Geospatial Dataset Table from Sweden: Detailed Land Cover Analysis

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The table in question forms part of a larger dataset collection, and originates from the website of Lantmäteriet (The Land Survey) in Sweden. The table contains a variety of data, including unique identifiers, specific codes, geographic information, and other details. Unique to this table are two columns that when combined, allow for the unique identification of each row: one column specifies the date of data extraction, and the other indicates the row number in the data extracted on that date.

The geographic data within this table has been converted from a shapefile format, a common format for storing geographic location and attribute information. This format allows for the representation of geographic features as points, lines, or polygons (areas).

The potential applications of this table in data analytics are numerous. For instance, the dataset could be utilized to track changes in geographic features over time, given the unique identifier system that includes the date of data extraction. This would allow for time-series analysis of the data. Additionally, the geographic data could be used in spatial analysis, allowing for the investigation of geographic patterns and relationships. By analyzing the area data, for instance, one could determine how different geographic features are distributed across Sweden.

Field Descriptions

Name Data type Description
_extract_datedateThe date when the data on the row was extracted from the data source.
_row_numberlongThe row number in the data extracted from the source on the extract date. This, combined with _extract_date, uniquely identifies each row.
OBJECTIDlongA unique identifier for each object in the dataset.
IDstringAn identification number for each record in the dataset.
CODE_12stringA code that represents specific information related to the data record.
Area_HadoubleThe area measurements of the data object, measured in hectares.
RemarkstringAny remarks or additional comments regarding the data record.
Shape_LengdoubleThe length of the shape, likely associated with geographical data.
Shape_AreadoubleThe area of the shape, likely associated with geographical data.
geom_geojsonstringThe geometry of the data object represented in GeoJSON format.
geom_geotextstringThe geometry of the data object represented in a text format.
geom_typestringThe type of the geometric representation of the data object.
geom_centroidstringThe centroid of the geometric representation of the data object.
geom_center_xdoubleThe x-coordinate of the center of the geometric representation of the data object.
geom_center_ydoubleThe y-coordinate of the center of the geometric representation of the data object.

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Additional Information

Last updated August 27, 2024
Created August 27, 2024
License No License Provided
Geographic coverage
Geographic granularity
Temporal coverage from
Temporal coverage to
Temporal coverage to
Extract date2024-08-26
Package id8e387fb0-68fc-4896-9114-220b7a625e8e
Revision id59d5c723-2ab3-4977-a790-1c1efdaee8ff