Producer Prices for Pike in Finland
Producer Prices for Pike EKG by Year in FinlandTSV
This table contains producer prices for Pike EKG data from the Luke website. The data is sourced from Finland (ISO country code FI). It includes information such as the extraction date of the data, row number, code, and label. The data in this table can be utilized in data analytics to analyze trends in producer prices for Pike EKG over time. It can be used to identify price fluctuations, compare prices between different codes or labels, and understand market dynamics for Pike EKG in Finland.
Producer Prices for Pike EKG: History of Yearly Data from Luke in FinlandTSV
This table represents the version history of the base table 'producer prices for pike ekg - dim year'. It contains the extracted rows from the data source 'Luke' which originates from the country Finland (ISO country code 'FI'). The table includes the columns '_start_date' and '_end_date' which indicate the extraction dates of the rows. Additionally, the table has the columns '_row_number', 'code', and 'label' that store relevant information. The data in this table can be utilized for various data analytics tasks, such as monitoring the changes in producer prices over time, analyzing trends in pike production, and comparing the prices of different production years for further insights.
Column Descriptions
Producer Prices for Pike EKG by Year in Finland
Column | Type | Comment |
_extract_date | date | The date when the data was extracted from the source. |
_row_number | long | The sequential number assigned to each row in the table. |
code | int | The unique code assigned to each entry in the table. |
label | int | The descriptive label associated with each entry in the table. |
Producer Prices for Pike EKG: History of Yearly Data from Luke in Finland
Column | Type | Comment |
_start_date | date | The start date of the validity period for the row version. |
_end_date | date | The end date of the validity period for the row version. |
_row_number | long | The sequential number assigned to each row version. |
code | int | The code associated with the row version. |
label | int | The label assigned to the row version. |
Additional Info
Last Updated | May 15, 2024 |
Created | May 15, 2024 |