006 -- Population by main type of activity, language, occupational status, se...
006 -- Population by main type of activity, language, occupational status, sex, age and year 2000-2017* -
115 m -- Employed labour force by area, industry (TOL 2008), occupational sta...
115 m -- Employed labour force by area, industry (TOL 2008), occupational status, age, sex and year, 2007-2016 -
115 q -- Employed persons by occupation group (Classification of Occupations ...
115 q -- Employed persons by occupation group (Classification of Occupations 2010, levels 1 to 5), sex, occupational status and year, 2010-2016 -
015 -- Employed persons by occupation group (Classification of Occupations 20...
015 -- Employed persons by occupation group (Classification of Occupations 2010, levels 1 to 5),sex, occupational status and year 2010-2016 -
012 -- Employed labour force by area, industry (TOL 2008), occupational statu...
012 -- Employed labour force by area, industry (TOL 2008), occupational status, age, sex and year 2007-2016 -
006 -- Population by main type of activity, language, occupational status, se...
006 -- Population by main type of activity, language, occupational status, sex, age and year 2000-2017*