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TK, Tieliikenneonnettomuudet, 2016

TK, Tieliikenneonnettomuudet, 2016


Column Descriptions

Tike Onnettomuudet 2016, Paitulitike Onnettomuudet 2016

Column Type Comment
vvonn int Data source did not contain a description for vvonn. Column vvonn has 4749 rows, out of which 0 are empty, making the null percent 0.00. The column is fully populated. This column is filled with a constant value. Minimum value is 2016 and maximum value is
kkonn int Data source did not contain a description for kkonn. Column kkonn has 4749 rows, out of which 0 are empty, making the null percent 0.00. The column is fully populated. Minimum value is 1 and maximum value is 12.
kello string Data source did not contain a description for kello. Column kello has 4749 rows, out of which 0 are empty, making the null percent 0.00. The column is fully populated. Minimum string is 18.00-18.59 and maximum string is 23.00-
vakav int Data source did not contain a description for vakav. Column vakav has 4749 rows, out of which 0 are empty, making the null percent 0.00. The column is fully populated. Minimum value is 1 and maximum value is 3.
onntyyppi int Data source did not contain a description for onntyyppi. Column onntyyppi has 4749 rows, out of which 0 are empty, making the null percent 0.00. The column is fully populated. Minimum value is 0 and maximum value is 9.
lkmhapa int Data source did not contain a description for lkmhapa. Column lkmhapa has 4749 rows, out of which 0 are empty, making the null percent 0.00. The column is fully populated. Minimum value is 0 and maximum value is 9.
lkmlaka int Data source did not contain a description for lkmlaka. Column lkmlaka has 4749 rows, out of which 0 are empty, making the null percent 0.00. The column is fully populated. Minimum value is 0 and maximum value is 3.
lkmjk int Data source did not contain a description for lkmjk. Column lkmjk has 4749 rows, out of which 0 are empty, making the null percent 0.00. The column is fully populated. Minimum value is 0 and maximum value is 4.
lkmpp int Data source did not contain a description for lkmpp. Column lkmpp has 4749 rows, out of which 0 are empty, making the null percent 0.00. The column is fully populated. Minimum value is 0 and maximum value is 2.
lkmmo int Data source did not contain a description for lkmmo. Column lkmmo has 4749 rows, out of which 0 are empty, making the null percent 0.00. The column is fully populated. Minimum value is 0 and maximum value is 4.
lkmmp int Data source did not contain a description for lkmmp. Column lkmmp has 4749 rows, out of which 0 are empty, making the null percent 0.00. The column is fully populated. Minimum value is 0 and maximum value is 3.
lkmmuukulk int Data source did not contain a description for lkmmuukulk. Column lkmmuukulk has 4749 rows, out of which 0 are empty, making the null percent 0.00. The column is fully populated. Minimum value is 0 and maximum value is 2.
x float Data source did not contain a description for x. Column x has 4749 rows, out of which 0 are empty, making the null percent 0.00. The column is fully populated. Minimum value is 91507.54 and maximum value is 703122.62.
y float Data source did not contain a description for y. Column y has 4749 rows, out of which 0 are empty, making the null percent 0.00. The column is fully populated. Minimum value is 6638539.50 and maximum value is 7664132.00.
geom_geojson string Geometry in GeoJSON format.
orig_extractdate string

Additional Info

Last Updated September 2, 2023
Created September 8, 2018