Reef Type and Expected Numbers of Deposits in Geological Survey of Finland's Rock Outcrop Areas

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This table contains geological data sourced from the website of the Geological Survey of Finland (Geologian tutkimuskeskus). It provides information on different types of rock formations and their associated mineral deposits. The table includes various attributes such as the date of extraction, row number, GML ID, and object ID for each record. The tracttype column specifies the type of rock formation, while the tractname column contains the name of the specific tract. The number_dep_X_percent_prob columns provide the number of deposits with a certain probability of occurrence. The expected_number_of_dep column denotes the overall expected number of deposits. For each mineral type (e.g., gold: au, copper: cu, nickel: ni, platinum: pt), there are columns representing different estimation percentiles (10%, 50%, and 90%) as well as the mean estimate. Other attributes include shape area and length, geometrical information (geojson, geotext, type, centroid, center x, center y, and the original geometry). This dataset can be utilized for various data analytics tasks, such as identifying areas with high mineral deposit probabilities, analyzing mineral distribution patterns, and estimating the potential mineral reserves in different regions. The data originates from Finland (ISO country code: FI).

Field Descriptions

Name Data type Description
_extract_datedateDate of the data extraction
_row_numberlongOrder number of the row
gml_idstringGML identifier
objectidintUnique identifier of the object
tracttypestringType of the tract
tractnamestringName of the tract
number_dep_10_percent_probintNumber of dependents with 10% probability
number_dep_50_percent_probintNumber of dependents with 50% probability
number_dep_90_percent_probintNumber of dependents with 90% probability
expected_number_of_depintExpected number of dependents
au_estim_10_percent_probintAU estimate with 10% probability
au_estim_50_percent_probintAU estimate with 50% probability
au_estim_90_percent_probintAU estimate with 90% probability
au_mean_estimateintAU mean estimate
cu_estim_10_percent_probintCU estimate with 10% probability
cu_estim_50_percent_probintCU estimate with 50% probability
cu_estim_90_percent_probintCU estimate with 90% probability
cu_mean_estimateintCU mean estimate
ni_estim_10_percent_probintNI estimate with 10% probability
ni_estim_50_percent_probintNI estimate with 50% probability
ni_estim_90_percent_probintNI estimate with 90% probability
ni_mean_estimateintNI mean estimate
pd_estim_10_percent_probintPD estimate with 10% probability
pd_estim_50_percent_probintPD estimate with 50% probability
pd_estim_90_percent_probintPD estimate with 90% probability
pd_mean_estimateintPD mean estimate
pt_estim_10_percent_probintPT estimate with 10% probability
pt_estim_50_percent_probintPT estimate with 50% probability
pt_estim_90_percent_probintPT estimate with 90% probability
pt_mean_estimateintPT mean estimate
shape_areaintArea of the shape
shape_lenintLength of the shape
geom_geojsonstringGeometry in GeoJSON format
geom_geotextstringGeometry in GeoText format
geom_typestringType of the geometry
geom_centroidstringCentroid of the geometry
geom_center_xdoubleX coordinate of the center of the geometry
geom_center_ydoubleY coordinate of the center of the geometry

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Additional Information

Last updated April 22, 2024
Created April 22, 2024
License No License Provided
Geographic coverage
Geographic granularity
Temporal coverage from
Temporal coverage to
Temporal coverage to
Package idd8c590ce-6a7f-4b3c-b281-3213a69d2d5b
Revision id6cb86c89-38b2-4954-8869-3a503131e67e