11 nq -- Building cost index by type of building 2015=100, 2015-2018
11 nq -- Building cost index by type of building 2015=100, 2015-2018 -
11 p 4 -- Index clause sub-indices, 1980-2018
11 p 4 -- Index clause sub-indices, 1980-2018 -
11 nc -- Building Cost Index (2015=100) by input heading, 2015-2018
11 nc -- Building Cost Index (2015=100) by input heading, 2015-2018 -
11 nz -- Building cost index by type of building 1990=100, 1990-2018
11 nz -- Building cost index by type of building 1990=100, 1990-2018 -
11 x 2 -- Building cost index by type of building 2010=100, 2010-2018
11 x 2 -- Building cost index by type of building 2010=100, 2010-2018