Helsinki Welfare and Social Assistance Area Data
Social Welfare Support Area in Helsinki, FinlandTSV
The table contains data from 'Helsinki Urban Environment Division' located in Finland. It provides information on social welfare and income support areas. The table includes various columns such as '_extract_date', '_row_number', 'gml_id', 'aluejako', 'kunta', 'nimi', 'nimi_se', 'omistaja', 'toimipiste', 'tunnus', 'geom_geojson', 'geom_geotext', 'geom_type', 'geom_centroid', 'geom_center_x', and 'geom_center_y'. This data can be utilized in data analytics to analyze and visualize the distribution of social welfare and income support areas in Helsinki, Finland. It can help in understanding the geographical patterns and variations of these areas for further research and decision-making.
Version History of Social Assistance Areas in Helsinki, FinlandTSV
This table contains the version history of the rows extracted from the data source 'Helsingin kaupunkiympariston toimiala' in the country 'Finland' (ISO country code: 'fi'). The table represents the base table 'helsote_toimeentulotukialue__sote_toimeentulotukialue', but includes two additional columns: '_start_date' and '_end_date'. The '_start_date' column indicates the date when the row was extracted, while the '_end_date' column represents the date when a new version of the row was extracted. If the value in the '_end_date' column is null, it signifies that the row is the most recent version. The table contains various columns such as 'gml_id', 'aluejako', 'kunta', 'nimi', 'nimi_se', 'omistaja', 'toimipiste', 'tunnus', 'geom_geojson', 'geom_geotext', 'geom_type', 'geom_centroid',...
Column Descriptions
Social Welfare Support Area in Helsinki, Finland
Column | Type | Comment |
_extract_date | date | The date when the data was extracted |
_row_number | long | The unique identifier of each row |
gml_id | string | The Global Markup Language (GML) identifier |
aluejako | string | The division of the area |
kunta | int | The municipality of the location |
nimi | string | The name of the location |
nimi_se | string | The name of the location in Swedish |
omistaja | string | The owner of the location |
toimipiste | int | The branch of operation |
tunnus | int | The unique identifier of the location |
geom_geojson | string | The geometry of the location in GeoJSON format |
geom_geotext | string | The geometry of the location in Geotext format |
geom_type | string | The type of the geometry |
geom_centroid | string | The centroid point of the geometry |
geom_center_x | double | The x-coordinate of the center of the geometry |
geom_center_y | double | The y-coordinate of the center of the geometry |
geom | binary | The geometry of the location |
Version History of Social Assistance Areas in Helsinki, Finland
Column | Type | Comment |
_start_date | date | The start date of the validity period of the row version. |
_end_date | date | The end date of the validity period of the row version. |
_row_number | long | The number of the row version. |
gml_id | string | The ID of the row version in the Geography Markup Language format. |
aluejako | string | The area division associated with the row version. |
kunta | int | The municipality associated with the row version. |
nimi | string | The name of the row version. |
nimi_se | string | The name of the row version in Swedish. |
omistaja | string | The owner associated with the row version. |
toimipiste | int | The location associated with the row version. |
tunnus | int | The identifier of the row version. |
geom_geojson | string | The geometry of the row version in GeoJSON format. |
geom_geotext | string | The geometry of the row version in GeoText format. |
geom_type | string | The type of geometry of the row version. |
geom_centroid | string | The centroid point of the geometry of the row version. |
geom_center_x | double | The x-coordinate of the center point of the geometry of the row version. |
geom_center_y | double | The y-coordinate of the center point of the geometry of the row version. |
geom | binary | The geometry of the row version. |
Additional Info
Last Updated | September 13, 2024 |
Created | October 22, 2018 |