Important Reptile and Amphibian Sites in Helsinki, Finland
Important Reptile and Amphibian Sites - Value, PolygonTSV
This table contains data about important reptile and amphibian objects with their values. It is sourced from the website of Helsingin kaupunkiympariston toimiala, which originates from Finland (ISO country code: fi). The table includes various columns such as '_extract_date', '_row_number', 'id', 'tunnus', 'luokkatunn', 'luokan_nim', 'nimi', 'kuvaus', 'huom', 'digipvm', 'pvm_editoi', 'pinta_ala', 'kohdetekst', 'arvoluokka', 'arvoluokan', 'metadata', 'geom_geojson', 'geom_geotext', 'geom_type', 'geom_centroid', 'geom_center_x', and 'geom_center_y'. The data in this table can be utilized for various data analytics purposes such as identifying important reptile and amphibian objects in Helsinki, analyzing their values and characteristics, studying their geographical distribution,...
Version History of Important Reptile and Amphibian Objects - Polygon Type (Source: City of Helsinki, Finland)TSV
This table contains the version history of the ltj_avoinarvo_tarkeat_matelija_ja_sammakkoelainkohteetarvo_tarkeat_matelija_ja_sammakkoelainkohteetpolygon table sourced from the website of Helsingin kaupunkiympariston toimiala, which originates from Finland. It includes the following columns: '_start_date', '_end_date', '_row_number', 'id', 'tunnus', 'luokkatunn', 'luokan_nim', 'nimi', 'kuvaus', 'huom', 'digipvm', 'pvm_editoi', 'pinta_ala', 'kohdetekst', 'arvoluokka', 'arvoluokan', 'metadata', 'geom_geojson', 'geom_geotext', 'geom_type', 'geom_centroid', 'geom_center_x', 'geom_center_y', and 'geom'. The '_start_date' column contains the date when each row was extracted, while the '_end_date' column contains the date when a new version of the row was extracted. If the value of the...
Column Descriptions
Important Reptile and Amphibian Sites - Value, Polygon
Column | Type | Comment |
_extract_date | date | unknown |
_row_number | long | unknown |
id | int | unknown |
tunnus | string | unknown |
luokkatunn | string | unknown |
luokan_nim | string | unknown |
nimi | string | unknown |
kuvaus | string | unknown |
huom | string | unknown |
digipvm | string | unknown |
pvm_editoi | string | unknown |
pinta_ala | float | unknown |
kohdetekst | string | unknown |
arvoluokka | string | unknown |
arvoluokan | string | unknown |
metadata | string | unknown |
geom_geojson | string | unknown |
geom_geotext | string | unknown |
geom_type | string | unknown |
geom_centroid | string | unknown |
geom_center_x | double | unknown |
geom_center_y | double | unknown |
geom | binary | unknown |
Version History of Important Reptile and Amphibian Objects - Polygon Type (Source: City of Helsinki, Finland)
Column | Type | Comment |
_start_date | date | This column indicates the start date of the validity period for the row version. |
_end_date | date | This column indicates the end date of the validity period for the row version. |
_row_number | long | This column represents the row number within the table. |
id | int | This column stores a unique identifier for each row. |
tunnus | string | This column holds a specific identification code. |
luokkatunn | string | This column contains a classification code. |
luokan_nim | string | This column contains the name of the class. |
nimi | string | This column stores a name or title. |
kuvaus | string | This column stores a description of the row. |
huom | string | This column contains general remarks or notes. |
digipvm | string | This column stores a digital date for the row. |
pvm_editoi | string | This column stores the date of the last edit made to the row. |
pinta_ala | float | This column stores the surface area value. |
kohdetekst | string | This column holds a target text. |
arvoluokka | string | This column contains a value class. |
arvoluokan | string | This column contains the name of the value class. |
metadata | string | This column stores metadata information. |
geom_geojson | string | This column stores the geometric data in GeoJSON format. |
geom_geotext | string | This column stores the geometric data as plain text. |
geom_type | string | This column indicates the type of geometry. |
geom_centroid | string | This column stores the coordinates of the centroid of the geometry. |
geom_center_x | double | This column stores the x-coordinate of the center of the geometry. |
geom_center_y | double | This column stores the y-coordinate of the center of the geometry. |
geom | binary | This column stores the geometric data. |
Additional Info
Last Updated | September 13, 2024 |
Created | October 21, 2018 |