samlingarna_har_katalogiserats_i_detelektroniska_samlingsforvaltningssystemet float The number of objects from the natural history collections that have been cataloged in the electronic collection management system.
naturhistoriska_samlingar_hur_manga_objekt_ur_de_naturhistoriska_samlingarna_har_digitaliserats float The number of objects from the natural history collections that have been digitized.
naturhistoriska_samlingar_det_totala_antalet_digitala_objekt_som_publicerats_pa_natet float The total number of digital objects published online from the natural history collections.
fotografisamlingar_omfattning float The scope of the photography collections.
fotografisamlingar_arets_forvarv float The acquisitions made to the photography collections during the year.
fotografisamlingar_gallringar_ur_museernas_samlingar float The disposals made from the photography collections.
fotografisamlingar_hur_manga_objekt_ur_fotografisamlingarna_har_katalogiserats_i_det_elektroniskasamlingsforvaltningssystemet float The number of objects from the photography collections that have been cataloged in the electronic collection management system.
fotografisamlingar_hur_manga_objekt_ur_fotografisamlingarna_har_digitaliserats float The number of objects from the photography collections that have been digitized.
fotografisamlingar_det_totala_antalet_digitala_objekt_som_publicerats_pa_natet float The total number of digital objects published online from the photography collections.
audiovisuellt_material_omfattning float The scope of audiovisual materials.
audiovisuellt_material_arets_forvarv float The acquisitions made to the audiovisual materials during the year.
audiovisuellt_material_gallringar_ur_museernas_samlingar float The disposals made from the audiovisual materials.
audiovisuellt_material_hur_manga_objekt_ur_det_audiovisuella_materialet_har_katalogiserats_i_det_elektroniskasamlingsforvaltningssystemet float The number of objects from the audiovisual materials that have been cataloged in the electronic collection management system.
audiovisuellt_material_hur_manga_objekt_ur_det_audiovisuella_materialet_har_digitaliserats float The number of objects from the audiovisual materials that have been digitized.
audiovisuellt_material_det_totala_antalet_digitala_objekt_som_publicerats_pa_natet float The total number of digital objects published online from the audiovisual materials.
det_totala_antalet_objekt_som_museet_lanat_ut float The total number of objects lent out by the museum.
det_totala_antalet_objekt_som_museet_har_lanat_in float The total number of objects borrowed by the museum.
fast__heltidsanstalld_personal_angiven_som_arsverken string The total number of full-time equivalent personnel.
fast__heltidsanstalld_personal_angiven_som_arsverken__float float The total number of full-time equivalent personnel (as a float value).
fast__heltidsanstalld_personal_angiven_som_arsverken__int int The total number of full-time equivalent personnel (as an integer value).
fast_heltidsanstalld_personal_med_utbildning_inom_museibranschen_angiven_som_arsverken string The total number of full-time equivalent personnel with education in the museum sector.
fast_heltidsanstalld_personal_med_utbildning_inom_museibranschen_angiven_som_arsverken__float float The total number of full-time equivalent personnel with education in the museum sector (as a float value).
fast_heltidsanstalld_personal_med_utbildning_inom_museibranschen_angiven_som_arsverken__int int The total number of full-time equivalent personnel with education in the museum sector (as an integer value).
faktiska_arsverken_sammanlagt string The total number of actual work years.
faktiska_arsverken_sammanlagt__float float The total number of actual work years (as a float value).
faktiska_arsverken_sammanlagt__int int The total number of actual work years (as an integer value).
finns_det_volontarer_i_museet string Indicates if there are volunteers in the museum.
finns_det_volontarer_i_museet__float float Indicates if there are volunteers in the museum (as a float value).
volontarernas_arbetsinsats_i_timmar_per_ar float The volunteer work hours per year.
loneutgifterna_sammanlagt float The total personnel expenses.
fastighetsutgifter_samt_rantor_och_avskrivningar_totalt float The total expenses for properties, interests, and depreciations.
utgifter_for_forvarv_till_samlingarna float The expenses for acquisitions to collections.
utgifter_for_utstallningsverksamhet float The expenses for exhibition activities.
utgifter_for_marknadsforing_och_kommunikation float The expenses for marketing and communication.
ovriga_utgifter float Other expenses not covered by the previous categories.
ovriga_utgifter_totalt float The total amount of other expenses.
utgifter_totalt float The total expenses.
statsandel_museilagen_3142019 float The state subsidy according to the museum law (314/2019).
statsunderstod float The state grants.
kommunala_bidrag_galler_inte_kommunala_museer float Indicates if municipal subsidies apply to municipal museums.
ovriga_verksamhetsunderstod float Other operating subsidies.
ovriga_projektunderstod float Other project grants.
eu_stod_och__bidrag float EU support and grants.
sponsorunderstod float Sponsorship grants.
intakter_fran_intradesavgifter float Revenue from admission fees.
intakter_fran_tjanster_och_forsaljning float Revenue from services and sales.
ovriga_egna_intakter float Other own income.
egna_intakter_totalt float The total amount of own income.
intakter_totalt float The total revenue.

Additional Info

Last Updated April 21, 2024
Created April 21, 2024