Geological Survey of Finland Rock Database: Metal Occurrences
Geological Survey of Finland - Special Metals HistoryTSV
This table contains the version history of the rows extracted from the 'Geological Survey of Finland' website, which originates from the country 'Finland' (ISO country code 'fi'). It is a historical record of the 'Rajapinnat GTK Kalliopera WFSErikoismetallit Erikoismetallit' base table. The table has additional columns compared to its base table, which include '_start_date' and '_end_date'. The '_start_date' column stores the extraction date of the row, while the '_end_date' column stores the date when a new version of the row was extracted. If the '_end_date' column is null, it indicates that the row is the most recent version. The table provides valuable data for data analytics applications. For instance, it can be used to analyze the occurrence and distribution of different...
Special Metals in Geological Survey of Finland (GTK) Rock DataTSV
This table contains data from 'Geological Survey of Finland' (GTK) on special metals discovered in the country of Finland. The table includes various attributes such as the extraction date, row number, unique identifiers, geographical coordinates, commodity details, occurrence type, discovery year, province, deposit type, host and wall rocks, deposit shape, dip angle, date of the last update, measure of commodities, total resources, calculation method and year, UNFC classification, current holder, length and width of the deposit, geological information in geojson and geotext formats, geomorphology type, centroid coordinates, and the complete geometry of the deposit. The data in this table can be utilized for various data analytics purposes, such as: Analyzing the distribution of...
Column Descriptions
Special Metals in Geological Survey of Finland (GTK) Rock Data
Column | Type | Comment |
_extract_date | date | The date on which the data was extracted |
_row_number | long | The row number of the record in the table |
gml_id | string | The GML identifier for the record |
objectid | int | The identifier for the object |
id | int | The unique identifier for the record |
name | string | The name of the record |
easting_euref | int | The easting value in the EUREF coordinate system |
northing_euref | int | The northing value in the EUREF coordinate system |
easting_ykj | int | The easting value in the YKJ coordinate system |
northing_ykj | int | The northing value in the YKJ coordinate system |
commodity | string | The type of commodity |
size_by_commodity | string | The size of the commodity based on its type |
all_main_commodities | string | The list of all the main commodities associated with the record |
other_commodities | string | The list of other commodities associated with the record |
ocurrence_type | string | The type of occurrence |
discovery_year | int | The year of discovery |
province | string | The province where the record is located |
deposit_type | string | The type of deposit |
host_rocks | string | The type of rock hosting the deposit |
wall_rocks | string | The type of wall rock surrounding the deposit |
deposit_shape | string | The shape of the deposit |
dip | int | The dip of the deposit |
date_updated | timestamp | The date when the record was last updated |
commodity_measure_total | string | The total measure of the commodity |
resources_total | string | The total resources associated with the record |
calc_method | string | The calculation method used for determining the resources |
calc_year | int | The year in which the calculation was performed |
unfc_classification | string | The UNFC classification of the resource |
current_holder | string | The current holder of the record |
length_m | int | The length of the record in meters |
width_m | int | The width of the record in meters |
geom_geojson | string | The geometry of the record in GeoJSON format |
geom_geotext | string | The geometry of the record in Geotext format |
geom_type | string | The type of geometry |
geom_centroid | string | The centroid of the geometry |
geom_center_x | double | The X coordinate of the center of the geometry |
geom_center_y | double | The Y coordinate of the center of the geometry |
geom | binary | The geometry of the record |
Geological Survey of Finland - Special Metals History
Column | Type | Comment |
_start_date | date | The start date indicating the validity period of the row version. |
_end_date | date | The end date indicating the validity period of the row version. |
_row_number | long | The row number of the version history. |
gml_id | string | The GML identifier. |
objectid | int | The object identifier. |
id | int | The unique identifier of the row. |
name | string | The name of the row. |
easting_euref | int | The easting coordinate in the EUREF coordinate system. |
northing_euref | int | The northing coordinate in the EUREF coordinate system. |
easting_ykj | int | The easting coordinate in the YKJ coordinate system. |
northing_ykj | int | The northing coordinate in the YKJ coordinate system. |
commodity | string | The commodity of the row. |
size_by_commodity | string | The size of the row based on the commodity. |
all_main_commodities | string | The list of all main commodities. |
other_commodities | string | The list of other commodities. |
ocurrence_type | string | The type of occurrence. |
discovery_year | int | The year of discovery. |
province | string | The province of the row. |
deposit_type | string | The type of deposit. |
host_rocks | string | The host rocks of the deposit. |
wall_rocks | string | The wall rocks of the deposit. |
deposit_shape | string | The shape of the deposit. |
dip | int | The dip of the deposit. |
date_updated | timestamp | The date of the last update. |
commodity_measure_total | string | The total measured commodity. |
resources_total | string | The total resources of the row. |
calc_method | string | The calculation method. |
calc_year | int | The year of calculation. |
unfc_classification | string | The UNFC classification. |
current_holder | string | The current holder of the row. |
length_m | int | The length in meters. |
width_m | int | The width in meters. |
geom_geojson | string | The geometry in GeoJSON format. |
geom_geotext | string | The geometry in GeoText format. |
geom_type | string | The type of geometry. |
geom_centroid | string | The centroid of the geometry. |
geom_center_x | double | The x-coordinate of the center of the geometry. |
geom_center_y | double | The y-coordinate of the center of the geometry. |
geom | binary | The geometry. |
Additional Info
Last Updated | April 22, 2024 |
Created | April 22, 2024 |