009 -- Depreciation rates by industry
009 -- Depreciation rates by industry -
11 uc -- Income and production by industry, quarterly, 1990 Q 1-2019 Q 1
11 uc -- Income and production by industry, quarterly, 1990 Q 1-2019 Q 1 -
005 -- Use table for imports at basic prices 2010-2015 (TOL 2008/CPA 2008) ES...
005 -- Use table for imports at basic prices 2010-2015 (TOL 2008/CPA 2008) ESA 2010 -
907 -- Labour input and labour input coefficients 2008-2011 (TOL 2008/CPA 2008)
907 -- Labour input and labour input coefficients 2008-2011 (TOL 2008/CPA 2008) -
909 -- Inverse matrix 2008-2011 (TOL 2008/CPA 2008)
909 -- Inverse matrix 2008-2011 (TOL 2008/CPA 2008) -
901 -- Supply table at basic prices 2008-2011 (TOL 2008/CPA 2008)
901 -- Supply table at basic prices 2008-2011 (TOL 2008/CPA 2008) -
001 -- Multi-factor productivity by industry 1976-2017, value added
001 -- Multi-factor productivity by industry 1976-2017, value added -
002 -- Output and employment by major region 2000-2017*, 3 industries, prelim...
002 -- Output and employment by major region 2000-2017*, 3 industries, preliminary -
006 -- Capital and labour compensation by industry 1975-2017
006 -- Capital and labour compensation by industry 1975-2017 -
003 -- Multi-factor productivity by industry 1976-2017, production
003 -- Multi-factor productivity by industry 1976-2017, production -
008 -- Output and employment by region 2000-2016*, 30 industries
008 -- Output and employment by region 2000-2016*, 30 industries -
11 tf -- Trend indicator of output, 1995 M 01-2019 M 01
11 tf -- Trend indicator of output, 1995 M 01-2019 M 01 -
006 -- Output and employment by major region 2000-2016*, 30 industries
006 -- Output and employment by major region 2000-2016*, 30 industries -
002 -- Use table at basic prices 2010-2015 (TOL 2008/CPA 2008) ESA 2010
002 -- Use table at basic prices 2010-2015 (TOL 2008/CPA 2008) ESA 2010 -
009 -- Inverse matrix 2010-2015 (TOL 2008/CPA 2008) ESA 2010
009 -- Inverse matrix 2010-2015 (TOL 2008/CPA 2008) ESA 2010 -
008 -- Nominal rate of return by industry 1975-2017
008 -- Nominal rate of return by industry 1975-2017 -
007 -- Capital stocks by industry 1975-2017
007 -- Capital stocks by industry 1975-2017 -
11 tj -- Employment and hours worked quarterly, 1990 Q 1-2018 Q 4
11 tj -- Employment and hours worked quarterly, 1990 Q 1-2018 Q 4 -
908 -- Components of price for output 2008-2011 (TOL 2008/CPA 2008)
908 -- Components of price for output 2008-2011 (TOL 2008/CPA 2008) -
004 -- Labour productivity by industry 1976-2017, production
004 -- Labour productivity by industry 1976-2017, production -
014 -- Gross fixed capital formation by region 2000-2016*
014 -- Gross fixed capital formation by region 2000-2016* -
007 -- Labour input and labour input coefficients 2010-2015 (TOL 2008/CPA 200...
007 -- Labour input and labour input coefficients 2010-2015 (TOL 2008/CPA 2008) ESA 2010 -
004 -- Input-output table at basic prices 2010-2015 (TOL 2008/CPA 2008) ESA 2010
004 -- Input-output table at basic prices 2010-2015 (TOL 2008/CPA 2008) ESA 2010 -
010 -- Output and employment by sub-regional unit 2000-2016*, 19 industries
010 -- Output and employment by sub-regional unit 2000-2016*, 19 industries