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Region Area Division Dataset

This dataset collection contains one or more dataset tables sourced from the website of Helsingin kaupunkiympariston toimiala in Finland.


  • Regional Division PolygonTSV

    This table contains data from the website of the Helsinki urban environment sector in Finland. It provides information about the division of areas, municipalities, and regions in Finland. The table includes various columns such as the extract date, row number, ID, area division, municipality, code, name in Finnish, name in Swedish, data creation date, data modification date, data nomination date, full code, last updated date, data owner, geometry in GeoJSON format, geometry in GeoText format, geometry type, centroid of the geometry, X-coordinate of the centroid, Y-coordinate of the centroid, and the geometry itself. The data in this table can be utilized for various data analytics purposes, such as analyzing the distribution of areas and municipalities, studying the relationship between...

  • Version History of District Division and District PolygonTSV

    This table contains the version history of the 'Piirijako_suupriiripolygon' table, sourced from the website of the Helsinki City Environment Sector in Finland. The table includes information about the start and end dates of each version. It also includes columns such as 'id', 'aluejako', 'kunta', 'tunnus', 'nimi_fi', 'nimi_se', 'yhtluontip', 'yhtmuokkau', 'yhtdatanom', 'kokotunnus', 'paivitetty', 'datanomist', 'geom_geojson', 'geom_geotext', 'geom_type', 'geom_centroid', 'geom_center_x', and 'geom_center_y'. These columns provide various details about the geographic divisions, such as identifying codes, names in Finnish and Swedish, creation and modification information, and geographic data in different formats. The history of the rows in this table can be utilized in data analytics to...

Column Descriptions

Regional Division Polygon

Column Type Comment
_extract_date date Unknown data type.
_row_number long Unknown data type.
id int Unknown data type.
aluejako string Unknown data type.
kunta int Unknown data type.
tunnus int Unknown data type.
nimi_fi string Unknown data type.
nimi_se string Unknown data type.
yhtluontip string Unknown data type.
yhtmuokkau string Unknown data type.
yhtdatanom string Unknown data type.
kokotunnus int Unknown data type.
paivitetty string Unknown data type.
datanomist string Unknown data type.
geom_geojson string Unknown data type.
geom_geotext string Unknown data type.
geom_type string Unknown data type.
geom_centroid string Unknown data type.
geom_center_x double Unknown data type.
geom_center_y double Unknown data type.
geom binary Unknown data type.

Version History of District Division and District Polygon

Column Type Comment
_start_date date This column indicates the start date of the validity period for the row version.
_end_date date This column indicates the end date of the validity period for the row version.
_row_number long This column represents the row number of the version in the table.
id int This column contains the unique identifier for each row.
aluejako string This column stores the information related to area division.
kunta int This column holds the information about the municipality.
tunnus int This column stores a distinct identifier for each row.
nimi_fi string This column contains the name in Finnish language.
nimi_se string This column contains the name in Swedish language.
yhtluontip string This column indicates the creation date of the row.
yhtmuokkau string This column indicates the modification date of the row.
yhtdatanom string This column indicates the date of data anonymization for the row.
kokotunnus int This column stores the composite identifier for the row.
paivitetty string This column indicates the date and time of the row update.
datanomist string This column contains information about the data owner.
geom_geojson string This column stores the geometry data of the row in GeoJSON format.
geom_geotext string This column stores the geometry data of the row in plain text format.
geom_type string This column indicates the type of geometry data stored for the row.
geom_centroid string This column stores the coordinates of the centroid of the geometry.
geom_center_x double This column stores the X-coordinate of the center of the geometry.
geom_center_y double This column stores the Y-coordinate of the center of the geometry.
geom binary This column stores the geometry data of the row.

Additional Info

Last Updated September 13, 2024
Created May 2, 2024