11 bv -- Deaths by underlying cause of death (ICD-10, 3-character level), age...
11 bv -- Deaths by underlying cause of death (ICD-10, 3-character level), age and gender, 1998-2017 -
11 by -- Suicides by age and gender, 1921-2017
11 by -- Suicides by age and gender, 1921-2017 -
11 c 1 -- Autopsies and other means to determine cause of death by age of dec...
11 c 1 -- Autopsies and other means to determine cause of death by age of deceased, 1975-2017 -
11 bu -- Deaths by underlying cause of death (86-group short list), age and g...
11 bu -- Deaths by underlying cause of death (86-group short list), age and gender, 2014-2017 -
11 bs -- Deaths by underlying cause of death (54-group short list), age and g...
11 bs -- Deaths by underlying cause of death (54-group short list), age and gender, 1969-2017