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Geological Survey of Finland - Alkaline Rocks Data Collection

The dataset collection consists of one or more dataset tables sourced from the website of Geologian tutkimuskeskus (Geological Survey of Finland) in Finland.


  • Geological Survey of Finland - Alkaline Rock Potential for Peralkaline Rare Earth Element Deposits in FinlandTSV

    This table contains data sourced from the website of 'Geological Survey of Finland' (Geologian tutkimuskeskus). It provides information about alkaline rock formations and associated rare earth elements (REE) concentrations. The table consists of various columns including '_extract_date', '_row_number', 'gml_id', 'objectid', 'tracttype', 'tractname', 'number_dep_1_percent_prob', 'number_dep_5_percent_prob', 'number_dep_10_percent_prob', 'number_dep_50_percent_prob', 'number_dep_90_percent_prob', 'expected_number_of_dep', 'p_estim_10_percent_prob', 'p_estim_50_percent_prob', 'p_estim_90_percent_prob', 'p_mean_estimate', 'ree_estim_10_percent_prob', 'ree_estim_50_percent_prob', 'ree_estim_90_percent_prob', 'ree_mean_estimate', 'shape_area', 'shape_len', 'geom_geojson', 'geom_geotext',...

  • Historical Versioning of Alkaline Rock Deposits in FinlandTSV

    This table contains the version history of the 'Geologian tutkimuskeskus' data related to 'rajapinnat_gtk_kalliopera_wfsperalkalinen_ree_p__peralkalinen_reep'. It stores the historical data extracted from the source website for data analytics purposes. Each row in the table represents a specific version of the data, identified by its start and end dates. The '_start_date' column indicates when the data version was extracted, while the '_end_date' column represents the date when a new version of the data was extracted. If the '_end_date' value is null, it means that the row represents the most recent version of the data. Along with the versioning columns, the table includes various attributes such as 'gml_id', 'objectid', 'tracttype', 'tractname', 'number_dep_1_percent_prob',...

Column Descriptions

Geological Survey of Finland - Alkaline Rock Potential for Peralkaline Rare Earth Element Deposits in Finland

Column Type Comment
_extract_date date The date the data was extracted.
_row_number long The row number of each record in the table.
gml_id string The identifier of the GML element.
objectid int The object identifier.
tracttype string The type of tract.
tractname string The name of the tract.
number_dep_1_percent_prob int The number of dependencies with a 1% probability.
number_dep_5_percent_prob int The number of dependencies with a 5% probability.
number_dep_10_percent_prob int The number of dependencies with a 10% probability.
number_dep_50_percent_prob int The number of dependencies with a 50% probability.
number_dep_90_percent_prob int The number of dependencies with a 90% probability.
expected_number_of_dep int The expected number of dependencies.
p_estim_10_percent_prob int The estimated probability of a dependency with a 10% probability.
p_estim_50_percent_prob int The estimated probability of a dependency with a 50% probability.
p_estim_90_percent_prob int The estimated probability of a dependency with a 90% probability.
p_mean_estimate int The mean estimate probability of a dependency.
ree_estim_10_percent_prob int The estimated probability of a ree dependency with a 10% probability.
ree_estim_50_percent_prob int The estimated probability of a ree dependency with a 50% probability.
ree_estim_90_percent_prob int The estimated probability of a ree dependency with a 90% probability.
ree_mean_estimate int The mean estimate probability of a ree dependency.
shape_area int The area of the shape.
shape_len int The length of the shape.
geom_geojson string The geometry of the shape in GeoJSON format.
geom_geotext string The geometry of the shape in Geotext format.
geom_type string The type of geometry for the shape.
geom_centroid string The centroid of the shape.
geom_center_x double The X-coordinate of the center of the shape.
geom_center_y double The Y-coordinate of the center of the shape.
geom binary The geometry of the shape.

Historical Versioning of Alkaline Rock Deposits in Finland

Column Type Comment
_start_date date The start date indicating the validity period of the row version.
_end_date date The end date indicating the validity period of the row version.
_row_number long The row number of the version.
gml_id string The GML identifier.
objectid int The identifier of the object.
tracttype string The type of the tract.
tractname string The name of the tract.
number_dep_1_percent_prob int The number of dependencies with 1 percent probability.
number_dep_5_percent_prob int The number of dependencies with 5 percent probability.
number_dep_10_percent_prob int The number of dependencies with 10 percent probability.
number_dep_50_percent_prob int The number of dependencies with 50 percent probability.
number_dep_90_percent_prob int The number of dependencies with 90 percent probability.
expected_number_of_dep int The expected number of dependencies.
p_estim_10_percent_prob int The estimated probability with 10 percent probability.
p_estim_50_percent_prob int The estimated probability with 50 percent probability.
p_estim_90_percent_prob int The estimated probability with 90 percent probability.
p_mean_estimate int The mean estimate of the probability.
ree_estim_10_percent_prob int The estimated number of reentries with 10 percent probability.
ree_estim_50_percent_prob int The estimated number of reentries with 50 percent probability.
ree_estim_90_percent_prob int The estimated number of reentries with 90 percent probability.
ree_mean_estimate int The mean estimate of the reentry number.
shape_area int The area of the shape.
shape_len int The length of the shape.
geom_geojson string The geometry in GeoJSON format.
geom_geotext string The geometry in Geotext format.
geom_type string The type of the geometry.
geom_centroid string The centroid of the geometry.
geom_center_x double The x-coordinate of the center of the geometry.
geom_center_y double The y-coordinate of the center of the geometry.
geom binary The geometry object.

Additional Info

Last Updated April 22, 2024
Created April 22, 2024