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Geological Survey of Finland Rock Permeability, Water Flow, and Isotopic Analysis Tables

The dataset collection consists of one or more dataset tables sourced from the website of Geologian tutkimuskeskus in Finland.


  • Geochemical Analysis of Sm-Nd IsotopesTSV

    This table contains data from the 'Geological Survey of Finland' website. It includes information about rock samples and their isotopic analysis. The data is sourced from Finland (ISO country code: 'fi'). The table has multiple columns including '_extract_date', '_row_number', 'gml_id', 'objectid', 'sample_anal', 'map_sheet', 'northing', 'easting', 'ykj_north_original', 'ykj_east_original', 'location_mineral', 'rock_type', 'sm_ppm', 'nd_ppm', 'sm147_nd144', 'error_estimate_two_sigma', 'nd143_nd144', 'error_estimate_two_sigma2', 'age_ma', 'epsilon_nd_age', 'model_age_ma', 'domain', 'reference', 'sort', 'model_age_ma_legend', 'age_u_pb_ma', 'age_error', 'comments', 'group_col', 'formation', 'geom_geojson', 'geom_geotext', 'geom_type', 'geom_centroid', 'geom_center_x', 'geom_center_y',...

  • Version History of Geological Survey of Finland - Isotopic Analysis of Sm-Nd for KallioPerä Well DataTSV

    This table contains the version history of the data extracted from the web site of the Geological Survey of Finland (GTK) for the 'Kalliopera_WFSSM_ND_Isotooppianalyysi_SM_ND_Isotooppianalyysi' dataset. It tracks changes in the data over time by storing the start and end dates of each row's version. The data in this table is sourced from the country with the ISO country code 'FI', which corresponds to Finland. The table consists of various columns including '_start_date' and '_end_date', which represent the extraction dates of the row versions. While the individual column descriptions are not provided, this table's data can be used for various data analytics purposes. For example, it can be analyzed to understand the distribution and variation of minerals and rock types, explore the...

Column Descriptions

Geochemical Analysis of Sm-Nd Isotopes

Column Type Comment
_extract_date date The date when the data was extracted.
_row_number long The sequential number of the row.
gml_id string The unique identifier for the GML.
objectid int The unique identifier for the object.
sample_anal string The type of sample analysis.
map_sheet int The map sheet associated with the data.
northing int The northing coordinate.
easting int The easting coordinate.
ykj_north_original int The original ykj north coordinate.
ykj_east_original int The original ykj east coordinate.
location_mineral string The mineral location.
rock_type string The type of rock.
sm_ppm float The concentration of samarium (Sm) in parts per million (ppm).
nd_ppm float The concentration of neodymium (Nd) in parts per million (ppm).
sm147_nd144 int The isotopic ratio of Sm-147 to Nd-144.
error_estimate_two_sigma int The error estimate at a 95% confidence level.
nd143_nd144 int The isotopic ratio of Nd-143 to Nd-144.
error_estimate_two_sigma2 int Another error estimate at a 95% confidence level.
age_ma int The age in millions of years.
epsilon_nd_age int The epsilon value for the Nd age.
model_age_ma int The model age in millions of years.
domain string The domain of the data.
reference string The reference source.
sort string The sorting order of the data.
model_age_ma_legend int The model age in millions of years based on the legend.
age_u_pb_ma int The age in millions of years based on uranium-lead (U-Pb) dating.
age_error int The error value for the age based on U-Pb dating.
comments string Additional comments or notes.
group_col string The grouping column.
formation string The formation associated with the data.
geom_geojson string The geometry in GeoJSON format.
geom_geotext string The geometry in Geotext format.
geom_type string The type of geometry.
geom_centroid string The centroid of the geometry.
geom_center_x double The x-coordinate of the center of the geometry.
geom_center_y double The y-coordinate of the center of the geometry.
geom binary The geometry data.

Version History of Geological Survey of Finland - Isotopic Analysis of Sm-Nd for KallioPerä Well Data

Column Type Comment
_start_date date Start date indicating the validity period of the row version
_end_date date End date indicating the validity period of the row version
_row_number long Numerical identifier for the row
gml_id string Unique identifier in GML format
objectid int Unique identifier for the object
sample_anal string Details related to sample analysis
map_sheet int Map sheet reference
northing int Northing coordinate value
easting int Easting coordinate value
ykj_north_original int Original Ykj North coordinate value
ykj_east_original int Original Ykj East coordinate value
location_mineral string Mineral location details
rock_type string Type of rock
sm_ppm float Parts per million value for samarium
nd_ppm float Parts per million value for neodymium
sm147_nd144 int Ratio of Samarium 147 to Neodymium 144 isotopes
error_estimate_two_sigma int Error estimated with a two sigma value
nd143_nd144 int Ratio of Neodymium 143 to Neodymium 144 isotopes
error_estimate_two_sigma2 int Another error estimate with a two sigma value
age_ma int Age in millions of years
epsilon_nd_age int Epsilon value for neodymium age
model_age_ma int Model age in millions of years
domain string Domain information
reference string Reference information
sort string Sorting information
model_age_ma_legend int Legend information for model age in millions of years
age_u_pb_ma int Uranium-lead age in millions of years
age_error int Error in age estimation
comments string Additional comments or remarks
group_col string Grouping column
formation string Formation information
geom_geojson string Geometry data in GeoJSON format
geom_geotext string Geometry data in Geotext format
geom_type string Type of geometry
geom_centroid string Centroid of the geometry
geom_center_x double X-coordinate of the geometry center
geom_center_y double Y-coordinate of the geometry center
geom binary Geometry data

Additional Info

Last Updated April 22, 2024
Created April 22, 2024