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Location and Mineral Exploration Areas in Finland

The dataset collection consists of one or more tables sourced from the website of Geologian tutkimuskeskus (Geological Survey of Finland) in the country Finland.


  • Expired mineral exploration and mining claim areasTSV

    This table contains data from the 'Geological Survey of Finland' sourced from the website of the organization. The data represents information about exploration permits and mining areas related to the extraction of minerals. The table includes various attributes such as the extraction date, row number, GML ID, object ID, permit number, permit name, permit holder, application date, granted date, expiration date, type of mineral being explored, map sheet, municipality, report and data hyperlinks, report status, shape area, shape length, geometric data in GeoJSON and Geotext formats, geometric type, centroid coordinates, and full geometric representation. The table provides valuable information for conducting data analytics related to the exploration and mining activities in the region. It...

  • Version History of 'Exploration Permit and Mineral Extraction Area' Dataset from Geoscience Australia in FinlandTSV

    This table contains the version history of the 'Rajapinnat GTK Kalliopera WFSRauenneet Valtaus ja Malminetsintä Alueet - Rauenneet Valtaus ja Malminetsintä Alueet' base table sourced from the website of Geologian tutkimuskeskus in Finland. It has additional columns '_start_date' and '_end_date' to track the extraction dates of each row. The table provides historical data on permit information, including permit number, name, holder, application date, granted date, expiration date, exploration minerals, map sheet, municipality, status, and spatial attributes like shape area, length, and centroid. The 'geom' column stores the geometry of the areas of exploration in various formats. The data in this table can be utilized for data analytics by examining the permit trends over time, analyzing...

Column Descriptions

Expired mineral exploration and mining claim areas

Column Type Comment
_extract_date date The date when the data was extracted
_row_number long The unique identifier for each row
gml_id string The GML ID of the object
objectid int The unique identifier of the object
permit_number string The number associated with the permit
permit_name string The name of the permit
permit_holder string The name of the permit holder
application_date timestamp The date when the application was made for the permit
granted_date timestamp The date when the permit was granted
expiration_date timestamp The date when the permit expires
exploration_mineral string The type of mineral for exploration
exploration_mineral_en string The type of mineral for exploration in English
exploration_mineral_fi string The type of mineral for exploration in Finnish
map_sheet_20 int The map sheet containing the area
municipality string The municipality where the permit is located
report_hyperlink string The hyperlink to the report
data_hyperlink string The hyperlink to the data
report_status string The status of the report
shape_area int The area of the shape
shape_len int The length of the shape
geom_geojson string The geometry of the object in GeoJSON format
geom_geotext string The geometry of the object in GEOTEXT format
geom_type string The type of geometry
geom_centroid string The centroid of the geometry
geom_center_x double The x-coordinate of the center of the geometry
geom_center_y double The y-coordinate of the center of the geometry
geom binary The geometry of the object

Version History of 'Exploration Permit and Mineral Extraction Area' Dataset from Geoscience Australia in Finland

Column Type Comment
_start_date date The start date of the validity period of the row version in the table.
_end_date date The end date of the validity period of the row version in the table.
_row_number long The number of the row version in the table.
gml_id string The GML (Geography Markup Language) ID of the row version.
objectid int The unique identifier of the row version.
permit_number string The number assigned to the permit.
permit_name string The name assigned to the permit.
permit_holder string The entity or individual holding the permit.
application_date timestamp The date when the permit application was submitted.
granted_date timestamp The date when the permit was granted.
expiration_date timestamp The date when the permit expires.
exploration_mineral string The mineral being explored for.
exploration_mineral_en string The English translation of the mineral being explored for.
exploration_mineral_fi string The Finnish translation of the mineral being explored for.
map_sheet_20 int The map sheet associated with the permit.
municipality string The municipality where the permit is located.
report_hyperlink string The hyperlink to the report associated with the permit.
data_hyperlink string The hyperlink to the data associated with the permit.
report_status string The status of the report associated with the permit.
shape_area int The area of the shape associated with the permit.
shape_len int The length of the shape associated with the permit.
geom_geojson string The geometry of the permit in GeoJSON format.
geom_geotext string The geometry of the permit in Geotext format.
geom_type string The type of geometry associated with the permit.
geom_centroid string The centroid coordinates of the geometry associated with the permit.
geom_center_x double The X coordinate of the center of the geometry associated with the permit.
geom_center_y double The Y coordinate of the center of the geometry associated with the permit.
geom binary The geometry associated with the permit.

Additional Info

Last Updated April 22, 2024
Created April 22, 2024