Number of enterprises and operational information by NACE classification and ...
Number of enterprises and operational information by NACE classification and size 2012-2014 -
Average monthly earnings of shipping crew 2000-2015 by year, crew category, s...
Average monthly earnings of shipping crew 2000-2015 by year, crew category, sex, variable and industry -
Average monthly earnings of shipping crew 2016-2017 by year, crew category, s...
Average monthly earnings of shipping crew 2016-2017 by year, crew category, sex, variable and industry -
Decomposition on adjusted gender pay gap (GLS-RE) 2000-2016
Decomposition on adjusted gender pay gap (GLS-RE) 2000-2016 -
Adjusted gender pay gap (OLS) 2000-2016
Adjusted gender pay gap (OLS) 2000-2016 -
112 g -- Index of turnover of construction monthly (2015=100), 1995 M 01-2019...
112 g -- Index of turnover of construction monthly (2015=100), 1995 M 01-2019 M 03* -
111 y -- Turnover of service industries monthly (2015=100), 1995 M 01-2019 M 03*
111 y -- Turnover of service industries monthly (2015=100), 1995 M 01-2019 M 03* -
021 -- Households ability to save money and to afford to pay for an unexpecte...
021 -- Households ability to save money and to afford to pay for an unexpected expense in 2005 to 2017 -
111 v -- Turnover of trade semiannually (2015=100), 1995 H 1-2018 H 2
111 v -- Turnover of trade semiannually (2015=100), 1995 H 1-2018 H 2 -
111 z -- Turnover of service industries quarterly (2015=100), 1995 Q 1-2019 Q 1
111 z -- Turnover of service industries quarterly (2015=100), 1995 Q 1-2019 Q 1 -
111 u -- Turnover of trade quarterly (2015=100), 1995 Q 1-2019 Q 1
111 u -- Turnover of trade quarterly (2015=100), 1995 Q 1-2019 Q 1 -
112 d -- Index of turnover in industry quarterly (2015=100), 1995 Q 1-2019 Q 1
112 d -- Index of turnover in industry quarterly (2015=100), 1995 Q 1-2019 Q 1 -
112 j -- Index of turnover of construction annually (2015=100), 1995-2018
112 j -- Index of turnover of construction annually (2015=100), 1995-2018 -
021 -- Households ability to save money and to afford to pay for an unexpecte...
021 -- Households ability to save money and to afford to pay for an unexpected expense in 2005 to 2017 -
901 -- Turnover of construction 2005=100 (TOL 2008)
901 -- Turnover of construction 2005=100 (TOL 2008) -
111 w -- Turnover of trade annually (2015=100), 1995-2018
111 w -- Turnover of trade annually (2015=100), 1995-2018 -
112 c -- Index of turnover in industry monthly (2015=100), 1995 M 01-2019 M 03*
112 c -- Index of turnover in industry monthly (2015=100), 1995 M 01-2019 M 03* -
001 -- Index of turnover in industry 2010=100 (TOL 2008)
001 -- Index of turnover in industry 2010=100 (TOL 2008) -
901 -- Turnover of trade 2005=100 (TOL 2008)
901 -- Turnover of trade 2005=100 (TOL 2008) -
901 -- Index of turnover in industry 2005=100 (TOL 2008)
901 -- Index of turnover in industry 2005=100 (TOL 2008) -
111 t -- Turnover of trade monthly (2015=100), 1995 M 01-2019 M 03*
111 t -- Turnover of trade monthly (2015=100), 1995 M 01-2019 M 03*